About Me

This Blog was created to help me understand how to use the Family Tree Maker program. 

Some times a picture is worth many words. 

I am adding a new feature on this page:

The ability for Readers of the blog to Request a Blog post on a specific topic

That link will take you to a Google Document where you can submit your request.

I live in the beautiful North West corner of New Jersey that most people don't know exists in our beautiful state. (no exit numbers). I "retired" after 30 years with a major corporation but am busier now than when I was working "full time." 

After being in the United States Coast Guard, I lived in Maryland and then came back to my home state of New Jersey. 

I started my "collecting of ancestors" about 15 years ago (1996) when my youngest daughter gave me Family Tree Maker (version 3.4) as a gift to "give me something to do." Little did I know where this would lead me and the people I would meet. 

I have a couple of other Blogs: My Tombstone  Collection: This blog is a result of taking pictures in Cemeteries. Most of these photographs can also be found on the Find-A-Grave website.  Some of the photographs are part of my Family Files and others are not. 

A Worthington Blog: This blog is about my family research. I have posted articles about some of the Genealogy Tools that I use in my research. Some family stories are there as well as Queries from other Worthington researchers. It's my Cousin Bait Blog.

I have a Google+ Community where we can have conversations about the Family Tree Maker program. It is a closed community but you are welcome to request to join. Please understand that I will review your Google Profile before I accept your request. I am looking for what we might have in common and why you might was wanting to join that community.

Cousin Russ Genealogy Community

Thanks for stopping by. 

Comments always welcome. 

(also known as) Cousin Russ


  1. I am an old user of FTM I have version 2.0 in October 1994, I bought still is America and I want to see if I can upgrade, the cost is and where I can buy.
    thanks for your advice

  2. Gus,

    Yes, you certainly can upgrade. The current version is Version 2011.

    You can purchase it, online, at Ancestry.com.

    Just to let you know, there will be some steps that you will have to take to get from Version 2.0 to Version 2011, but it can be done. I'll help you with that, if you need and/or want.

    Make sure you look at the Requirements for your PC, before you purchase the program.

    If you have looked around this Blog, you will see some of what this current version can do.


  3. I've used FTM 2006 for several years and was fairly happy with it and decided it was time to upgrade to FTM 2010. I found that 2010 has stripped out all of the functionality from the calendar and has several ease of use problems. I tried to reload my FTM 2006 and found that it is not supported on Windows 7. Does anyone know what version was the last with full function performance for the calendar?

  4. Anonymous (1/16)

    Sorry you didn't use your name so that I could properly address your concern.

    Can you be more specific about what was stripped in the Calendar with Version 2010?

    Version 16 or earlier, will run on a Windows 7 PC. There may be an issue if your PC is a 64 bit PC.

    What "full function performance for the calendar?" are you looking for?


  5. I've been using FTM 2009 for quite a while now and just started to have a problem when adding a second spouse, it is showing both as #2. I've tried re-entering the order (preferred spouse).
    I will probably upgrade to FTM 2011 but I'd like to know if I can fix this first or at least figure out if it was my error. I use Windows 7. Ever seen this before?

    Thanks for your help in advance,
    Colleen McNamara

  6. colleen,

    Have you done the Tools, Compact file utility?

    Not sure what you mean by :it is showing both as #2.

    What does that mean? If you are saying that #2 is next to the Spouse ICON, that isn't #2 that means the # of spouses.


  7. I'm the FTM SIG leader for the Pima County Genealogy Society.

    I would like permission to put a link to your article about using source citations on our blog.
    Lee Levin
    520-239-6881 akeyworks@gmail.com

  8. Lee,

    Certainly. Please do.

    Hope it is helpful.

    Thank you,


  9. Hi Russ, hope you can help. I have ver 16. I moved it to my laptop,vista 64 bit. Just found out it needs to be on 32 bit, so back to my desktop. I'm working on that now. Last year I bought 2010. restored all my files and found all the scrapbook photos and documents did not come over in date order, they were alphabetical. Spoke to Ancestry and they told me I had to arrange every scrapbook manually. Are you aware of this problem and is there a way to correct it. I am no longer using 2010. I am back to ver 16.

