
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ancestry Member Trees, Family Tree Maker 2012, and the iPad Ancestry App

My Blogging friend, Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings, posted this earlier in the day.

Ancestry Member Trees, Family Tree Maker 2012, and the iPhone Ancestry App

Randy has an iPhone and I have an iPad2. So, I should be able to duplicate his findings. Since I am working with a file that I created from his file, we have the same basic information. I have been doing additional research, working on his Brick Wall.

I opened the Ancestry AP on my iPad2, located David Auble found the 1850 Census Record and added it to the Ancestry Member Tree (AMT). Sorry, no screen captures for that, but I followed his blog post.

I then opened FTM2012 and verified that I had not included the 1850 Census in FTM2012, which I had not. Before I close the file down, it do a Manual SyncNow. The Sync ICONs on the Plan Workspace, and in the upper right corner of the People Workspace, Person View, indicated the hi-lighted down arrow, indicating that the AMT had an update and that a Sync was needed. Here is the Change Log.

The first thing I noticed, that was new for me, was the Repository (1) indication, where iOS Application was New. The Facts are marked, the Source and Citation was also marked.

I went to the People Workspace, Person view and looked to see if a new, 1850 Residence Fact was there.

As you can see, it is there, along with a 1 in the second column, which indicates that the Citation has a Media file.

To check that out, I went to the Media Workspace and there was a New, 1850 Federal Census Record image there.

I was not able to duplicate the "no show" of the Media File when you did the same set of tasks. It is clear that your People Workspace, Person View, that there is NOT a 1 in the 2nd column on the Residence Workspace.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington


  1. I have a problem with the app on iPhone and IPad. I add new photos on my computer using Family Tree Maker 2012.i then quit and it synchs with the version on Ancestry. When I access the tree from the app, there is an image where the picture should be but it is a bw place hold from FMT. However, I just accessed the web tree on the computer and the images are fine there. So, what could be the problem with the app?

  2. Mike,

    Like FTM2012 and the ATM, the ATM to your APP has to sync. It sounds like your APP hasn't been re-sync-ed.



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