Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Family Tree Maker - Data Security Article

Please read this post from Family Tree Maker

Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ

Reader Question: Unlinked Media Files

A Reader Question:

Hi have a question about FTM. On my tree the media tab has 1450 media files but the media file in my FTM media file on my PC has 1500 media files. Do both folders need to be the same? Which folder is correct? How do I make both media folders the same? Will I need to go through them manually to weed out? Thanks John
Go to Publish, Media Usage Report, Create Report. In the list of options, uncheck ALL but the last one: Show unlinked Media.

and you will see those images that are not linked. It will include the Filename and Caption.
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