    1. Anonymous,

      Version 16 may not run on your new Laptop.

      Going back from Version 2010 may be difficult. I wouldn't even try it, especially with Scrapbook items. From 16 to 2010, the scrapbook items were all extracted into their own files, rather then in the Family File in Version 16.

      How did you have the Scrapbook items is date order in Version 16? Was that in the Description of the scrapbook item?

      Do you have a Back Up of the Version 16 file that you brought Into FTM2010? You would have been asked to make a Back Up.

      I would go to one of your Back Up's.


  10. Hi Russ:
    I wish I had known about your Blog from the beginning. I try to wade through the message board posting for good advice on how to use the program to the fullest. Now if I can figure out how to create a link to this it would be perfect.
    I have NOT had problems with FTM (except when I do something stupid)
    Betty Dahlstedt

  11. Betty,

    Glad you found the blog and hope it helps. You can select Follow options, email, RSS feed, or Follow me on Google. You'll receive posts when I update it.

    Good luck,


  12. I have a old 1996 version on Family Tree Maker Version 3.4 that my father had been working on. I purchased 2012 Family Tree Maker Version 21 but im not sure how to import the FTW file. Does anyone know what versions of Family Tree Maker I will need to get to finely make it work with Version 21.


  13. Mike,

    FTM2012 should be able to open your Version 3.4 file. If it doesn't, please let me know and I will help with the conversion of that file.


  14. Russ, one of my cousins has FTM ver 2.0 on a Win98 PC which is dying. They have a new laptop with Windows 7. From what I've read they have to have FTM 2012 with Win7... is that correct? Will FTM 2012 do a direct import of their data files or will they have to use a gedcom file? I'm helping them with this but I don't use Family Tree Maker at all. They are in their 70s and don't think they really need all of the features that FTM 2012 offers. Suggestions and help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance...

  15. Russ, one of my cousins has FTM ver 2.0 on a Win98 PC which is dying. They have a new laptop with Windows 7. From what I've read they have to have FTM 2012 with Win7... is that correct? Will FTM 2012 do a direct import of their data files or will they have to use a gedcom file? I'm helping them with this but I don't use Family Tree Maker at all. They are in their 70s and don't think they really need all of the features that FTM 2012 offers. Suggestions and help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance...

  16. Becky,

    Version 2 to FTM2012 -- Not directly. Version 2 is too old. However, if you go here:


    That will work. If NOT, please contact me directly, via email, and I'll convert that file for you / the person you are helping.

    Thank you,


    1. Thanks so much Russ. I'll get with my cousin in a few days and try your suggestion.

    2. Becky,

      You are most welcome.

      Please let me know.


  17. Hello Russ-
    Just wanted to say thank you for your posting re adding color to a large pedigree chart to send off to an elderly relative for review. So much more helpful to highlight the lineage for them! I couldn't figure out how to set the 'marking 1' on my chart and, when i googled it, came across your great example with pictures. i had selected the appropriate boxes with the CTRL left click, and specified the coloration in FTM publish/chart, but missed the step about having to also MARK SELECTED before printing. Thanks very much! I'm looking forward to perusing your blog when i have a bit more time.

  18. Susan,

    Great, glad it worked for you.

    Thank you for your comment.


  19. Hi Russ -

    Family Tree Maker users can enjoy the added bonus of Charting Companion's unique charts. CC reads FTM files directly.

    See http://progenygenealogy.com/products/family-tree-charts/family-tree-maker-version.aspx

  20. Hi Russ,

    Great blog. I am wondering if you know of any way to model associations between persons. It seems that facts can only be "shared" between spouses. I'd like to create a custom association between a person and his godfather, for example. Or a sibling and his fraternal twin.

    From what I can tell, GEDCOM handles associations with the ASSO tag, but it doesn't seem possible using the software. Using FTM 2012. Appreciate any direction.


  21. Scott,

    Not sure what you mean by "model associations" between people. The program shows the Relationships.

