
Friday, September 21, 2012

FTM2012 (704) - Place Name Hierarchies

Details of the 704 Update can be found here:

 A new feature for FTM2012 is this:

Place Name Hierarchies—Place names can now better accommodate addresses and other place detail (such as cemetery, church, hospital, or historical names, etc.). This new capability also allows places to be displayed as part of their hierarchical structure if desired (this can be turned on or off).
 What does this mean? There will details to be posted in the future. This blog post will just show what it looks like.

Please note, that is appears that all place names are "unresolved". It appears to me, that what this means is that we have the option to put our Place Names into this new Hierarchical format or not.

When we go to the Place Workspace, we will see three new ICONs at the top of the Place Name list. The first ICON is "Show place names as a flat list" This would be the existing format, more or less, or with the new "hierarchy turned off".

My examples will show that I have done some work in putting my existing Place Names into the new format, so that I have examples to share.

Example below..

The next ICON is where ALL nodes are Expanded.

As the pop-out says, ALL nodes will be expanded. I have already put some of my Kansas Place Names into this format. Follow up blog posts will show how that is done.

For example, this is my listing for Places in Kansas.

This shows the Counties and the Place names within the county.

If you were to start in the normal mode, you would scroll down the Place Names and you will see a Right Pointing Arrow. These arrows are at the County Level. Clicking on that Arrow will expand THAT Place (country)

 Here is a partial list from the USA being expanded, meaning to the State Level. Notice the Right pointing arrows again, clicking would then expand that state to the next level.

You can expand ALL place Names in the 2nd ICON, you can expand one country, or one state, as you are working in that area.

To Collapse them all, the 3rd ICON is used.


Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington


  1. Randy,

    That's what I get by not using my editor.

    Thank you,


  2. This looks like a neat new feature for Family Tree Maker. I wonder how long it will be until they provide this update for Family Tree Maker for Mac, which seems to lag behind Family Tree Maker for Windows in its updates. I enjoy reading your posts, because I am a longtime FTM user, but it's frustrating that the Mac version is not as up-to-date as the Windows version.

    1. Elizabeth,

      I am a Mac user as well and understand.

      Did you get that most recent update for FTMM-2? It corrected a number of issues from the past.

      From what I have been reading, work will continue to provide use with more features to help bring FTMM-2 closer to the Windows version.


    2. Russ, Yes I got the most recent update for FTMM2, but its updates/enhancements seem to be behind the Windows version. Hopefully they'll get them more in line going forward. I still discover features about FTM by reading your blog!

    3. Elizabeth,

      The FTMM-2 update, from what I can tell, is on the TreeSync™ issues. But, as I understand it, they are working on features to bring the Mac version closer to FTM2012.

      I do have and use FTMM-2 on my Laptop, so I know of what you speak.

      Thank you for your comments.



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