Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Scheduled Family Tree Maintenance (24 Aug. 1:00-3:00 AM MDT))

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 01:44 PM PDT
Please be aware that Member Trees will undergo scheduled maintenance early Wednesday morning, 24 August 2011, from about 1:00 AM to 3:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time.

We will be updating the servers that provide member uploaded photos, so some portions of Ancestry Member Trees, My Canvas, and any other areas of the site that display member contributed images, will not function properly.    You will still be able to access and make edits to your tree data, but you will not be able to add or delete photos or import or export a GEDCOM file.

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Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

Monday, August 22, 2011

How to Change Address Format (Easy)

In an earlier post, How To Generate an Address Report we were dealing with an Address Report but wanted to change the format of the Address Fact.

In the next post, How to Change Address Format a way to make this change in format in a step by step process, just to show one way to accomplish this task.

This is another, and quicker way to perform that same task. First, Select the Address Fact to change. Since the Year will remain the same, tab into the Place field and start to type the address. As the previous post suggested, IF the address had already been used, the Fast Field option will show the previously entered Address.

When that entry is completed, and since Family Tree Maker already has this, a Change Place Name window will open. Since we only want to Change this specific field, the default "Change only this instance", is used.

Clicking OK will return to the Address Fact entry and the Description Field. This is now a duplicate of the Place field, and the Description field is high-lighted, the Delete Key can be used to remove that duplication.

The end result makes the change and the earlier change to the Source Citation information is not required.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington
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How to Change Address Format

In How To Generate an Address Report  there was an indication that the format for the Address Fact entry could be improved. The format that had been done is to meet the Place Workspace, Plan Name Authority format. That is City  / Town, County, State, Country format. Below is an example of that:

Address Fact: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Address Description: 810 Calvert

The desired format would be:

810 Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland.

It is also important to keep the SAME Citation for that entry.

One way to do this, is to click on the Green Plus sign, and an Add Fact window will open. This is where you can Add a New Fact. In this case, we want to Add a New Address, so that Address Fact is selected.

This will open a New Address Fact screen. In this specific case, the information was from the 1900 Census Record and it was important for me, for this project to capture the Date and Address for this group of people in this file. So, 1800 was entered in the Date field.

The complete address is entered:

810 Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland

If this field had been filled in before, you will notice that I started 81 and a window opened with the complete address. That was from a previous entry. So, going forward watch the Place field for the Address Fact, for the Fast Field feature of Family Tree Maker (if you have it turned on)

Selecting that entry, the Address Fact is completed.

Now for the Citation. Going to the original Address Fact, moving the cursor over the 1st ICON to the right of "New" is a Copy Source Citation ICON. This will allow you to copy that Source Citation to be put onto the New Address Fact.

Selecting the New Address Fact, and clicking on the Down Arrow, to the Right of "New" is a menu where you select "Past Duplicate Source Citation". This will put the Citation from the Old Address Fact, with the New Address Fact.

Since this is now a duplicate Address Fact for 1900, selecting the Old Address Fact and clicking on the Red X will delete that Old Address Fact.

The resulting Address listing is below. Each of the earlier entries were done in this fashion.

An alternate and quicker way to do this same task will follow.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington
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How To Generate an Address Report

This blog post will help generate an Address Report.

For this example, I have a couple of Family Groups who lived in Baltimore Maryland for a number of years, as recorded in Census Records. Addresses were not always available or readable in some of the census records, but they were recorded in the Address Field, within Family Tree Maker.

To generate a report of those address entries, to to the Publish Workspace, Person Collection, and select Custom Report.

In the Right Hand (RH) Panel, left end, select the Items to Include ICON. This will bring up the Items To Include Screen.

Using the Red X and selecting the Birth, Marriage, and Death Facts, those facts can be removed for this report. Also, removing the Check Mark in Include Only Preferred Facts, Include Person Notes, and Include Fact Notes, will remove that information from this report.

Now add the Address Fact, but clicking on the Green Plus and the Address Fact will be included. High Lighting the Address Fact, and selecting the Address Options (at the bottom of that window), will include the Date, Place, and Description fields.

For this example, will change the Name format to Last Name, First and Middle Name, using the Name Options. Selecting the Name Fact, and Name Options at the bottom of that window.

The report will be sorted by Name, then by Address by Date.

Will change the 'default' name of this report to Addresses, and make sure that the Header and Footer contain the Header on each page, Page Number and Date on each page.

Will save this Report and call it Addresses, in the Save Report collection.

There is a problem with the above report. There are Names that have NO Address information displayed. Since we only want Names with Addresses, we continue.

In the RH Panel, select Selected Individuals. This will bring of the Individuals to Include screen. Make sure that the Right side of the screen is blank.

Selecting Include > will bring up a window where All Facts is selected, Address Fact and Is Not Blank are selected.

The revised Addresses Report is below. In this case it is sorted by Person.

Note: If I do not know a persons Name, the use of 5 underscores "_____" is used.

Going to the People Workspace, Person View, this is what is displayed. Normally, the most recent Fact is what I mark as "preferred".

But, since the address format wasn't the way I expected, as the Place Name was Baltimore, Maryland, USA, and the address was in the Description field. a New Address Fact was added to reflect the Street Address, followed by Baltimore, Maryland.

A follow up blog post will provide steps to make these changes.

This same concept can be used for Phone Numbers and Email Addresses.

Note: the way of handling the Address Fact will cause these entries to be "UnResolved Place Names" in the Place Workspace.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington
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