
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

FTM2014 - Office Hours

Office Hours 

Since I started the  +Cousin Russ Genealogy Community, on Google Plus, I have had an idea of holding, informal "Office Hours", where I would host a Hangout On Air and talk about how to use Family Tree Maker.

A colleague and friend  has Office Hours for Business Hangouts and Business Hangouts On Air.

So what I have been thinking about have these Office Hours is that they would be recorded. They may or may not be a regularly scheduled HOA, like 

My thought was that IF I see someone post a Question about FTM2014 and wants to talk about it, I would set up Office Hours and invite the person asking the question to be on the panel as a JOINer for that discussion. I would then post the link for others to join and will set it up to track comments.I would try to limit these to between 30 minutes and an hour, shorter if possible, but would want to cover THAT specific topic.

The schedule would be based on when the person asking the question would have the time to do it.

I only request that you have a Camera and a Headset, when possible, so that we can Screen Share and to be able to have a conversation. Remember as you join an HOA, you will receive a notice that you understand that it will be recorded and accept that screen.

What are your thoughts on this "Wacky TUESDAY" idea? Trying to get ahead of Wacky Wednesday 101a in the  Community.

I will NOT schedule any such Office Hours that will conflict with the Events in the +DearMyrtle Community, as that is my priority.

Please share your thoughts on this Wacky idea.

I will figure out how to get me the topics that might be of interest to you.

Thank you,
Copyright © 2014 by H R Worthington

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