
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

FTM2019 and WikiTree

I have been a WikiTree user for a number of years, as I recall, from it's beginning. BUT I have not been doing much with it. 

After my experience with doing a Match with the FamilySearch website profiles, I have hint's from that website that I can see and use, as appropriate. With WikiTree there are NO Hints. BUT, it a source of documents / sources, that I might use in my own research. 

That is in addition to what documentation I might contributred. I also, as a Profile Manage, have a responsiblity, I think, to update those Profiles I manage. Also, those Profiles I don't manage, there may be documents I have not seen and/or used. 

What I created is a process in which I can SEE, in my Family Tree Maker File, that there is a WikiTree profile, for the FTM2019 Profile. This video explains that process.

Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ


  1. how can create a wiki tree can you give me sume suggestion.

  2. Andy,

    Just head over to WikiTree dot com and they will help you. Great folk over there.

    Good luck


  3. UPDATE: 30 August 2021

    Project almost complete, but well worth the time.

    I have 90 Profiles in my FTM2019 Database. 61 of them, I manage the Profiles on WikiTree. Of those 61 I adopted 23 profiles that did not have someone managing the Profile. Those 23 are in my database.

    I have already seen the benefit of doing this effort, as WikiTree may have information that I don't have. I have seen that already, just haven't done anything with it. I also have information on some of the Adopted Profiles that I need to update on WikiTree.

    Just a different way to do "Cousin Bait"

  4. Thanks for this post. I am trying to emulate your linkage between FTM and WikiTree. My question is "Did you use a source template when you set up that source in FTM, and if so, which template?"

    1. Unknown,


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