
Sunday, August 9, 2009

More on Family Tree Maker 2010

There has been a number of discussions on the Internet Message Boards and among several Bloggers about the pending release of Family Tree Maker Version 2010. Randy Seaver just posted another blog on 2010.

Which Family Tree Maker version to use?

I see that Family Tree Maker Version 2010 is now listed at the Store:

We have seen the information at the store, but I might suggest that you click on this link, also found there for some screen shots.

See an overview of all the features in Family Tree Maker 2010

You might want to take a look at these screen shots

Family Tree Maker Screenshots
For the People Work Space, Family View:

Family View

This isn't much different in this screen, BUT, the Navigation has been updated from here. However, I think there is a new feature that is not on that screen. It's an Enhanced nodes option. From my notes, the Enhance View will allow more information on the Family View screen. This screen shot just shows names, but with the Enhanced View, you will be able to have an Image of each person in the view AND birth and death dates.

Media View

Looks familiar, however, this is really where the use of Categories. In the image provided, you can see any Media, in your file, that are not linked to an individual or Source.

Places View

From my notes, in the Left Hand Panel, with the Place Name above and list of people who had an event there, is a field, not on the screen shot, for the GPS coordinates. As I remember, with the GPS information the Push Pin can be moved.


In the People, Person View, Timeline Tab, we have had the capability to view an Individuals Time Line. Currently, we can add Historical Events and Family Events. With 2009, we did not have the capability to Print the Time Line. From my notes again, we have the capability to Print the Publich, Person Report, Time Line.

Web Search

In the Demonstration that I saw, the capability to take information of another website, like a book, hi-light information AND pictures from that online book and merge it into the Family File. The details of this feature went by very quickly, but the information, picture include, that was online was brought into the file on the computer. Don't know about you, but I could have used that many times in the past, and look forward to exploring this feature in the future.


  1. It is unfortunate that in the time line feature you cannot construct your own world events. It would help me greatly if I were able to add events that were relevant to the population of my tree e.g. my Scottish ancestors would benefit from having some key pieces of Scottish history added against which the changing fortunes of the family could be set.

    Of course if anyone knows how to do this please let us know.

  2. John,

    The feature that you want is NOT currently available in Version 2010. I can only suggest that you make your Detailed Requirements known on this website:

    The development team has reported that they DO read these requests.



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