Friday, November 13, 2020

macOS Big Sur Compatibility for Family Tree Maker

macOS Big Sur Compatibility for Family Tree Maker

I recommend that you read this Knowledge Base Article for Software MacKiev
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Reader Question - FamilySearch Citations

Reader question:

When I import from a FamilySearch tree the details of attached sources seem to be in the wrong fields - ie every citation belongs to the same source "FamilySearch Family Tree". Is there a workaround to bulk edit attached sources from an imported FamilySearch to make them more useful?

Simple answer and only my Opinion. I do NOT use ANY FamilySearch Source nor Citation Information. [ Period ] I ALWAYS Rewrite ALL Source and Citation Information. I want and move ALL of this Source and Citation information to a Source Template and complete the Citation Detail field.

As you said, "FamilySearch Family Tree" is a Source Group and is populated when you do a Merge of information from FamilySearch.

No Workaround, sorry. I suggest moving that Source and Citation information into the Source Template Feature. I have many blog posts on the blog on how to do that. 

Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ

Reader Question - FamilySearch 2.0 - Match vs Merge

Question from a Reader:

How to add a FamilySearch ID to a person without merging from web search. I just want to copy and paste the ID into my tree so I can keep it it in a way the program understands - but without taking a chance of merging something from someone elses tree that I don't want.

Easy question. With FTM2019, FamilySearch 2.0 was implemented, and I have blogged about this before. 

The feature that you want IS IN FTM2019, which is the MATCH feature. In the Web Search Workspace, following a FamilySearch HINT, you have TWO option's. Merge or Match. You want Match. 

Blue box = FamilySearch Hint

Clicking on the FamilySearch Hint will take you to the WebSearch Workspace

Compare the information in your FILE on the Left, data from FamilySearch on the Right. IF you think they are the SAME person, click on the MATCH option.

That will put the FamilySearch ID on the Profile of the person in your database. NO other information in brought into Family Tree Maker.


The result is the FamilySearch ID will be added. Please note, there will be no Citation for that FACT and NONE is Required and not reported in the Undocumented Fact Report.
Copyright © 2020 by Cousin Russ