Monday, January 26, 2015

Family Tree Maker - Good File Maintenance

Trying to help a Family Tree Maker user, who was unable to restore a file, I thought that I should do a blog post on how I maintain my Family Tree Maker files.

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Thursday, January 22, 2015

FTM-3 - What's in a Name

When working with other uses of the Family Tree Maker program, it is Very Important to know the Version Number. In case of the Mac Version of Family Tree Maker, some times the "rules" for naming the software is driven by the platform.

The word “Mac” is no longer in the official name in order to comply with Apple’s guidelines.

So the official name for the current version for the Mac is “Family Tree Maker 3”.

It is ok to say Family Tree Maker 3 for Mac but the “for Mac” is not part of the name. Similarly Family Tree Maker 2014 is the Windows version even though “Windows” isn’t part of the name.

The first version for Mac was “Family Tree Maker for Mac”. The second was “Family Tree Maker for Mac 2”. And the third version was actually released as “Family Tree Maker Mac 3” but the name was changed when we put the product in the Mac App Store.

Some times you need a genealogy program to follow this stuff.

Just to further clarify the version name for the Windows version, there is no Version 14, The full correct name if Family Tree Maker 2014 or FTM2014. The previous version was FTM2012, before that FTM2011, etc. These are all the Windows Versions.

It was a little confusing years ago, when we had Version 8, Version 9, Version 10, Version 11, then it was changed to FTM2005, then FTM2006, and finally Version 16, You be able to see why the Full Version number is important.

I have tried to use the Version Number in my blog posts. BUT when you see FTM2014, with the exception of a few Apple standards, the screens and command are about the same. I do try to point them out when I have a chance. I have both FTM2014 and FTM-3.

One other minor point, is that each version AFTER FTM2008, has had Updates or patches. They way you. To check if your version is the Current Version, click on Help, then Check Updates

To see what Version you do have click on the About Family Tree Maker

As of today, 22 January 2015, the current version of FTM2014 is Version for the 64 bit PC and for a 32 bit PC.
Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Friday, January 16, 2015

What to Capture from a Death Certificate

I have seen a number of questions about "official" certificates. Here is how I handle a Death Certificate.

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Please Read: QUICKTIPS Citations: How Much Is Enough?

Here is a great tip on Citations. Please visit the Evidence Explained website by Elizabeth Shown Mills. Her Quick Tips are awesome. This one is about our Citations.


I try very hard to follow those QuickTips, by using the Template feature of Family Tree Maker (FTM2010 to FTM2014 and FTMM-2 and FTM-3) I think we can do that. In fact, on her User Forum, I have asked the Editor to comment on several of the Reference Notes from FTM2014.

From that experience, I try to share them here with you.
Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Thursday, January 15, 2015

FTM2014 - Where to put the Notes : DearMYRTLE's Wacky Wednesday

+DearMYRTLE has a weekly Hangout On Air (HOA) in her Genealogy Community

Dear MYRTLE's Genealogy Community

The HOA usually covers topics that were brought up on the Mondays with Myrt HOA. This show was inspired by comments from the new Beginning Genealogy series. Here is that video;

Comments can be viewed from the DearMYRTLE Genealogy Community

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Friday, January 9, 2015

Genealogy Do-Over - Shaky Leaf Management

Genealogy Do-Over - Shaky Leaf Hint Management

Adding a Note for handling the Shaky Leaf Hints that include a link to an external EXCEL spreadsheet

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Genealogy Do-Over - Best Practices

Genealogy Do-Over suggests that we review our Best Practices in doing our research. I have created my Best Practices in using Family Tree Maker in Evernote.

This video will be a high level view on what I have in the Best Practices notebook (in Evernote)

There will probably be more on how I use Evernote in the not too distant future.
Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Genealogy Do-Over - Managing my File Folders

How I use EXCEL and a Brothers P-Touch QL-500 Printer to Label and manage my physical files

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Monday, January 5, 2015

Genealogy Do-Over - My Library - A Tip from a Reader

A member of the Cousin Russ Genealogy Community made a comment on my last video.

I read it and it made so much sense. It was answering a question that I hadn't thought through or didn't even know I had. Thank you Sherri Hessick 

I am really liking this Genealogy Do-Over. Thank you +Thomas MacEntee 

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Genealogy Do-Over - Add a Shelf or Genre

Have been asked to demonstrate How I created a new 'shelf'. The term in Book Collector by is Genre.

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Friday, January 2, 2015

Genealogy Do-Over - My Library

Will demonstrate how I use and the Book Collector software so that I know what I have in my library and where that book is located.

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Genealogy To-Over -- Know Your Facts

January 2, 2015 Genealogy To-Over

As many of you know, GeneaBlogger Thomas MacEntee announced Genealogy Do-Over

Genealogy Do-Over Topics

Week 1 – 2-8 January 2015
Setting Previous Research Aside
Preparing to Research
Establishing Base Practices and Guidelines

This video is a part of the program for the week, specifically Establishing Base Practices and Guidelines. What I hope to share in this video is how I use Evernote and FTM2014 for one specific set of records. I have been trying to determine who many people in my file served in the military. I HAD and recorded that records, but I did not know WHAT I wanted to be able to answer some questions:

Who served in what War
What Branch of the Service
Which side were you on in the Civil War
What was your Rank

The records have be the information but not a good way to answer any of the above questions. Now I can. I'll share how I use Evernote to support what I do in Family Tree Maker.

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington