Monday, January 11, 2010

Join NEHGS and for Family History Day 2010 in Boston - Update

I received an update for an earlier posting about the Family History Day in Boston: 

Join NEHGS and for Family History Day 2010 in Boston and the New England Historic Genealogical Society are excited to sponsor Family History Day 2010 -- Saturday, February 20, 2010, from 8 am to 4 pm. Held at Westin Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts.

Join us for a full day of:  
  • 6 fantastic classes to help you grow your tree
  • experts on hand to answer your questions
  • One-on-one consolations with NEHGS genealogists
  • Opportunity to have photos and documents scanned on professional scanners

The cost for attendance is $30, which includes parking. Learn more or register today for Family History Day 2010 in Boston!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Visit to Today

This blog post is not specifically about the Family Tree Maker program, more about my day visiting  You may be interested in reading blog posts that may be posted by a couple of Genealogy Bloggers, as they also were visiting with

The first such blog that I read was posted by Dear Myrtle at . What she posted was much the same as mine, but we were not in the same group.

My experience today, and has been consistent over the past several years, is that "They ARE listening to their Users".

From watching several Genealogy Bloggers facebook postings over the past week, they were gathering "What would like for to do in 2010". I am guessing that they brought the feedback they received to the leadership and the product folks from I know that the group that I was in, they kept asking us 'What can we do better". We had a lot of back and forth about various features / offerings from They listened. They pushed back with what do you mean by that? What if we could to this? or what if we could do that.

Unlike the Genealogy Bloggers, we had a wide range of Users. Though there were 6 of us, there was a "newbie" to more experienced users of A number of us were also Family Tree Maker. To me it was a great mix of users.

Bottom line, each presenter made their presentation, but were more interested in what we had to say.

At the end of the day, We Came, They Listened. They told their stories, but wanted to hear ours.

I enjoyed spending the day with this group of Ancestry.Com / Family Tree Maker users. What a great group of folks.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Join NEHGS and for Family History Day 2010 in Boston

Received this information in an email from

Join NEHGS and for Family History Day 2010 in Boston and the New England Historical Genealogical Society are excited to sponsor Family History Day 2010 -- Saturday, February 20, 2010, from 8 am to 4 pm. Held at Westin Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts.

Join us for a full day of:  
  • 6 fantastic classes to help you grow your tree
  • experts on hand to answer your questions
  • One-on-one consolations with NEHGS genealogists
  • Opportunity to have photos and documents scanned on professional scanners

The cost for attendance is $30, which includes parking. Learn more or register today for Family History Day 2010 in Boston!

P 801.705.7311

360 West 4800 North Provo, UT 84604