    The "godfather" issue is a "witness" or people involved in an event.

    There are people relating an event for them. What you are talking about is a Shared Event, not a Shared Fact.

    In your case, the Event (NOT FACT) would be a Baptism, and those who participated in that EVENT, should be linked. Same would go for a Wedding, to be another EVENT. The current Baptism is for an Individual, a Marriage (fact) is shared between two individuals. The Baptism / Wedding I am talking about is really an Event that is Shared between "many" people. Slight difference, I think.

    That feature doesn't exist in FTM2012. I suggest you provide Feedback to the developers. (help menu, Online Help Center)


  22. Hi Russ, I have been reading the past few posts and it seems there are a few of us out there still holding on to older versions of FTM. I have been afraid to make the leap from my FTM2005 because I thought I read somewhere about GEDCOM difficulties, and did not research further. But now I am receiving a gift of a new Dell Vostro laptop and I think it might be time to upgrade before my sailboat anchor, as my husband refers to my old laptop, self destructs. The new laptop has Windows 7, that's all I know for now. Will FTM 2012 make friends with 2005? I appreciate your help!

    1. Georgia,

      You should not have any issues with FTM2012 on your New PC AND with bringing your FTM2005 file into FTM2012.

      The screens will be different. That is a given. But, for me at least, the navigation is so much easier, data entry, reports and charts are so much better.

      If you have been reading this blog, you will see the difference.

      If I can help, please let me know.

      Good luck,


  23. I don't want to upgrade from FTM version 16 but it appears I have no choice. SO if you wouldn't mind, can you suggest which, if any version, might be the best one? My files from versions 16 are saved, unable to be opened at present, so I need a version that will load over these.
    Thanks for your time!
    Carolyn Murphy

    1. Carolyn,

      FTM2012 is the best version so far. It will read and open and allow you to update your Version 16 file.

      Hope that helps,


  24. Thank you so much!

  25. Hi so glad to find your blog. I have 2005 and had a problem with it corrupting my file when I put some photo a in the scrapbook. I can work in the file but cannot export or move it any fashion. I called ancestry.com and did everything they said but no improvement. Any suggestions? Will getting 2016 help?

    1. Sassydoerr,

      Don't know what 2016 is?

      Updating to FTM2006 or Version 16 probably won't help. Updating to FTM2012 probably WILL.

      However, Please open your file and hit CTRL+ALT+C to compact your file, then CTRL+ALT+SHFT+UpArrow. Are there any errors in your family file?


    2. Sorry meant 2012. Tried compacting and reinforcing, didn't fix the problem. Everything I do it crashes

    3. Sassydoerr,

      FTM2012 does NOT have the scrapbook feature.

      Did you Compact the file (Tools menu)? You said you "tried" but that is not clear.

      What type of Media file are you trying to Add to FTM2012 and HOW are you doing so?


    4. Sassydoerr,

      FTM2012 does NOT have a reindex feature.


    5. Sassydoerr,

      Have you Re-Started your computer recently?


  26. Yes. I only have 2005. I had scanned in some photos and put them in some scrapbook thought it was cool, then the program crashed. When I reopened it it said that it had not closed properly. From that point I could not exporting a gedcom. I can edit the file in 2005 but that is all. I have tried compacting, reindexing and it just crashes

    1. Eastside,

      Now you are confusing me. Earlier you said that you had FTM2012 NOW you are saying FTM2005. Which is it?

      Again, have you restarted your computer recently?

      When was the last time you backed up your Family File?

      What format did you save your Scanned file as?


    2. Have 2005, only inquired about 2012, yes have restarted, backed up today, saved as ftw

    3. Eastside,

      Again, what format did you save the Scanned image?

      After you re-started the computer, do you stil have the SAME issues with FTM2005?

      What happens when you do the CTRL+ALT+SHFT+UpArrow?

      Are there any Errors?


  27. I saved the image as a jpg , have the same issues, when I do the c a s up it crashes

    1. Eastside,

      Are you able to do a CTRL+ALT+C ?

