
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reader Question: How to Compare "Trees"

A Question from a reader:
Updating an FTM Tree with updates made to a separate FTM Tree. I started my FTM tree from a GEDCOM file of family member but have not kept the tree up to date. I now want to update my tree with additions my family member made to their tree but do not want to replace my tree since I have added a lot of data. Other than comparing trees person by person and adding the additions manually is there a way to compare the tree and select the items to be added (e.g., merge only the additions).
First, let me clarify something. A TREE is Online a FILE is on our computer.

So, I am guessing that you are asking about Comparing TWO or more Family Tree Maker FILES. So, rephrasing your question:

Is there a way to Compare two FTM FILES in Family Tree Maker (version doesn't matter in this case).

Short answer is NO. BUT

You can have two FILES open at the Same Time, as we have a File, Open in New Window option. Yes, it's all manual.

I just did a project like this myself, and I created both FILES. It took a month to clean up the Merge. I didn't even have to compare the two files, I knew I wanted the two files combined

"Merge only the Additions" would really mean Merge, ONE Profile at a time OR you can create a List in FTM2019 and merge the List from the "other file" into your Master file.

I will be postings how to do that in the future.

From what you have described, I would manually enter the data from the "other file" into my Master File, Citations and all. I am very picky in how I enter my data.

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ


  1. If you are merging files then logically you need to compare the records for individuals. Can you create an option to slow down that process so it is more user interactive allowing the user to compare each record merge as it happens? I would like to have a pause and hold option so I could restart the option later.
    The last merge, that I did, had close to 400 pages of items to act on and no way to stop and save so I could continue later.

    I don't have a dedicated computer with a backup power supply that I can use for merging a family files over the month or so that I should dedicate to the job.

    1. XXXXXXX

      I do a screen capture of each page in the Merge Report. I then create a Fact, marked private, to note which of the three sections of the report that name is in. Then I Review, EACH profile, one at a time, so I can see what was merged.

      Oh, I rarely do a Merge.


  2. I have the same problem as the OP. OK, it's not possible now but it would be really helpful in an update. I'm also not sure about the statement that a tree is online. Surely, an FTM file on a computer includes a tree.

    1. Amp-Qld,

      It is so much clearer to use the word FILE, for the data on your computer in the Family Tree Maker program, and TREE for that data in an Online TREE.

      Have you given feedback to the folks at Family Tree Maker in from the Help Menu or their Website?


  3. I have a close friend that also wishes to merge only the changes between two files worked at on two computers, if possible.

    1. Mark

      Not an easy task.

      I guess you can Export the Profiles that you want to be included in the 2nd File, then Merge, the Exported File, into the file on the 2nd computer.

      My best practice is work on the File, on ONE Computer.

      If you have a linked Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), work on the AMT from the "other" computer, then the next Sync in the 1st computer will update the file on the working computer.



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