
Saturday, September 29, 2012

FTM2012 - Change in Burial Fact - Clean Up

I posted:FTM2012 - Parish vs Burials - Clean Up and mentioned that I have changed how I handle Burial Facts. The biggest change is to use the Find-A-Grave cemetery names. This helps get the place naming consistent.

As I am a contributor to the Find-A-Grave website, willing to take photographs of headstones, I have my list of Cemeteries on Find-A-Grave. This is a partial list of my cemeteries. It is a quick list and link to those cemeteries.

It also includes the town, county, state, and county information for that Cemetery. So, IF I am missing a piece of the Place Name in my database, I can pick it up here. I will also do a quick search to see if my person is listed there. If they are, I have some confirmation that my database is right. IF the name is not there, I may have some follow up work to do.

By following this process, I realized that I haven't completely looked that the Find-A-Grave website for other family member. When I do my check for "my person", I will search for the Surname and, in many cases, show me who I missed.

I now have the choice to incorporate that information into my file, or do it later. At the moment, I will do that later. Just looking at about 3 cemeteries, I have located about 5 people who are buried there, that I don't have a Burial Fact for. But, my current task is to get the Place Workspace cleaned up and into the new format.


Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington

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