
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Time for a Chart

I haven't done much Charting of my data. But after this past weekend, I want to create one. The chart I want to create is one that will show some ancestors and descendents of my Aunt. My plan is to have this chart done by someone who I met at RootsTech 2012, and the products they displayed were awesome. For this specific project, I want it to be a 'step up' from what I could do, IF I took a PDF file to a local office supply house, there may be some limitations with a PDF file and I would like a little color in the chart to help my "Facebook" generation cousins understand what they are looking at.

Go to the Publish Workspace with the Selected Person from the People Workspace, Person View, of the Mini-Navigation Pedigree chart just above the Publish Workspace. From the Collection, select the Charts menu, and the Hourglass Chart.

The Chart will start to be generated, but you can change your options during this process.

In the Right Hand Panel, I selected 5 generations of Ancestors, and 3 generations of Descendents. I want it Centered on the Page and the siblings of the primate person. This puts my person in context of the family.

Here is what it looks like so far, but not very good.

In the Right Hand Panel, I'll use the Advanced setting (poster) to see what it really looks like across the page(s). It's to squashed together (one page in hieght) and want it to be "taller". There are settings on this screen to make adjustments that you want. There are slider bars horizontally and vertically. Also the settings at the bottom of this screen.

Moving the Horizontal bar to the right, and the Vertical bar up, I have added the 2nd row of "pages" so that it fits within that 2nd page.

Getting better.

So far, it is 36.3 x 20.66 in size.

Now to add some Color and to increase the size of the Chart Title. The "As" or normal Font ICON for Family Tree Maker will provide some option's for the Font Color and Size.

Need some more color, so will check the Box, Border and Lines Options. Just to the Right of the Font settings.

Will make the Male member of the tree in a dark blue outline and a very light blue fill. The females will be pink, with a light pink file.

Will use rounded corners of the person boxes.

Will add the Submitter information and the Date of the Printing, in the Header / Footer ICON>

Why not add some Background to the Chart. there is a pull down men for that, which you can browse through and select what the background will be.

If I had stopped at 4 generations, I might have added pictures, but I don't have pictures of everyone on the chart. If I had a lot of photos, I could add them as well.

I choose a "tree" for the Chart and set it to 60% transparent. The Coloring of the boxes are seen below.

Will go back to the Advanced button to see what it looks like now, and did some tweaking of the settings.

The Chart is done.

I did a File, Export, and created a file to be sent to my vendor.

For this Chart, I am going to use Family Chart Masters

They have multiple ways of taking the data, but the Pre-Created Charts is the option that I will use of this process.

I selected a 42" Wide Chart, 40 lb paper.. They offer other options, for both creation, and delivery, as well as consulting for the tree. There will be a screen so that I can upload my Family Tree Maker file to Family Chart Masters.

I have not used their services before, but what I saw, I liked.

I am looking forward to the results.

________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington

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