
Saturday, December 28, 2013

FTM2014 and AMT - Who saw and did what ?

Just love it when I find questions on Facebook that need to be addressed here. It's a question I never thought to ask or blog about. BUT, it's a good one.
Sometimes I just check on clients names to refresh their surnames when I am looking at databases. I had no idea he can see each time I log into his page. Just wondering if he can see the actually families I am on and how long I am on the actual family page.
Here is what I see, when I share an Ancestry Member Tree (AMT) when someone views the AMT that I invited some one to.

I had invited DearMYRTLE and Genea-Blogger Randy Seaver to this AMT. DearMYTLE's last visit was 21 Nov 2013, and Randy 20 Dec 2013. Randy is an Editor and Myrt is a Guest.

As we have talked about, Myrt and I, those two permissions are different as to what they can and can't see and do. Randy, for example, can see Living People, while Myrt can not. There are other differences and the third category is a Contributor with yet another set of capabilities.

The second part of the question was:
Do you know how long they were on?
Simple answer, no.

But to tie this back to a Video that DearMYRTLE and I did, when Sharing with Randy:

During the Sync Process we are given a SyncLog that shows us what is going to be updated in both the AMT and in FTM2014. Here is an example of changes that Randy and I made to the same Tree and File. I did the changes in FTM2014 while Randy made changes on the AMT.

So, I can see what the changes are BEFORE the Sync is actually started. It was this report that lead to the YouTube Video above.
Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington

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