
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

FTM2012 - Map Feature and Cemeteries

2012 has become a "clean up my file" year. Yes, I am giving myself a year to do this. Afterall, I have been working on this file for about 15 years, through many versions of Family Tree Maker (V3.4 - FTM2012), and all of the new, very helpful new features.

After posting FTM2012 (704) - Map Feature  I wanted to see how to work with this feature.

Up until this most recent patch, I have put the Cemetery Name in the Description field, as I have posted about in the past. With the change in the structure of the Place Name Authority, the Cemetery Name can be put into the Place field.

While I am converting the Cemetery Name AND the ability to See the Cemeteries on the Map, it's time to put the Cemetery onto that push pin.

This cemetery is in the database, in the hierarchical place format. I selected Cemetery in the Pull Down menu on the Left, and clicked on Go. The blue push pins show the town and where the Cemeteries are located. I found the Cemetery push pin and the name appears. By pushing on the Push Pin in the Right Panel, GPS entry, that will bring up the ability to locate that cemetery on the map. Selecting the correct Push Pin (Cemetery) the GPS location will be moved.

Once accepted, the Red Push Pin is the location of this Cemetery.

What a great new feature.

456 more Burial Facts to move.

Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington


  1. Hey Randy - Thought of you when I saw this new feature with the update last weekend. I, too, love the feature; I just wish that the place name didn't just default to the center of the city. But your example shows a good way to make the change more quickly.

    One quick question for you: Is there an easy way to change all facts that have the same place name *and* description, all at once? Or do you have to change each one individually, by hand?

    Like you, I put cemetery names, addresses, church names in the Description field. For families that stayed put, census and city directories all generate Residence facts with the same place name and the address...would love to update them all at once rather than one at a time.


    1. Michael,

      There may be a screen that you might see, that I didn't see when I did this example, which offers you the ability to change ALL. DONT do that. When I saw the screen, it offered to "fix" 400 Facts with the same Place, where I was moving the Description to the Place field. NO WAY did I have 400 facts that had that Description to move, I may have had that location.

      One at a time, is safest, but not the quickest. I am for safe. In reality, I had a couple of cemeteries where I had the cemetery name different, in the Description field. It became obvious when I moved it to the new format.

      I am moving one at a time. I am only working on one FACT at a time.

      For example, I have the Residence Fact, with Enumeration District Information in the Description field. I am not going to move that.

      Haven't gotten to the Church Name issue yet. I think I will move the Church Name, but no other information.

      None of which am I going to hurry through.

      Hope that helps,



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