
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

FTM2019 - Ancestry Member Tree Test

As you may have seen, I have been working on, and thinking about the best use of an Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), for myself and others that might visit my AMT.

With the help of DearMYRTLE I ran a test of what a "Contributor" of an AMT can and can not see and do. It was a learning experience and I thank Myrt for her time.

We discovered a couple of thing that didn't work, but several important things that did work. 

Each of the steps described in the previous blog post worked as expected.
  • Living profiles are all marked Private, using the "guessed" 120 year rule, meaning a given birth date and no death date, where the birth date was more than 120 years (used 1920, was viewable, 1922 was private)
  • A visible indication of the "end of line" profile, where there are no parents
  • A visible indication that I have a Photograph of the person in the Profile.
Was the "test" a Pass or Fail ? [ I would usually give The Legal Genealogist answer, but I will refrain ]

My answer,  Yes / No / Maybe. The work done so far turned out the way I had hoped. The limitations observed are out if my control. 

Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ


  1. Russ, I'm confused on your first bullet about the 120 year rule. A 1920 birthday should still be private, based on the 120 year rule...2021-1920=101 years, less than 120 years.

  2. Shelly,

    Born in 1920, plus 120 years, to me is 2020, last year. So, the profile is not Private marked and can view the Profile.

    I added a child born in 1922 and is marked "living" and can't be viewed.

    All as expected.

    Thank you


    1. According to my math, 1920+120= 2040 - so if the person needs to over 120 years old, he/she would not be until 2040.

      Perhaps you meant 100 years, not 120. That is what is stated on here
      "If no death information is provided, people under 100 years old are considered to be living."

      Thank you.

  3. Russ, is there a typo? 1920 + 120 is 2040 + 1 makes 1941. Is the 120 a typo should it be 100?

    1. Priscilla,

      Great. Thanks for catching that.

      The Files Profile

      The child File Notes birth date is now 1902. 1902 + 120 is 2022 so should appear Living. The File Notes birth date is 1900, would be 2020, so should be available an not marked as Living.

      Thanks for that catch.



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