
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

People Workspace, Customize View FACTS from Person View

I saw a comment today about a feature that I tried a very long time ago, and was reminded as to why I don't use it. But, since I haven't blogged about this feature before, I thought I would do a blog post about it just to show that it is available.

In the People Workspace, Tree View, information about the high lighted person are in the Right Hand Panel and will display the Facts that you want to see in the Tree View.

Your screen may not have these facts, but I link to have the Burial Fact in the Right Hand Panel in the Tree View.

I added it by selecting the Custom View button, lower right corner of the Right Hand Panel.

A Menu will appear:

I selected Burial from the Left Panel, clicked on the Right pointing Arrow, to ADD the Burial Fact to the Right Hand Panel, and clicked OK. The result is:

I change the Facts in the Tree View based on the work that I am doing at the time. I do 99.9% of my data entry from the People Workspace, Person View.

I know that when I want to Add a new Fact, for a profile, I click on the Green Plus at the top  right of the Center Panel of the Person View, where the list of FACT will appear for me to choose from.

Works for me and I know that I can start typing the Fact I want to select, while that window is open. One letter, slowly, at a time. Works for me.

These are my normal features that I use all of the time. But, to the right of that green plus sign is a pull down menu. The FACTS that are in that Pull Down Window are the FACTS that have been selected for the Right Panel of the Tree View.

So, you don't have to start typing, just use that pull down menu. When you click the "More" button (high lighted item in the above screen capture) the menu from the Green Plus will appear.

My experience with this feature is that I don't always get that pull down menu (my fault) and found in easier just to start typing the Fact name. But, it would help remind me as to what Facts are displayed in the Tree View.

So, to add a new Fact, to that pull down menu, you need to go back to the Tree View and use the Customize View to add a Fact to that menu.

Copyright © 2018 by H R Worthington


  1. Can this be done for all ancestors at one time or has to be done individually?

    1. Lillian,

      This is a People, Tree View setting, not per person.


  2. New Question: I am doing Swedish genealogy and also Czech. I have source citations to quote Swedish records and for now have clipped the info and placed in media file. I want to add the citation to facts. Can I do this for everyone at once or have to do it individually?

    1. Lillian,

      The process of Citing any record is the same. You craft the Citation in the Sources Workspace, then link an Image to that Citation, if there is one, then you Link the Citation to any profile that is in that record, and to any Facts that is in that record.

      As I have posted before, I link the First Profile, usually the Name Fact, as documented in that record, then use the Copy Citation ICON (first ICON to the Right of New), then go to the next Fact from that record, use the New Pull Down Menu, and select the bottom option. That will Paste that Citation onto that next fact.

      Yes, once person, one fact at a time.



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