
Thursday, December 8, 2011

FTM2012 Patch - New Feature - Undocumented Facts

FTM2012 - Version

With the recent patch for FTM2012 there were several new features added. Here is one of them.

As you enter your data into Family Tree Maker, every once in a while you may miss adding a Citation to a Fact. The new Undocumented Fact Report has be added to help identify those Facts without documentation or Citations.

Go to the Publish Workspace, Source Collection and the new report will be there.

Clicking on the Generate or double clicking on the report ICON will bring up a report.

This gives you the Name of the person and the Facts without a Citation or Undocumented Facts. Double clicking on the Name, for this example, Julianna Howard, the Edit Person screen will appear.

The zero's (0) in that first column indicates that there are no citations for those two facts.

A welcomed new feature.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington


  1. I noticed this feature right away. Of all the enhancements in this update, this is probably the most useful for me. I had been using RootsMagic to identify my undocumented sources but I keep my active tree in FTM. So, I had to expeort GEDCOM, import it into RM, run the report, save it, and then go fix my data. With the updated report, not only can I do it on the fly, but I can click the name to go right to the person I need to fix. Also, RM doesn't identify an error if you don't source Name or Sex. FTM does now.

  2. Dave,

    Understood. Many of us have been wanting this feature for a long time. Two of my files are in great shape, my main file, not so much. But now I know what I have to ou,.

    Thank you,



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