
Friday, June 22, 2012

Relationshp Notes

Some times a Picture or two are easier then typing.

In my previous blog post, a comment was made about the Relationship Notes. Were are they.

People Workspace, Family View, on the Marriage Line.

That will bring up the page that contains the Relationship Notes.

 My example does not have any, but it's the second tab.

I am glad that the question was asked, because this shows why, for me at least, the Relationship Notes wouldn't work for me. They work well for the relationship between two people.

One family member has a comment that would be put in the Relationship Notes, as to where the two people met, just as example.


Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington


  1. Hmmm... interesting, but I think I'd need to play around with this a bit or see more of it in action before I felt I truly understood how it worked...

    1. Jay,

      Yes, each of us needs to determine what works for us. I can only share my experience.

      Key, for me, Ease of Input, Can I work with the data, and what does it look like on the Output.

      Good luck,


  2. Thank you for these postes.
    I have been following them (with mixed results); I am trying to learn how to use the companion program "Family Tree Maker for Mac." The two programs are NOT the same, but they do share features. I would have never found this feature without your post, so I thank you again.

    I'm not sure what I will do with these features that you are showing me, but I'm so very glad that you are opening up the options for me.

    Thank you again, Sue

    1. Sue,

      The Notes Report is not yet in FTMM-2. I think the rest of this post should work. If not, please let me know specifically, as I have FTMM-2 and can see what the difference is.

      Thank you,


  3. Russ,I myself just discovered another place to view the relationship notes. When you are in the person workspace go to the relationships button and place your cursor on the spouse line and on the right side you will see the media and notes tab. Any notes you have put in the relationship notes will show up and you can add notes from here.


    1. Ann,

      That should bring up the same screen that I showed above (2nd image). Many ways to get to the same place.

      Thank you,



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