
Thursday, January 13, 2011

RE: Creating Source Citations in Family Tree Maker 2011 - Post 3

I have been following Randy Seaver's Blog for a while now. Of late, Randy has been moving is Version 16 Source-Citations, into the Version 2011 Source Templates. In this Blog Entry: He was struggling with how to get this specific record, into the Template. As I also have been cleaning up my Source and Citations in my own file, I thought I would take his example and see how I would approach this record type. I have not run into this type of record (yet), but know that I haven't gotten down to this type of record.

The record is from the online database. It's a Marriage Record that can be found in the Ada County Courthouse in Idaho.

To start, I created a new file in the Plan Workspace, New Tree Tab  and entered the Name, William E. Sebring. Because I wanted to cite where that name came from, I first went into Source Workspace, and clicked on Add (on the right), but wanted to use the Template feature for information from a Blog. Clicking on NEW and when this screen appeared typed BLO (and stopped. The Keyword BLO brought up this screen for the Blog Template.

This brought up the screen for a Blog (not shown here) but after filling in the Blog fields, this is the Source screen that was generated.

This Source is the Specific Blog entry that details the issue that Randy is working on. The Name, in this file came from that Blog entry, AND since the Source was already created, I went to the People Workspace, Person Tab, and selected the Name Fact for William. In the Right Hand (RH) Panel, selected the pull down menu for a New Citation, but selected the Use Existing Citation.

In doing so, this brought up the Source Citation List and selected the Source that was just entered and clicked on the Link To Citation.

When that was completed, the Cursor was placed over (not clicked) on the Source for the name.

 You can see that I had Randy's blog open behind the Family Tree Maker screen, but you can see the Citation for the Name Fact. Since the Blog also had Mable Shown and a Marriage Date of 19 February 1900, that information was entered and a Citation place on the Name and the Shared Marriage Fact.

Just to see where we are at this point, went to the Publish Workspace, Relationship Collection and brought up the Family Group Sheet.

Because we want to find that Marriage Record, switched to the Web Search Workspace and did a Web Search for William E. Sebring. The Lower Left window of the Web Search Screen shows the information in our Data Base, and the first result was the Idaho Marriages, 1842 - 1926, where William and Mable are listed. By selecting that result, the Lower Right panel showed the information that has in that record. Looking between the Left and Right Panel (information in the file, and information online), it looks like a good match.

Just to be sure, the link that is in the Blue was clicked to see a little more about this record. This is the Printer Friendly view of that page.

A couple of things to note, for later, is that 1) there is NO image, and 2) the Source Information is what Randy had in his blog. Just confirming that we were looking at the same record. For this example, we went ahead and did the Web Merge. Verifying each merge screen to make sure what was going to be merged. Please note below that what was entered for the marriage was just the Date. In the Web Merge, the Date AND Place (location) was in the Online Record. So, the bullet item next to Make Alternate was selected, making the Online Record information as the Preferred Marriage Fact.

The completing all of the web merge screen and before the merge is executed, the Summary Screen is presented. Please note, that there is no indication that there will be a Media File, with the merge. We didn't see one online either.

Note the Source citation what is coming from That is just like the earlier screen that was in the Printer Friendly view of the online record. So far so good.

However, this is not in the Template Format. Returning to the Source Workspace, selecting this Source entry and looking at the RH Panel, we see the old Citation.

This is what we want to change from this format to the appropriate template.

Clicking on the Pencil ICON at the top of this panel, will open the Source Screen.

In this case, rather than using the Keyword search, a manual selection will be made to locate the appropriate template.

In this case, we were looking at a Local and State Record - Courts and Governance record. It was a Derivative that was found in and Online Database.

Note the Bottom of that screen about the Database Outline and at the top of the screen referring to the QuickCheck model that can be found in Evidence Explained!.

Making that selection brings up the Edit Source Screen, where the Source Template is filled in, at the time, so completing the Database Title, Webside creator/owner, Website Title, URL, and Year fields are filled in.

Clicking on OK, takes us back to the Source Workspace and the Citation screen, which has taken the information from the old format, and is now in the Template format.

Information from that Printer Friendly screen where the Source talked about "This record can be found ..." was put into the Citation Text, along with "Entry for marragee of William E. Sebring and Mable Shown, 19 February, 1900.

Because I wanted all of the information to appear in the EndNotes, a check mark was put into the Include in ref. note.

Returning to the Family Group Sheet, we now see the Facts that now have that citation, and the new citation.

Returning to the Source workspace and selecting this Citation, the facts will also be listed in the Center Panel.

Copyright © 2010 by H R Worthington


  1. Hi Russ,

    Thanks for the comment on my post. It illustrates my quandary.

    All I knew about the Idaho Marriage Index was that it was a set of vital records. Logically, I should be able to find a template in the "Local and State Records - Registrations, Rolls, and Vital Records" for an online database. I never looked in the "Local and State Records - Courts and Governance" for a template because that wasn't what the record was.

    The templates should be logically created. I've figured out that they were built using the Evidence! Explained QuickCheck models, which did not have one for an online database of vital records, although it should have. Perhaps the second edition of the book has one and can be added to FTM.

    Now I'm not sure how far to go in FTM 2011 converting my sources. I'm wondering how they will look in other programs. I'm going to check them in RM4 and LFT7 now, plus back into FTM16, using GEDCOM. And what happens when they go up into Member Trees or the Familysearch Family Tree?

    I have enough examples now to determine if I should just use free-form citations or continue to create template citations in FTM 2011.

  2. Randy,

    That was a great test. Like you, I struggled a bit. Didn't even open Evidence Explained! The trick for me, and I have seen this before, is to see what was in the Template. As you pointed out, your choice was my first choice, until there was on online data base. That was my clue.

    My second clue, was the Source note that told of WHERE that information came from. That is, the County Courthouse. So, I looked at both.

    Now, the Red Book also gave a clue on page 171-172. And I checked this after your comment. I think the reason that it's not where we thought it might be, is because Vital Records didn't start until 1907, 7 years later. So, I am wondering if this is a Vital Record, or what it at that time.

    I am not an expert in this area, but I am using the 2007 version of Evidence Explained!

    Like you, I am going to see what happens in Roots Magic and Legacy for another project I am working on.

    If you find a different answer, sure would like to hear it.

    Thank you,


  3. Randy,

    I'll let you explain what happens going into Roots Magic 4. I will post my observations on a Blog dealing with GEDCOM issues.

    When you see the End Notes and Bibliography in RM4, check the .GED file.

    Bottom line, for readers, this is a GEDCOM issue and the results are different.


  4. Good Article About Creating Source Citations in Family Tree Make

    Broadly, a citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source (not always the original source). More precisely, a citation is an abbreviated alphanumeric expression (e.g. [Newell84]) embedded in the body of an intellectual work that denotes an entry in the bibliographic references section of the work for the purpose of acknowledging the relevance of the works of others to the topic of discussion at the spot where the citation appears. Generally the combination of both the in-body citation and the bibliographic entry constitutes what is commonly thought of as a citation (whereas bibliographic entries by themselves are not).

    Term Papers


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