Thursday, May 21, 2015

Citation Up Date / Clean Up for me -- Family Search and Ancestry websites

I am always learning by following the Evidence Explained User Forum on

Today, the Editor, posted in Reply to #20 a very important item for me:
The title of the website differs from that of the corporation. It is onlyFamilySearch.  While many people (as Russ did) use as the website title, the actual title does not include .com. (The confusion apparently exists because Ancestry long used .com as part of its website title; but FamilySearch does not. That confusion should be helped, now, by the fact that Ancestry has dropped the .com from its title.) 1)
Up until today, I have been using "" at the Website Title in those Templates in FTM2014 that call for that entry. I haven't been back to see, what the Editor clearly points out, that Ancestry had removed the ".com" from their website Title. Family Search hadn't been using the ".org" in their website title.

I now have a new clean up project to do. Very high on my priority list, by the way, to removed the ".com" and ".org" from and in the TEMPLATE screen. All new Citations will not include those characters going forward but in the future will go back to update the Citation's.

Reviewing my Citations aren't a bad thing, as I continually learn how to craft my citations.

A big THANK YOU to Elizabeth Shown Mills for ALL of her work that she has done for us and continues to help with Citation.

Have already made a note in Evidence Explained and my QuickSheets based on that discussion as a reminder for myself.

1) Online Image Databases and FTM family tree maker 2014, reply to #20; Evidence ExplainedHistorical Analysis, Citation & Source Usage ( : accessed 21 May 2015)
Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington

Sunday, May 17, 2015

How to Record a Same Sex Relationship

I was asked, How do I record a Same Sex Relationship? The answer is easy, You ATTACH two people, attaching one person as the Spouse. Then, you select the appropriate relationship.

Key hint here, the display looks like "husband and wife", but that is only the visual for us, but the status is what is important and there are NO warnings that would prevent this relationship.

This is from my database, but changed the names and will no include any other details.

Here is an example; Person 1 and Person 2 are married and had a child, Person 3

Looking at the Marriage Line, hovering over the first ICON, you will see Marriages Facts, Notes, and Media:

For this couple, they were married and divorced

Selecting that ICON, you enter the various Marriage Facts, Notes, and Media as seen fit. The Marriage Facts are:

Person 2, meets and marries Person 4, so we need to first Add Person 4, as a spouse

Selecting the Spouse ICON, we Add Spouse. Then we enter the Name, on the Left (in this case)

 The Person 4 is listed correctly in the Right Panel of the Tree View

The Marriage Fact is entered

And Person 2 now has 2 spouses. Person 1, now divorced, and Person 4 new marriage

Looking a Person 2's Timeline, it reflects the correct timeline.

Looking at the Relationship tab for Person 2, it also shows the information accurately.

Copyright © 2015 by H R Worthington