
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Reader Question: Chart not complete

A Reader Question:

Descendant Chart 244" w x 24" high - Clips right side of a PDF - cannot save as a bmp, jpg or png image file - only as an EMP. Have Windows 10 & use FTM 2017.

That question needs to go directly to the support folks at Family Tree Maker ( ), and the Support tab. 

Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ

1 comment:

  1. This is not a FTM problem/issue. Other than documenting there are size limitations.

    In general, PDF page size limitations are still 200" x 200" Theory is it could be larger but you have software and computer memory limitations at play too.

    Just google PDF page size limits

    Designers usually design larger items like posters and banners at 50 percent of size (or even 25% or 75% or whatever is needed) and then when sending to actually physically print they use the printer description settings to enlarge the print to the intended full size thus getting around the pdf size limitations.

    I realize this can be hard to do with an FTM chart. Good luck.


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