
Monday, October 2, 2017

FTM2017 - Sources Workspace

A high level view of the Sources Workspace.

This is the first Workspace I go to when entering new information into my file.

Copyright © 2017 by H R Worthington


  1. Phew! I think I finally understand this! I kept watching this video over and over until it sunk in. Just one question though. If you find missing fact links is it easier to add from the source workspace or the people workspace?

    1. Cindy,

      I do most of my work from the People Workspace, Person View. That is where I would add the CITATION. You don't add sources to facts, but Citations.


  2. Hi Russ. I have a different source citation (for example, a 1910 federal census) for each individual in the same family. I have watched your video on source templates and the links associated with each citation. I would like each family member to use the same source citation or one citation linked to all family members showing on that page. How can I merge each individual into one citation?

    1. Bob,

      If you had watched, or read other Census Blog posts, that is how I do the Citations, BY HOUSEHOLD.

      Can't Merge, but you can Copy the Head of Households, 1910 Citations, Using the Copy Source Citation button, just to the Right of NEW, then go to the Household Members, for the Residence Fact for 1910, and use the 4th option, in the "new" menu, Paste Link to Source Citation.


  3. Hi Russ. I have a separate source citation (for example, the 1910 Federal Census) for each member of the same family. I watched your video on Sources Workspace and I would like for each family member to use the same source citation or, in other words, one source citation to link to each family member on that page. How can I merge the multiple identical source citations so to make this happen? Thank you!

    1. Bob,

      I think I just answered this question.


  4. Can someone explain (in detail!) how to CREATE Source templates?

    1. Brenda,

      You can NOT Create a Source Template.

      What exactly are you trying to do? (besides trying to create a source template)

      What are you looking at? (the source)


      Where did you get it from ?


  5. Hi Russ, I've just recently run across this site and it's been very helpful, since I've been neglecting the source workspace like the plague...and I've been using FTM since about 1999! One question, though...I noticed that when I attempted to create my first source, it showed up under "Individual Facts" under the person tab using the field name "Residence". I would prefer the field name be "Census" there any way to change that field name? Thank you! ~ Sandy B.

    1. Sandy,

      You can do what ever you want, BUT, a Census is a Record, or a Source of information. And the Information it provides is where they Resided at that time.

      Thank about this, What if you have another Type of Record, and there are many, that ALSO report What a person Lived or Resided at that time. How are you going to handle that?

      You can look at the Residence fact to know what Census RECORDS you have for that person.

      Just a thought.


  6. I'm working on doing a good job with documentation. The census has always given me fits but your 2017 video is helping. One question: Where do you put in the information as to household members? Do you have a trick that will put the information into a neat, readable form? Thanks

    1. Unknown, (sorry, you didn't sign your name)

      The Web Merge feature will bring that data from Ancestry for each person on that record, for Census Records after 1880, where Relationships are part of the record.


  7. Hi, Thank you for a awesome resource!

    I am currently creating a new sperate tree for a family line, and would like to use sources that I have created in another tree as many of them will be the same and used in the new tree with different citations. Is there a way to export sources (not with citations) to a new tree within Family Tree Maker? I would rather not have to try to recreate them all again...(I am using the most recent version)

    Kind Regards

    1. Sharon,

      Interesting that you are posting your comment on a post about FTM2017.

      The quick answer is No. There is not a way to Export only Source Information.

      A couple of things to think about, based on your comment:

      1) Source Information may change. Specifically in the Record Group (Source Group) Title

      2) Experience you have gained. I have a number of FTM2019 Files that use many of the SAME Source Groups. But with each 'new' use, I have learned how I should have do the Source Group and Citations. I put all of my Source Groups in the Source Template Feature, BUT I have also spent time leaning as much as I can about Evidence Explained. The Source Template may not change between Files, but some of them have changed, as I learned the proper EvidenceExplained format.



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