      Was the last back up you did, before you started having the Crash?

      What version of Windows are you using?

      Is this crashing issue NEW?


  28. No the compact crashes, the crash happened a while ago, I was so upset by it I left it alone for a while, am just getting back into it, tried opening the oldest backup to see if that would help, it crashes, installed 2005 on a different computer it still crashes, XP,

    1. Eastside,

      When you said "oldest backup", is that the most recent back up?

      So, this has been going on for a while? Do you have a back up PRIOR to the start of the Crashing?

      Are you able to Generate a GEDCOM file?

      How large is the FBC file that you created?


  29. No it if the backup I did first several years ago, not sure if I did it after the corruption but I cannot generate a gedcom from it at all. The file is 87000names about 244000 k

    1. Eastside,

      Are you saying that the very OLD Back Up crashes when you did a File, Restore from Back Up?

      Is your MOST RECENT (FBC) Back Up file 244,000 KB is size? Please verify with Windows Explorer?

      How much Free Disk space is on your XP Computer?


  30. Yes the old one crashes, the size is 244233 K I have 76 g free space, crashes the same on both computers

    1. Eastside,

      Please see if you can email that file to me:

      hrworth at gmail dot com


  31. Yes all backups new and old crash , yes verified size, 76 g free space

  32. Hi Russ,

    I hope you can help me with a few questions.
    I am 'playing' with FTM in search of the 'best' genealogy software for me.
    I currently use version 2012 and am planning on buying the latest version of MacKiev. I want to be absolutely sure that this one is the one for mee. But before I buy it, can you tell me if there is a way to add multiple media files at once (not one by one)? Secondly, can I use the 2017 version offline as I am not planning to upload my familytree.

    Thanks and kind regards, Sandra

    1. Sandra,

      The Best Genealogy Software is the one that works best for YOU.

      You absolutely can work on FTM2017 and not being online. BUT, then you don't get Hints.

      You and Upload and Sync to an Ancestry Member Tree to get the HINTS AND you can mark that Tree Private and the option NOT you have Ancestry Search Engine find your AMT.

      I have blogged about all of this.


  33. I Russ. Glad I found your blog. I am hopeful you can help me out. I could use some help in understanding the FTM file naming conventions. NOT tree naming.

    I have recently been using Tools>Compact File>and check both boxes every time I make a backup. Before I hit “Enter” however, I insert the current time in 24 hr format right before .ftmb. If you don’t do this, you will be faced with “overwrite” each time you do a backup which effectively renders the process pointless.

    Today using Finder on my Mac, I renamed the entire file to a more appropriate name and then did my Compact Backup routine. I then exited FTM and went to Finder to make sure the files were there. Something REALLY caught my attention there.

    Both the .ftm & .ftmb files after I renamed were the same size - roughly 27 MB. But the files from the previous day were vastly different in size. The .ftm file was 26 MB but the .ftmb file was about 980 MB. An incredible difference. I am wondering why the change.

    My tree has about 3,100 people with a varying degree of media, citations, notes, etc. Can you shed some light on why there would be such big difference and what type of naming convention do you use?

    1. Don,

      YOU name the File for FTM2017, when you CREATE that FILE.

      You can always RENAME in in the Plan Workspace, Upper Left corner of the screen, with the Select Tree pull down menu. There is an option.

      There is also an option by selecting the 'tree name" Left Panel, Plan WorkSpace, Options menu.

      You have to select both boxes AND the Date Time SHOULD be populated when you have the Back Up check box. Yes, the < filename > YYYY MM DD dot FTMB will be the Back Up filename.

      You do NOT want to Rename the file outside of Family Tree Maker. Remember that the Filename HAS an associated < Media > folder.


  34. Dear Russ. Thank you for your most interesting blogs on FTM. A question. One of your videos, you introduced a filter fact titled 'End Of Line'. I am unsure what filter preferences to use to have this filter record and display such facts. Can you share the preferences you use for this fact?

    1. Unknown,

      Remember that Filters are based, mostly, on a Fact. Su, I have an End of Line Fact, where I attached the End of Line image.

