Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Reader Question: Relationship Settings

User Question:

How to enter a known father for an illegitimate birth so that a report shows both parents and the child appears as a descendant of its mother
You enter the parents normally. The key is the Relationship Setting between the Parents. Select that father or mother, of the child, go to the People Workspace, Person View, Relationship Tab and make your choice of the Relationship.

Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Ways to Support Ukraine

Please use this link to visit the Software MacKiev website. I have friends that have been impacted by the events in Ukraine. I understand that they are safe and hope they remain safe.

As you may know, RootsTech-2022 is Virtual, but in past years, it was live. The team in the Ukraine would be in Salt Lake City with use, talking about Family Tree Maker.

Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