Monday, January 11, 2010

Join NEHGS and for Family History Day 2010 in Boston - Update

I received an update for an earlier posting about the Family History Day in Boston: 

Join NEHGS and for Family History Day 2010 in Boston and the New England Historic Genealogical Society are excited to sponsor Family History Day 2010 -- Saturday, February 20, 2010, from 8 am to 4 pm. Held at Westin Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts.

Join us for a full day of:  
  • 6 fantastic classes to help you grow your tree
  • experts on hand to answer your questions
  • One-on-one consolations with NEHGS genealogists
  • Opportunity to have photos and documents scanned on professional scanners

The cost for attendance is $30, which includes parking. Learn more or register today for Family History Day 2010 in Boston!


  1. Great to know that family history day is celebrated on grand level. Even, i am working on my family tree and i have named around thousand of people in my family tree. This is a great way to explore our family history and to know more about the people in our family history.

  2. Hello there.. i wonder if you could maybe help me.. I use FTM 2005 and have just discovered a App for my ipod that needs a gedcom file.. do you have any idea how i can make one using all of the names in my tree? its a great applicatio which means i can have all my information with me when i'm out and about.. sorry if i'm asking the wrong person x

  3. Tracey,

    Click on File, Export, and select the GEDCOM option. That should get you what you want.



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