
Friday, September 13, 2013

FTM2014 - Export Branch

One of the New Features in FTM2014, is an easier or improved way to Export a Branch of your family file.

Before I start, this is different from the File, Export feature or that was discussed here:

 This new feature is different. To Quote from the Help menu:

To export a branch

The Family Tree Maker Export function lets you easily export the entire project you are working with in a number of different formats. If you want to export a portion of the project, you can do that by creating a filter to select the individuals you want to include. However, if you want a quick way to export a branch of your tree, you have the option of exporting those people from the Pedigree View.
Note: The branch of a tree includes the selected person's spouse, descendants and their spouses, and all of the person's ancestors and their spouses, descendants, and ancestors, not including the ancestors and descendents of spouses.
  1. From the Generations panel in the People Workspace, right-click the person you want to be at the base of the branch and select Export Branch. The Export Branch wizard opens.
  2. Make sure that the correct person is selected in the list.

    If the person you want as the root of the branch from is not selected, you can use the Name field to search for and locate the correct individual. Export Branch will include only the ancestors of the selected person.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click the Output format you want to export to. You can select from a previous Family Tree Maker format or the GEDCOM format. See Export Branch: File Details.
  5. Type a name for the exported file.
  6. Select the options you want to include in the export file.
  7. Click Next. The export process begins and a status screen opens.
  8. When the export has completed, click Next. The final screen lets you specify what action you want to take with the exported file. See Export Branch: File Action.
  9. Select any actions you want to run when you close the Export Branch wizard. You can select any number or none of the actions to perform.
  10. Click Finish.
Below is that process.

Lets say that you have just come in contact with a "new cousin" and you want to Share the information of that BRANCH to this new cousin. You DON'T want to share everyone in your file, and this new cousin is also using FTM2014.

Since this is a collaboration project with this new cousin, this new feature will show my connection to our common ancestor, Capt John Worthington. The File, Export feature would only go from John Worthington Jr and his descendants.

From the People Workspace TREE View, you select the top person in that branch that you want to share. For my example, I am descended from the Youngest son of John and Sarah Howard Worthington (Capt. John). I select John Worthington Jr, and RIGHT CLICK on his name.

In this case, I note that John Worthington Jr has two wives. Want to make sure that is in the new file. That is what I want to do, Create a NEW file with everyone and all of the information related to the descendants of John Jr.

Selecting Branch, I am asked to Select the Name of the Person who is at the root (top) of that branch. Note, that I can change that choice here.

 I then select Next.

I am now asked a series of Options.
  • Privatize living people (includes only names of living people)
  • Include private facts
  • Include private notes
  • Include media files
    • Include private media
  • Include tasks

I could rename the file here, but I'll leave the default, as it is clear.

I really want some help on this branch. I have done a lot of research but I want the new cousin to help me, so I am provided all that I have. BUT, I do have those options. I have selected everything except the Privatizing of living people. This new cousin is not yet in this branch, but one of the parents is. I really want to get that new information. BUT I have total control over what is shared. AND I don't have to use the Privatize feature in the File Menu. All right here.

The export begins:

And it concludes. Note the "proposed" filename. That's what I want. I'll have a chance to change it later, if I want.

More choices.

Open new branch in Family Tree Maker
Open branch file location
Attach branch file to an email message (with a file size warning)

I am choosing to Open this new file (Branch) when this is done. I click Finish.

Here is where I could change the filename IF I want. I'll leave it as it is. I have my file naming settings, but I'll make the file name as clear as possible for sharing.

The new file is Generated;

And, FTM2014 opens with the new file.

The new file is good, and I verified that both of John Worthington Jr's wives were included as well as 281 Tasks (To Do List) that I am working on.

Perhaps this new cousin will help with that.


Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington


  1. Hi Russ :-)
    Good, you are still active. You have been a great help over the years.

    I tried to export from FTM 2014.1 to Gedcom.
    Works fine, but the Gedcom tags concerning places are reduced to only PLAC.
    What I need are also the corresponding Gedcom tags MAP, LATI, and LONG.
    My questions:
    Are the Gedcom tags MAP, LATI, and LONG inclusive in a Gedcom export from FTM 2017 for windows?

    If yes... would you post a simple one person gedcom file (as it looks in an editor) using the Gedcom tags: PLAC (place), MAP, LATI (latitude), and LONG (longitude)?

    1. Chris,

      That is a GEDCOM Issue. No Fix, and there is NO GEDCOM Standard.



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