
Monday, June 4, 2012

Research Notes

I read Genea-Blogger Randy Seaver on his GeneaMusings Blog.  Of interest has been his series about Research Notes.

I was not going to post about this series, as this first posting was above my head, especially the reference to the work of Elisabeth Shown Mills. My needs for that level of detail was not that important, great reading, but a little over my head.

I am not been at my home PC, where I have Roots Magic and FTM2012 installed to duplicate Randy's experience.

Part 2 of Randy's Blog Creating Research Notes in RootsMagic 5 - Post 2

Got my attention, because I think Roots Magic 5 and FTM2012 handle "Research Notes" differently. In fact FTM2012 has two places for Research Notes. The People Workspace, Person View, there is a Research Notes ICON, in the Notes Tab on the Left side, bottom on this view. The normal Notes, is where stories are recorded, but there is a Research Note ICON, where you can record generic research notes for that Person.

In addition to that option, we have a Citation Note, for any Fact. I blogged about that here:

In Roots Magic 5, Randy pointed out where his Research Notes go. His example was for a specific fact. If I were to do that in FTM2012, I would record that information in the Fact Notes.

As in my earlier Blog, those notes are available in reports.

I have asked Randy to email me the GEDCOM from Roots Magic 5, so that I can see where those notes appear in FTM2012.

With the current state of the GEDCOM format and with the advanced settings of both programs, it will be very interesting to see where those notes will appear in FTM2012.

I'll post a follow up when I get back to my home PC and/or receive Randy's GEDCOM file.

Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington


  1. That was why I was careful to call the notes "Citation Text" in FTM 2012 - the "Research Notes" field for the individual is similar in format to the General Notes (biography). Neither permits source linkage which is why the "Citation notes" is very useful - the source citations are provided by the program.

    I'll send the GEDCOM!

    1. Randy,

      Thank you. I am not at home right now, so I can't duplicate what you have done, but do want to see how these two programs handle this Topic.

      There are Person Notes, Fact Notes, and Research Notes. I just want to see what happens from RM5 to FTMM-2 (Family Tree Maker for the Mac, 2nd version), which is what I have on my laptop. Then, I'll look at the GEDCOM when I get back home tomorrow.

      Interesting Topic. Thank you for raising the issue.


  2. I think I remember reading or being told that the Notes tab under each Person doesn't print; I have been using this field to enter my personal research notes or strategies or any facts or stories that particular person has shared with me which they don't want made generally published.
    I have been putting notes about specified documents or photos or maps or whatever in the Notes field of the citation text, expecting this to print.
    Am I doing this right?

    1. Jay,

      Not in FTM2012. Earlier versions, some notes items wouldn't print, but not in FTM2012.



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