
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

FTM2012 - Web Search Workspace

A Genea-Blogger friend, Randy Seaver, posted this message today:

Web Searching Using Family Tree Maker 2012

As usual, Randy does a great job of explaining and showing how he uses his genealogy management software. It reminded me, that I should take a little time and show how any why I use the Web Search Workspace for most of my online searching.

In the Left Column are a short list of places, websites, to search from. However, there is a way to add your own websites to search. I will have a follow up post on how to do that. The list above are the list provided with the program;
There are links to:
Later, I'll show how to use the Web Clipping feature to take advantage of these other websites, so that some data can be collected and merged into your file without retyping the information that you might find.

At the top, is the Web Search Workspace button. Just under that is a mini-navigation Pedigree chart, as is seen on many other Workspaces. To the RIGHT of that mini-navigation Pedigree chart is a button that will bring up the Index that you would find on the People Workspace, Family View, on the Left.

That is to allow you to change the Focus Person, right from this Workspace. There is another place in this Workspace to change the person as well. Will explain that later.

In the lower part of the screen are two boxes. The one on the Left, is some basic information about YOUR person in your file. When a "hint" is selected, which it is not in the above screen, similar information will be displayed in the Lower Right. This is a quick view to see if you are looking at the right person, before you proceed further.

In the large part, in the Center, is what basic Search screens, that you would see on the website. Follow up blog posts will provide more details on that part of the screen.

The above screen is where you end up, going from any other workspace, and will focus on the last person that you were looking at in the People Workspace, either the Family or the Person View. Again, it's easy to change the focus person without leaving this workspace.

IF you follow a Shaky leave, you will NOT end up on this screen, but another. I have already posted about that, but will post new ones, as part of this series of Blog Posts.


Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington


  1. I really love this feature and do most of my searching in the Web Search Workspace. The only improvement I could see would be if I could save an image to my computer when I am in Ancestry using the Web Search Workspace.

    1. Eileen,

      You CAN save the image to your computer by using the Web Merge Feature. Remembering that not all records have images.



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