      When you select that Filter (Fact), the Index will show All Profiles that use that Fact.


    2. Thank you, Russ, for your reply.

  35. So glad I found your blog with all it's useful information! Can you tell me the pros/cons to having the Media Caption the same as the filename for that media or not to? Thanks!

  36. Heather,

    I have answered this question before on this blog



  37. Hi Russ,

    My step mom passed a couple of weeks ago. I used to help her with her genealogy using an older, much older version of Family Tree Maker. During the cleanup of her house, nine 3.5 inch diskettes were found. I was able to get the files off the diskettes and FTM 2019 (Build 1252) was able to import everything except the six FBC files. When I tried to restore them, FTM 2019 didn't even say anything, it just ignored the FBC file.

    From reviewing your comments here, it looks like I might need to find a copy of FTM 2016 or earlier to get the job done.

    I would greatly appreciate your thoughts about how best to be able to convert the FBC files into one FTM 2019 file.

    Jim McKinney

    1. Jim,

      That is a bug, but, I think that the developers are working on this. Hold onto those FBC files.

      I will make a blog post about this when it is resolved.


    2. Thank you Russ. I will look forward to that day to learn what secrets my mom had taken the time to save.


  38. Hi Russ,

    When you have a census record for a "head of household". What is the best way to add the census record to family member listed on the census in FTM2019 Mac version?

    1. Husky,

      I have a number of blog posts on how to do that. Just look for the keyword search "census" or scroll down the left site.

      I use the Web Merge Feature which will Merge the entire household after the 1880 Federal Census.


  39. I have a question regarding inputting locations. The FTM nomenclature is city, county, country. However, Baltimore is an independent City. It is surrounded by Baltimore County. I find it impossible to distinguish the county from the city. Any suggestions?

    1. Sunset100,

      Baltimore, Indipendent City, Maryland, USA is a resolved or proper name. The Term City, would only be used when that is the Proper Name, per the Place Name Authority. The term County or Township can be used.

      Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA

      Is appropriate.


  40. The problem is that the name of the City of Baltimore is “Baltimore, Maryland”. Baltimore County surrounds the city but does not include it. It would be incorrect to refer to the city as “Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland” or “Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland”.

    1. sunset100,,

      I answered your question:

      it is Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland.


  41. Hi Russ, We met online decades ago when I shared my Spooner line with you. I have been a Family Tree Maker user since 1998. I upgraded when MacKiev took over in 2014, then to 2017 and 2019. The 2019 was so buggy when I purchased it, I de installed it and reverted to 2017 which also has given me frustrating issues. The most recent issue is when I select a person from the index of individuals. It will go to the individual requested, but then will just revert back to another person in the database who I had accessed previously without a keystroke being entered. This requires going back to the index of individuals to once again request the correct individual. This may repeat multiple times, always defaulting to the same individual. This does not happen every single time I access FTM, but often enough.

    Keith Wilson
    Storrs, CT

    1. Keith,

      I use FTM2019 daily and do NOT find it buggy at all. For me, it is the most stable version to date.

      Do you Compact and Back Up for FILE Frequently ?


  42. Where is there documentation to add/edit sources, repositories, citations for FTM 2019? I am truly a beginner with using sources and before I get started doing this, I want to make sure that I am doing it the easiest and best way. I have been using FTM for many years and have over 8000 people in my tree, but have not been sourcing any of my facts because I couldn't figure out the best way. I know that this will take a long time for me to do, but winter is coming and I will be inside the house a lot more.

    1. Jan,

      The Help Menu of FTM2019

      The Companion Guide in the Help Menu of FTM2019

      and I have many blog posts on that topic


  43. Hi, I exported a Rootmagic Gedcom file to Family Tree Maker 2019. I was able to get all the data over. I am have issues with the Media link. The Media goes in to the Media library in FTM but the Photos that were linked to the Rootmagic (Individuals) do not show up with each individual profile. When I chatted with FTM, they said that I have to load everyone of the photos, one by one to each profile to each individual. There must be an easier way? Thanks Joe Musso

    1. Joe,

      If you go to the Media Workspace, are the Media files there, OR are you just seen generic ICONs?

