
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

FTM2012 - Practical AP and FTM2012 TreeSync™ test

In our continuing dialog, Randy Seaver posted two Blog posts while he was using the iPhone Ancestry AP. His first blog post was not successful, nor as expected. Ancestry Member Trees, Family Tree Maker 2012, and the iPhone Ancestry App. One of the Family Tree Maker developers, Mr. Duff Wilson, posted a reply, as did I. 

I also posted my experience using the iPad2 Ancestry AP. Ancestry Member Trees, Family Tree Maker 2012, and the iPad Ancestry App

In turn, Randy posted a more recent experience: Ancestry Member Trees, Family Tree Maker 2012, and the iPhone Ancestry App - Post 2

The file that I am using, in FTM2012 is uploaded any is Synced in my Ancestry Member Tree (AMT). Randy is an Editor to that file. So, he made some updates, using his iPhone to the AMT. When I opened FTM2012 I had indications that the AMT had been updated, in the Plan Workspace.

The text and the Down Arrow are my indications that something was updated as well as the three time stamps. I selected the SyncNow button.

Here is a brief summary of what as done.

One new person, 7 people changes, 3 new sources added, 13 citations added. Randy must have been busy.

Clicking on the View Details button:

Provides some additional detail of what happened. This is only the top part, but the next screen will be at the end of this list.

There are the 3 new Sources and the 15 Citations that were added.

Note: the Sync Process is NOT yet complete as the Media files need to be downloaded.

Will check the Media Workspace when the download is complete.

Check mark and In-Sync, with the Media Complete status in the lower left corner of that screen. So the Media files should be in the Media Workspace.

They are. Just to ensure that they are there, I used Windows Explorer, to look at what was in the Media folder associated with this Family File.

Please note the date/time stamp of these files, specifically for the 1850 Census Media file. The bottom one, 1850 United States Federal Census.jpg is the file I downloaded in my earlier post, so the 1850 United States Federal Census-1.jpg file, and the files in between, are the images that Randy had merged in the AMT with his iPhone.

I won't describe how I handle these filenames, as I have done so in the past. But, I want to see what the Sources Workspace looks like, since these Media Files are linked to the Citation.

This is the Sources Workspace, with the Citation with the 1850 Census Image is linked to. By clicking on the Media Tab, the Details of that image are resented and confirmed the Filename of that image.

The Name and Facts are listed on the right. So, to Charles Auble's People Workspace, Person View.

The first column indicates a Citation is there and it has that Media file, the #1 in the second column. With the Media Tab in the Right Hand Panel selected, that same image is presented there.

Thank you Randy for updating this "joint project" with your iPhone. The results were the same as when I updated the same AMT with the iPad2.

Lesson Learned: The mobile APs from Ancestry, with FTM2012 and the new TreeSync™ feature, worked as expected..

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington


  1. I have a problem with the app. After I add photos to the desktop application, it synchs with the online version on Ancestry. But when I access the tree on my iPad or iPhone using the app, while the pictures seem to have uploaded, they are only represented by black and white placeholders. However, when I access the online version from my PC, the pictures are there which leads me to think that there is a problem with the app or the device's ability to handle the jpgs. But other photos are OK from the original synch.
    Any thoughts?

  2. Mike,

    Did you Resync the APP with your Online Tree?


  3. Yes, the placeholders show up ( 2 black and white photos with a Q on top in each). Just pulled in an alternative tree and then the correct one with the same result. Strange that they are rendered correctly on the PC - must be an IOS issue.

  4. Mike,

    What does the Ancestry Member Tree look like?


  5. Sorry Russ, I don't understand the question. It looks like a normal uploaded tree and is synched with thedesktop one. Starnge that the pictures show up fine with the computer but not the app (recently added photos that is).

  6. Mike,

    But, what does that image look like in your Ancestry Member Tree?

    Remember, with FTM2012 and the Ancestry App, you have tree places to see that same information. FTM2012, the APP, and your Ancestry Member Tree. They should ALL look the SAME. IF the APP doesn't show an image, or the image is incomplete, one of two things might have happpen. 1) The FTM2012 to AMT didn't complete, or 2) the AMT to APP didn't sync.

    So, I am suggesting that you look at your Ancestry Member Tree, to see what it looks like,



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