Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
These are notes from a Family Tree Maker User. With FTM2017 and FTM2019 the blog posts will apply to both the PC and the Mac Versions of the programs. Any differences will be noted
Friday, November 13, 2020
macOS Big Sur Compatibility for Family Tree Maker
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Reader Question - FamilySearch Citations
When I import from a FamilySearch tree the details of attached sources seem to be in the wrong fields - ie every citation belongs to the same source "FamilySearch Family Tree". Is there a workaround to bulk edit attached sources from an imported FamilySearch to make them more useful?
Simple answer and only my Opinion. I do NOT use ANY FamilySearch Source nor Citation Information. [ Period ] I ALWAYS Rewrite ALL Source and Citation Information. I want and move ALL of this Source and Citation information to a Source Template and complete the Citation Detail field.
As you said, "FamilySearch Family Tree" is a Source Group and is populated when you do a Merge of information from FamilySearch.
No Workaround, sorry. I suggest moving that Source and Citation information into the Source Template Feature. I have many blog posts on the blog on how to do that.
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Reader Question - FamilySearch 2.0 - Match vs Merge
How to add a FamilySearch ID to a person without merging from web search. I just want to copy and paste the ID into my tree so I can keep it it in a way the program understands - but without taking a chance of merging something from someone elses tree that I don't want.
Easy question. With FTM2019, FamilySearch 2.0 was implemented, and I have blogged about this before.
The feature that you want IS IN FTM2019, which is the MATCH feature. In the Web Search Workspace, following a FamilySearch HINT, you have TWO option's. Merge or Match. You want Match.
Compare the information in your FILE on the Left, data from FamilySearch on the Right. IF you think they are the SAME person, click on the MATCH option.
That will put the FamilySearch ID on the Profile of the person in your database. NO other information in brought into Family Tree Maker.
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Reader Question about Paste Duplicate vs Paste Link to Citations
A Reader Question about Citations:
When or under what circumstances do you use "Paste Duplicate Source Citation" vs "Paste Link to Source Citation"?
- Add New Source Citation
- Use Existing Source Citation
- Paste Duplicate Source Citation
- Paste Link to Source Citation.
Worthington, Russ, [ ADDRESS FOR PERSONAL USE ], Profile Review; Reviewed 04 September 2019.
A year later, I find that I need to review it again. Usually after a Merge, or I have Conflicting Information. So, I Select the Copy Citation ICON (to the right of New), then use the Paste Duplicate Source Citation option, in the New Menu, then EDIT that new / copy of the Citation and change 04 September 2019 to 16 September 2020, creating a New Citation.
Worthington, Russ, [ ADDRESS FOR PERSONAL USE ], Profile Review; Reviewed 16 September 2020.
Taking this one step further, I have three more Profiles, then can Copy the Citation (ICON to the right of New), with the 16 September 2020 date, so it is in the Family Tree Maker clipboard, then go to the 2nd profile, where I am doing the same thing, adding a "Profile Reviewed" Fact, and Click New, and PASTE Existing Link to the Source Citation. Repeat the Adding of the Fact and the PASTE Existing Link to the Source Citation to the next two Facts for the three profile.
New - want to Create a New Source (Source Group) and Citation
Use and Existing Citation - have a Citation that needs to be added to another Fact, where you Select that Citation
Paste Duplicate Citation - want a Copy of a Citation to be edited, creating a NEW Citation in that same Source Group
Paste Existing Link to the Citation - adding a Link to an existing Citation
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Family Tree Maker - Data Security Article
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Reader Question: Unlinked Media Files
Hi have a question about FTM. On my tree the media tab has 1450 media files but the media file in my FTM media file on my PC has 1500 media files. Do both folders need to be the same? Which folder is correct? How do I make both media folders the same? Will I need to go through them manually to weed out? Thanks John
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Reader Question: Media Sort
I have FT 2017. On an older version the photos in a persons media file could be arranged by the date of the photo. That doesn't work anymore. How can I arrange the photos by date without manually moving each one into position. Thank you.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Reader Question - Citation Formatting Errors
Response to a Reader Question:
I just wrote (and erased) a long screed about the formatting errors I found in using a source template (SSDI) for the first time. Since the workarounds either didn't work or took a lot of extra time, I hesitate to use another template, especially for more complicated citations. Your stats show that you're a confirmed template user. How do you deal with the formatting errors that don't have a workaround, e.g. the disappearing italics in the reference note? Or do you recommend the basic citation format for those of us who'd like to deal only with errors caused by our own input?
I do not find formatting issues when using the Source Template Feature.
I have run a number of the Full Reference Notes onto the EvidenceExplained website. Exact in all cases NO, but really close most of the time.
The trick, for me, is the correct Source Template, based on WHERE I found the information, and the Citation Detail field for the Citation information required.
There are about 179 Source Templates, but in reality, I end up by using 3 or 4 ,because most of the data so far comes from an Online Website.
I do NOT loose italics, they are where they belong.
I always do my Citations immediately on data entry. I have also spent much time, getting some of my very old Citations, into a Source Template format.
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Reader Question: Chart not complete
Descendant Chart 244" w x 24" high - Clips right side of a PDF - cannot save as a bmp, jpg or png image file - only as an EMP. Have Windows 10 & use FTM 2017.