      Use the Find Missing Media option in the Media Workspace.

      A GEDCOM file does NOT contain the Images only Links to the Media Files. The Find Missing Media will find them.

      I have done a blog post on this. Try to search for missing media.


  44. Is there any hope that I can upgrade my data from ver. 2011 to the current version of Family Tree Maker? Thanks, Russ!

    1. Karen,

      FTM2019 can open ALL older versions of the Program.


  45. Am asking if you would help me get something clear. I did chat with support, they mention it is being locked at. I watch your video, "doing a web merge from a FAG" created on 12/27/2017. In FTM all looked good. There were 28 links to facts for 7 people. But at AMT, the source is only linked to the person I did the merge for. But not for the other people. So is that the way it should work or not. Do appreciate your comment on this. Thanks.

  46. Ben,

    Did you see the other Profiles doing the web merge ?

    Did you sync after you did the merge ?


  47. I did repeat the steps but with another person. There were four profiles. The son, wife and parents. Once put into template format, I synced tree. At AMT, the source is only linked to the father. Open up source to view the name who the source is for. It was the son who I did the merge for.

    1. Ben,

      Go to the Source Group, select the Citation, and see what Profiles and Facts are linked to that Citation.

      AFTER a Sync, look as those Profiles in your Ancestry Member Tree and verify that each Profile AND Facts, in FTM2019, for that Citation, are linked in the AMT.


  48. After the web merge from FGG, I have four profiles each having 4 facts linked to them; birth, death, burial, and name. At AMT side, the father of the son is the only person where the source is linked to. The other three, no source is not attached. I just do not understand why this happening.

    1. Ben,

      In the Sources Workspace, that Citation, you have LINKs to 16 Items.

      But if you go to the AMT AFTER the Sync, only 1 Profile has Citations from the Web Merge.

      I just pulled one of mine up in the AMT, and had FTM2019 on another screen. There were 4 Links to Facts in FTM2019 and in the View (of the Citation) there were 4 Facts that were linked to that citation.

      I will NOTE that when I first looked, only 2 of the Facts, in the AMT, had the blue lines to the Facts. But the View of the Citation were 4 facts.


  49. been working on another big project, Decided to try again, but this time merged a census record. At sources workspace the citation is linked to 8 people with 6 links to 48 facts. After the cleanup and put into the template format, I synced the tree. At AMT sire, there isn't a source for the 1930 census. So I signed out and relogged back in. Still nothing. So took it a bit further, and checked the other members of household. The 1930 source is attached to one child with only fact which it is linked to. Went back to FTM recheck the people>person for the six people. They all have links to facts. Resynced again and logged out and in to AMT. Still only one blue line from person to source to name fact. I did send another email to support with image shots yesterday.

    1. Ben,

      Did you use the Link in the Plan Workspace to get to your AMT ? AND did you Refresh your Browser ?

      You will NOTE that Ancestry uses their OWN Citation and NOT the Citation that is created in FTM2019.


  50. No, when I sync, I've used the the icon in upper right corner. Yes, I closed browser and restarted browser again.

  51. I do have some families where they are divided between two pages. The citation does state who is on page 5A and rest of family is on page page 5B. In looking at media detail tab, the one census has two links. When giving the file a name like XXXXX-1910_census-pg_1, one cannot do the same for page 2 without actually making a copy of page 1 and then name it pg_2. Is this correct?

    1. Ben,

      You have a choice, 1 Citation for the Household, or 2 Citations for the 2 pages.

      I choose 1 Citation for the houshold.

      The Media Files (2 pages) would BOTH be Linked to that Citation, and using -1 and -2 for the two images.

      xxxxx-1910-Federal_Census-1 and xxxxx-1910-Federal_Census-2


  52. Tried to google for an answer to my question. No luck. When you see a curved line drawled through a couples name on marriage record, does that mean they changed their mind?

