
Sunday, February 8, 2015

How to put a Citation on an Image - A Thought

There was a question posted in the +Cousin Russ Genealogy Community today:

There were several suggestions that were offered.

I have, as an example, a World War I Draft Registration Card in FTM2014. As I have shared before, I put the Citation for that image, in the description in the Media Workspace for that image. So I have it covered. But when I thought about it, here is what could be done, for saving and citing that image outside of Family Tree Maker.

I use a screen capture program, where I can capture the image and add a caption or citation on that image. I can add it to the Top of the Bottom of the image. So, I just Copied the Citation from FTM2014 and pasted it to the screen capture.

 I used colors to be sure that someone looking at that image what know that the citation is what was added to the image.

One of the suggestions, in the community, was great, where it was suggested that a Word Document be used for the citation. So, I tried it, again Copy / Pasted the Citation into the Word Document, made the page Landscaped and made the top margin very close to the top.

This could then be printed, folded so just the Citation was seen, as illustrated in the community, and inserted into an Archival Sheet, with the original document. Very cleaver I thought.

I thought about that for a minute and took it one step further. Why not put the Image that I did the screen capture into this Word document on the document with the Citation at the top (of the landscape page) for the front side of the archival sheet and put the original behind it. The Cited Image on front, original image facing out so that when you turned the page, you would see the original document.

[ TOP ===================== > ]

This does two things, for me at least, I have the Filename of the Image, the Citation on the front and the Image when I turn the sheet over.

I would file this in a notebook, using my normal, for me, Filenaming convention, both on the Computer and in the physical form. In this case a notebook.

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington


  1. Whenever I click the web search button, always before, it would take me to ancestry. Now it keeps taking me to I did check tools>options to see if there is a way to set the default search engine. Not seeing anything. Is that not an option? This is a new tree, which isn't linked to ancestry.

    1. Ben,

      Two things drive which website you are taken to. You only mentioned 2, I could go to 5.

      Are you just going to the Web Search Workspace OR are you following a Hint?

      I am guessing just going to the Web Search Workspace and not following hints.

      When you go to the Web Search Workspace, Did you look in the Left Panel. I am guessing you have chosen FamilySearch.



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