
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Attach Images following Download

In a previous Blog entry

Plan - New File - Download from - Version 2010

The process of downloading a file from a Member Family Tree, you will notice that Source-Citation Images are not included in the download. The Source-Citation information is present as seen in the Source-Citation in the Right Hand Panel, but a 0 in the second column on the People, Person Facts page indicating no Media is present. Clicking on the Media Tab, in the Right Panel will also show no images.

Figure 235

As one who would like the image included in the Media collection for Source-Citations, the following are the steps that will include the Source-Citation image. Figure 234 was from the 1870 Census for Hunterdon County, New Jersey, Delaware Township.

Clicking on this link: will take you to a series of blog entries on how to do a Websearch.

A Web Search is performed on this individual, Hiram Deats was performed, and the 1870 Census Record is Selected.

Figure 236

Clicking on the View Image link, as seen in Figure 236, will bring up the Census Record in the Center, upper portion of the Family Tree Maker screen.

Figure 237

After a review of the image, which would have been looked at before, and is in the Member Family Tree, online, there will be a SAVE button, in the upper right corner of that screen. Looking in the box, you will note the it is, already, in the Member Family Tree.

Clicking on the Save button, will bring up a window asking you where to save the image. In this case,  Save This image to Your computer is selected.

Figure 238

The next window that opens will be asking where do you want to save this image. In this case, it is the Media Folder for Descendants of John Deats (1769-1841), which is the file name listed in the earlier blog.

For my file naming convention, I use a YYYY for Year, Undescore, Fed for Federal Census, Underscore, ST for the State Abbreviation, dash, County, dash, Township, dash, pg for Page Number. In the Figure 239, you will see where that information comes from.

In this case it is:



  1. Thank you for these instructions. This is a very clear, easy to follow set of directions.

  2. Thanks Russ for this blog article. I agree completely with Eileen above - very clear and easy-to-follow; you are blessed with a technical writing talent that not enough writers are fortunate - or dedicated - enough to have!

    My downloaded images are not named nearly so well w/regard to the formal image name at I have been leading with the census year and then adding the town/city and person's name or initials that is the main tree member listed on that sheet. I like yours better for purity but I have so many people from the same areas I would need to open each to see whose name is contained there!

    I've had some difficulty getting the images from Ancestry within FTM2010's interface so I downloaded most of the images directly from Ancestry into a series of folders in the My Pictures directory. In some cases I have to blow the image up quite a bit to decipher the names - I have found a surprising number transcribed incorrectly.

    OK, enough blabbing for me! Thank you again for this and the rest of your blog posts here. Invaluable! You should write a 3rd party FTM manual - best-seller for sure!


  3. Jim - Thank you for your comments. Each of us needs to develop our own naming scheme. I have changed my a number of times over the years, but I do what to have them Sorted in such a way that I can find them. Sorting within Family Tree Maker and outside of Family Tree Maker.

    As for where to save the Media. I actually save the Media / Images twice. Once if a folder under Pictures and the second copy in the Media Folder for Version 2010.

    I thought about the Census filenaming that you used, but I really wanted to quickly determine Federal vs State / Local Census Records. I didn't want to have to remember which years might have been a State Census year.

    Also, I am for spelling out names to get at the many people in the same area issue.

    But, again, I am only offering what has worked for me, so far. I wouldn't even try to go back at what filenaming that didn't work.

    Good luck,



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