
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Family Tree Maker 2012 - TreeSync™


Now you can work on your family tree anywhere with the new TreeSync feature. When you link your desktop and online trees together, you can update either tree and then synchronize those changes into the other tree—manually or automatically. All you need is an Internet connection. Syncing your Family Tree Maker tree and online Ancestry tree has many benefits that no other software can offer:

  • Access and update your tree anytime, anywhere. With an Internet connection, you can continue your research wherever you are whether it’s through Ancestry, your iPhone, or iPad.
  • Share your tree online. Family and friends can view your tree (and even work with you) without any software or an Ancestry subscription.
  • Collaborate with the largest family history community in the world. If you share your tree publicly, you can connect with other members who are researching the same family lines.


  1. I'd like more details about the ability to edit a web-based tree.....

    Please verify that anyone who has been granted access can edit the tree, with attachments being limited to specific formats (e.g., pdf).

    If one of the users who has been granted access also has FTM 2012, does that user have more editing options (e.g., the ability to download information from's databases into the tree)? I'm hoping that this would be the case, as it would allow me to download this info from any computer on which I have FTM 2012 installed.

  2. WJR,

    Sorry, I am not able to give you more information as the program hasn't been released yet.

    But, from what I can tell, the same options that currently exist in your Ancestry Member Tree AMT) will continue to exist with FTM2012.

    Only the Owner of the AMT can do the TreeSync, just like the Owner is the only one who can download the file into FTM2010 or FTM2011 today. The Non-Owner can only Edit, with the owners permission, online in the AMT.

    The ATM owner, with FTM2012, WILL be able to do the TreeSync. In fact, if you have allowed someone to update your AMT, and you then open FTM2012, YOU will know of the chance as you will be advised that the tree needs to by sync'ed, if you have the manual setting, or it will start to sync if you have the Auto Sync feature selected.

    Hope that helps,



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