
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

FTM2012 - Update via AMT Clean Up

In our continuing Dialog, Genea-Blogger Randy Seaver updated the file that I have as an Ancestry Member Tree (AMT). He did a lot of work, which I certainly appreciate. Thank you Randy.

However, I now have had some observations on that means to me, and my (our) file.

This is probably my own issue, in how I maintain my files in FTM2012, but think that it's important for other users to see and attempt to understand.

I started by returning to the Places Workspace, because the Place Names from Ancestry and the AMT are NOT in the Place Name Authority (format) that FTM2012 wants. For example, AMT had this entry:

Newark Ward 4, Essex, New Jersey, United States

However, Ward 4, should be in the Description Field for Newark. The PNA wants this format:

Newark, Essex, New Jersey, USA

The PNA format is important for me, as it makes the Places in a consistent format, and is important with the Map feature.

One of the clean up activities is to change the first example, into the 2nd example and move the Ward 4 to the Description field for that Fact. I do this clean up activity for the Web Merge feature and not the update from AMT.

This is an easy clean up procedure.

I am also picky about how information is recorded in my file. I want to have recorded in a Fact Entry, the same information that will be seen when looking at a Citation Record and Image. For Example: an 1850 Census Record might show the AGE of a Person and the State where that person was born.

When I reviewed the first person that was updated, I saw this entry, with many citations.

The full birthdate is entered and "probably Newton, Sussex, New Jersey, United States" was listed at the Birth Fact. That IS how the file was imported as a GEDCOM file from Randy (!). But the next Citation is from the 1850 Census. Two things are wrong with that. 1) full birth date, and 2) probably ..... States. That would NOT have been found in that census record. Clicking on the Media tab for that Citation, and locating Charles we see:

Charles was 1 year old, and a little further to the right it said New Jersey. Bottom line, for me, is that this Citation is WRONG. The is a Birth Fact of "Abt 1850, New Jersey, USA. That is where that Citation belongs.

Another Citation with the "probably Newton" was the 1860 Census. What I did for the 1850 and will show the 1860 Census, is to Detach / Unlink that Citation from the "probably Newton" entry, and re-link it to the Abt 1850, New Jersey Entry.

The ICON that is hi-lighted above, that looks like a Chain Link, is the ICON to Unlink this 1860 Census Record from the "probably Newton" birth fact.

That will bring up a "are you sure" window. It Needs to be remembered, so that it can be re-linked to the correct Birth Fact.

What was unique about this record, so what I can pick it up easily, was the iOS Application entry. There are also other details in this entry that will help select it, when it is relinked. Clicking Yes, will Unlink this Citation from this Birth Fact.

The above if the Reference Note for that Citation, so I know what Source and Citation that I just Unlinked.

Now to select the correct Fact, for this Citation. I selected the Birth, Abt 1850, New Jersey, USA and clicked on New, under Source, but select Use Existing Citation, as we know it already exists.

Then it's a matter of selecting that Unlinked Source.

The the Unlinked Citation.

Now that citation is on the correct Fact.

Lesson Learned: When an AMT is updated, online, a review of that data may be required in the FTM2012 file. Then Re-Synced.
Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

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