
Friday, April 6, 2012 Images

From what I understand, has most, if not all, of the images online and have started to complete indexes. I think I saw a Facebook posting that two states were close to being online.

Here is a quick tour of what I just experienced, using to locate a family in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

I started at:

That took me to this page, where I selected, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, and Little Britain. You will notice that the Enumeration District is 36-110.

Selecting ED 36-110, I was taken to the Image Viewer, with the first page (of 30) for that ED. The ED is documented on that top line, and the Left and Right arrows are there. Zooming in and out is under the control of your mouse. I have a wireless mouse with a scroll wheel and the zooming is done with that wheel, dragging the image around works, as well as the controls in the upper right of the image window.

 Hint: IF you want to jump to a specific Page, you can enter that page number in the ## of ## box, to the left of the Left (Previous image) or Right (Next image). For example, you get to the 10 image and want to jump back to the 5th one, just type 5 where the 10 is. That will take you from the 10th image to the 5th image. Ease of Navigation (for me at least).

Two tools are in the upper right. The Save button lets you Save the image to your Computer or put a link to your Ancestry Online Tree. Looks like another feature is been planned here.

The Actions menu has more controls, Printing, Sharing and View source. The SHARE is not available, but the Source is.

As a result of less then 5 minutes, I found the family I was looking for.

I also noticed that the Steve Morse's Unified ED Finder in on the website.


Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington

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