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Reader Question: How to Export from FTB file from MacOS Catalina to PC
Export FTB file from MacOS Catalina to PC
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Reader Question: Duplicate Facts
Is there a way to find duplicate facts on people without having to look at each individual person. As a example, I may have multiple Residence facts that occurred when I merged Census records at different times. I probably have multiple sources as well. If there was such a report, you could then go in to the specific person and delete the duplicates.ANSWER: Short Answer is NO.
But, lets think about your example (Multiple Residence Facts):
I find many records that provide information for the Residence Fact. Mostly from Census Records, but City Directories, Newspaper Articles, Vital Records, Military Records provides us with information about where the person Resided at that specific time. That is NOT multiple residence Facts. They are Alternate Facts.
There are a couple of Census Records and Military Records in this list. I had to decide which is the Preferred Fact. I chose the 1940 Census Entry as preferred, because is got down to the City Level. I could have chosen the most recent entry, but that record provided the County Level.
I do know what you mean about seen a Preferred Fact and an Alternate Fact that have the SAME EXACT information, ALL fields. I suggest that you re-think just deleting the Duplicates. Consider the Merge Duplicate Fact feature. I have blogged about that before.
REASON: When you do a Web Merge, in FTM2019, you may not see all of the ALT Facts for a specific Fact, so you may end up with the Same Alt Fact. BUT, the Alt Fact you didn't see during the Web Merge will have a Citation and the one you did see, during the Web Merge has a Different Citation. Deleting that "duplicate" will also delete the Citation. Using the Merge Duplicate Fact feature, Right Clicking on the Fact Name, will merge the Facts and Citations, both of them (citations).
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Friday, January 10, 2020
Research Log
Of course I have been using it for a long time, since 1996 and Version 3.4 at I recall, and I blog about it, so there must be something about it that makes it different from the others. The biggest reason is the Workspace concept that was introduced in FTM2008, when the program moved from a DOS base program into Windows.
While I have been using the program, I also have been involved with assisting in teaching and learning the Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS). I might note, that I have NO Brick Walls because of GPS. Just look at Step 1.
Today, I was reading a Blog Post, Organize Your Family History by Janine Adams. Her recent blog post My "good enough" Research Log caught my attention. Mostly because, in my talk, I mentioned the Research Log that is part of Family Tree Maker and I used that feature as an example of why I think this program sets it apart from other Genealogy Programs. Please read Janine's Blog Post.
My normal data entry, ALL within the People Workspace, Person View, gives my quick access to two important items. The RESEARCH LOG and my ToDo List for the Profile that I am doing dataentry for. I do NO Data Entry in the Tree View, ALL in the Person View.
When entering new information into my database, for a new person or an existing person is the Citation. Absolutely the FIRST thing that I do. Immediately after that is to Enter data into the Research Log. Absolutely the SECOND thing that I do. Once I got into that habit, I can almost tell that I forgot something. Cite my Source, Research Log, then go from there.
The Citation FIRST gets me into the habit of analyzing the information that I am about to enter into my database. It takes the most time to Craft a Citation (ALWAYS using the Source Template Feature), but I really have to Look at and Analyze what I am about to enter into my file.
From that Source Workspace, I click on the Link or Add a Link to the Profile for that Record I am entering into FTM2019. From there, I click on the Note Tab, which has the Research Log, and make a "good enough" Research Log Entry. Basically the DATA and the Record that was the Citation that I crafted. Most of the time, especially when the Record has more than one Person / Profile on that record. Then I will add the Profile's name. Nothing more, nothing less. I do that so that I can look at the FACTS and the Citations on the Fact to get more detail about what the Research Log is all about.
I can see the Facts that have been entered, with the Research Log below. That first entry in the Research Log was a Revolutionary War record. Looking at the Facts, I can see the Citation on the Right, for that Research Log Entry.
You may note that the Research Log is in a Bullet List, with the Date and Record, in Date Order. The Date or order of entry is not important, but I know WHEN I make that entry and can look at the Citation, with a Link to the Record, right there on the screen.
Note, that my "good enough" Research Log is the Positive stuff that I have done. Mostly from Hints. On that same screen, is the Task Tab or ToDo List for that profile.
The Task List or ToDo list tells me right away, what I need to resolve, things I need to do for that person. In this example, there are TWO Tasks that I have completed. I mark my completed Tasks with "RESOLVED" and how I resolved or completed the Task. I still have two items to complete.
I mentioned that I do ALL of my Data Entry from the Person View, so that I have quick access to My Research Log and ToDo List. Many items in the ToDo List / Task List can only be Resolved by a Record, Conflicting Information for example. I mark, in the ToDo List Conflicting Information.
Bottom line, for the Research Log, I can easily see what I have done, in the order which I did it. I know where to look to see what information I found on that Records, have a mouse click away from that record, all from that screen in Family Tree Maker.
For my "good enough research log" works for me.
Thanks Janine for your Blog Post
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ
Friday, January 3, 2020
Question from a Reader: Print List of Duplicate People
And here is the Reader's Question:
Can you print a copy of the duplicate list of people - this would be most helpful if you can. I have Version 2019The short answer is No, there isn't a way to print a list of Duplicate People.
The good news is that you can SAVE that list after reviewing it, make changes, like indicating that these are NOT duplicate profiles. Saving the list will allow you to pick up where you left off.
I will have to look at my files to see if I have a good example of that and make a blog post.
Thank you for the question and the topic for a future blog post. Before I answered this question I did look at my working files and didn't see any.
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