Thursday, July 16, 2015

The New Ancestry: July 15th Feature Update

The New Ancestry: July 15th Feature Update

Here is an update on the rollout of the new format on

I have not noticed any changes from within the Family Tree Maker program, as I have been using the beta version of the website for a couple of months WITH FTM2014. No real impact on us that I have seen.

But, please read this Blog Post is it does show us what is new on the Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), that is sync'ed with FTM2012 or FTM2014. There are some nice features in the AMT.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

What Will Happen To My Records? ~ Lineagekeeper's Genealogy Blog

What Will Happen To My Records? ~ Lineagekeeper's Genealogy Blog

I want to draw your attention to another aspect of +DearMYRTLE's Wacky Wednesday from 01 July 2015.

Please read and follow the Lineagekeeper's Genealogy Blog

Hangouts: Pay what you wantSo it's simple. If you value the work Ol' Myrt, +Cousin Russ and our beloved panelists do week in and week out on your behalf, please:

Check the GeneaWebinars Calendar for exact dates of DearMYRTLE study groups and Hangouts on Air, in addition to over 200 hours of online genealogy classes, webinars and tweetchats from other hosts and presenters in the next 12 months.

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington