Knowledge Base Catalog

Here is a catalog of Knowledge Base Articles on the Family Tree Maker website that I have found and have published on this blog. There may be other articles, but these are the ones I have found.

Knowledge Base - Sources Workspace

Updated: 20 January 2019




  1. Very frustrating no clear easy way to get rid of unknown spouse FTM 2019

  2. Very frustrating no clear easy way to get rid of unknown spouse.

    1. evstow

      I have a number of blog posts on this subject. Search for "unknown" or scroll down the left column to Unknown

      Thank you,


  3. First of all, I like to thank you for all your videos and blogs. I did go to the home tab, but did not see where I can enter my question. I am using FTM 2019, and have been doing some house cleaning and going from the default soure/citations to using the the template which FTM has. I 've no problems working with census records, indexes and a few othrs. But using the add icon to create a template for World War Draft Regfistration Card, nothing seems to work,. Whatever information I enter iin the fieds, it's not working. Did not a specific videojust for that source/citation.

    1. Ben,

      Which Source Template did you use? There are 179 of them.

      Down the left side of the Blog, is a "Military" Label. The 2nd one is a Video that you might watch and follow the directions.


  4. Sorry, but I beleive I may of stated my question. Did the video last week. Actually it is the source. In sources work space, after clicking theadd icon, I am at "add source citation, After clicking new I type variouskeywords but nothing for WWI..... If I type cen there will be list of optins. I've tried various keywords :wor, draf, reg, etc". Even looking at the companion guide, looks lke doing it correctly. Just not typing correct keyword for draft registration cards.

    1. Ben,

      And you won't find a template using any record specific keyword.

      You are looking at an IMAGE, right? Search for IMG (for image, as in the blog post)


  5. Thanks, I finally got it worked out. If I may ask one more question. In your video for the Citation detail box, you have draft board 3. For my individual draft registration card or in source description, am not seeing anything regarding draft board's number. Thanks.

    1. Ben,

      Did you look at the back side of the Card ?


  6. Thank you so very much.


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