
Saturday, November 23, 2013

More on Collaboration

In an earlier blog post, A couple of thoughts about Sharing / Collaborating with others

I talked about sharing and collaboration. My friend and colleague Randy Seaver posted an excellent article on this same topic.

Challenges of a Shared Ancestry Member Tree

 He does an excellent job of presenting the issues that we share, and Dear MYRTLE  did a Hangout On Air, where we discussed this.

As a follow up, I wanted to show why I have chosen to collaborate with Randy using the Comments.

I received this email from that advised me that Randy had posted a Comment.

I have visited the comment and have replied to Randy in the comment, thanking him for what he found, so that I can follow up with the source that he found.

The reason why I have chosen this way to collaborate is that I receive that notification as soon as Randy posts it. It's in the AMT for me to follow up on, and I can do that and maintain the file to meet my standards. For example, many people struggle with the use of the Template feature in FTM2014. I have learned it and use it all of the time. I can take the time to do the research and update as appropriate, citations and all.

It's those other set of eyes that really help. Randy has already pointed out a data entry problem that I had and was able to correct it.

As Randy pointed out, this isn't a perfect solution, but at least it can work and is working for he and I.

Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington

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