    1. Ben,

      Can't answer your question. The only suggestion that I would have is to look for any notation on the Image of the Record or any notes at the beginning or end of the "book" that the record came from. OR, contact the repository where the record came from.


  53. I know you use the five underscores for unknown names. So, do you use same method for place of birth? Like on census records, place of birth for either parent is recorded as "Unknown".

    1. Ben,

      NO, I leave those other Facts blank. IF the Census Record said, "Unknown", which I have never seen, I would record "Unknow" in the Birth Description field.


  54. Please forgive me about that. Having no luck in finding your video where you demonstrated the use of the web clipping tool in family tree maker while following a hint to FindAGrave.com.

    1. Ben,

      Did you search for Web_Clipping ?

      Did you scroll down the left panel to see "Web_Clippiing"?

      Did you look at the 37 Find A Grave articles ???

      My questions that you might consider searching the blog. I have attempted to leave YOU bread crumbs based on what you are looking for. These are just 3 ways to do that search.


  55. I've created a custom report for research notes and sources, using only names to include. In sources workspace, I have 24 citations. All in a template format. Of the 24 there are two where the household is split between to pages. Sources workspace looks fine. When I run the report, citation two of household # 1 is not included in report. But household # 2 displays both citations. I even deleted this citation for this household four times and reentered again, still same results. I've backed up and compacted each time. So now am looking for any suggestions that you may have. Appreciate all your responses uou have given me.

    1. Ben,

      I think this blog post answers your question.



  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Just to let you, I've found my issue, and all is fine now. Thanks for time.

  58. In doing a web merge from a find a grave hint for an individual, along with that person, spouse and children was brought into my tree. In the source's workspace for this particular citation, there are 47 links to facts for 11 people. After syncing tree, at ancestry, that citation is linked to the primary person and facts associated with that person. There are none of those blue lines connecting the primary person to the others. So, is this correct or not?

    1. Ben,

      Did you check the Profiles of the other profiles included in the Merge?


  59. IN checking with other profiles, they each have a citation from the primary person which links to the fact for that person. So checked a few others out, for a total of 7 different primary people. Out of the seven, two were missing some links. So not sure why those few are ot quit right. So I quess I will need to check the others out. I have a total of 83 under that one source.

    1. Ben,

      If you did the Merge in your Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), you'll have to ask Ancestry.

      The Web Merge, using the Ancestry Find A Grave Index Collection, all names and facts will be correct linked to the Citation, created for the Profile you used for the Web Merge. I do this all of the time and check the Facts and Citations.


  60. I do all my work in family tree maker.

  61. In your video, "How do I merge duplicate source citations" at 9:35, you use " ; " after each item. For example: ED #; Sheet #; dwelling #; but in your video, " FTM2017 - sources workspace " you use " , ". So are both methods accepted?

    1. Ben,

      That must have been an OLD Video, FTM2017 would tell me that. The ";" is incorrect in current Citations. I have updated most of my early Citations to show the correct ",". See EvidenceExplained.


  62. In watching your latest video, "Test Run of Office Hours - Keeping Time". Near the end, you talked about draft record. During the clean-up in people>person workspace, the birthplace that was brought in was misspelled. So, in trying to resolve the place name, it only suggested he state plus USA, not the city. I know what it should be. So, what would you suggest in this case? Correct the spelling or leave it as it is.

  63. Ben,

    It would be much easier for both of us, if you asked that question on that Video.

    I make every attempt to Resolve ALL Place Names, as I want to use the Map.

    Two choices, spell the place correctly, or use the Historic Place name option and "Ignore" the incorrectly spelled place name.

    Please read the Office Hours play list description.

    Thank you,


  64. Sorry, I was just not able to join RootTech.

  65. In that same video, I referred to yesterday, I have another question. At 30:40 into the video, you explained how you created this spreadsheet. Some time back, you and another gentleman explained on steps to take to help to make your search easier. But I am not locating that video. Any help with the URL address would be appreciated.

  66. Ben,

    As I suggested yesterday, your comments should be in the Comments of the Video you are referring to.

    I am not sure that I have done a Blog Post on that specific spreadsheet



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