Friday, January 6, 2017


From the MacKiev Family Tree Maker Newsletter:

Software MacKiev is now supporting all versions of Family Tree Maker for both Mac and Windows, though Ancestry will continue to assist us behind the scenes through the end of 2016 and beyond.
Where to Get Technical Support
Companion Guide. 
The first stop for learning how to use features of Family Tree Maker is the Companion Guide which contains step by step instructions for everything you might want to do. You can open the guide from the Help menu while running Family Tree Maker.
Knowledge Base.
We have hundreds of helpful articles posted on our support site on a variety of topics that will be of interest to all users, and can help solve problems. To get to the knowledge base, just go to
Support Requests. 
If you don't find what you need in the Knowledge Base articles (at just click the link for “additional support” at the bottom of the page and you will see the Technical Support request form. Typically we'll be getting back to you by email in 2 days or less.
Live Chat. 
When you file a Support Request between the hours of 6am and 6pm EST (7 days a week), you will have an option to have a live chat with an experienced support agent. This can be very helpful for urgent issues or those that would be easier as a discussion than an email exchange.
Facebook Group. 
There are excellent unofficial but very active Facebook groups which you might want to consider joining. They have many very experienced users who are generous in sharing their time and wisdom to help other users solve problems and learn new tricks.
Replacement Copies.
We have set up an online Replacement Center which is always open. The Center provides free replacements for those with FTM 2014 or Mac 3 and later, and discounted upgrade replacements for older editions. If you are a registered user and find yourself needing a fresh copy, then have a look at “Getting a Replacement Copy” Go to

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