Monday, March 28, 2016

FTM2014 / FTM-3 Clean Up Media Categories after a Merge

After a merge of a part of one Family Tree Maker file, into the file I am working on, I had the expected clean up to do, but found a clean up that I had NOT expected to find.

That is that I had many Media Categories from the other file that had media files in, that are not used in the file I am working on. There is no utility / command to clean up unused Media Categories.

I think I found a work around for that and will demonstrate that in this video.

If you think we need this type of feature, please visit, then Family Tree Maker and select Suggest A Feature.
Copyright © 2016 by H R Worthington

Sunday, March 27, 2016

FTM2014 / FTM-3 - Citing an Email after merging of a file

Working on a new file, I wanted to merge a portion of my Master file into this new file. Worked as expected, but what I hadn't done in the Master file was to put information in an email into the Source Template format. This video is how I took the existing Source material and created the Source into the Template, then created a Citation and moved that Citation into the Source Template as a new citation.

Please understand that this is my working file with information on a cousin, so the images may not be as clear as you might like, but I tried to talk you though the steps.
Copyright © 2016 by H R Worthington

Thursday, March 10, 2016

FTM2014.1 import into Roots Magic 7

You may or may not know that Roots Magic now has the capability to Import a FTM2014 and earlier file, directly into Roots Magic.

HOWEVER: If you have the new patch from MacKiev, ( FTM2014.1) you may have an issue.

Don't Panic.

Do a File, Export and Select FTM2012

Here is a link to the Roots Magic Help Desk that will help you.

Copyright © 20156by H R Worthington

Friday, March 4, 2016

Keyword Search on a Blog

As a blogger, not a good one, but one none the less, I try to make sure that a reader of the blog can find what they are looking for. Now, there are some limitations in what I can control, but I use Blogger because of the Google Search Engine to help the reader find stuff.

I have the list down the left side, base on Family Tree Maker Version Number, the Workspace that the article is about, and the next level within that Workspace. So a Family Tree Maker user, understanding the Workspace concept should / hopefully be able to find stuff. Then I add specific topics, at the bottom. So, there are many "tags" to help you find what you might be looking for.

Google relies on Keywords, at least that is my experience, to search on. I start small, one or two words and narrow down the results based on what is returned.

Blogger helps me with that, but showing me what people are searching for on the blog, from that Search Box on the Left, at the top. I do check that from time to time, to make sure the reader can find what they are looking for.

I want to Share what I saw just now.

Sorry folks, I can't guess, how you might search. I don't think that a Blog Search field wants to see sentences. In looking at these (just now) results, any ONE of those words, one or two at most, would have returned results. I think that I have blog posts about most, if now all, of those single word searches.

I try.

Copyright © 2016 by H R Worthington

An Observation in Ancestry Member Trees (AMT)

Not too long ago, FTM2014 "told me" that someone was using a number of my photos from my Ancestry Member Tree.

I noticed something unusual earlier in the week, but wasn't sure what it was. I had some activity in my online tree, that I hadn't done. I don't work on my file Online. All from within FTM2014. For the most part, they were my own photo's from other of my Online Trees. The Sync Report told me that they had been added to the Online Tree. I let it go.

BUT, I just had another SyncNow indication that there was activity in my Online Tree. Now, I have been working on my file most of the day, had even visited the Ancestry Member Tree a couple of times. What was going on >>>

Well. When I just ran the SyncNow feature and there was another image.

The good news it tells me that the image came from the online tree, I know who it was attached to, BUT, it says that I [ rworthington ] added the New Media File. Sorry, that is NOT my image.

I did go to the AMT and do know who has that image. Now, that should be good news, in that we both have the SAME person in our Online Tree.  The BAD NEWS is that "I Stole it" according to my SyncLog.

Ancestry has added that image to MY Online Tree. I know without MY permission, and I would guess without the other persons knowledge as well.

So, what I had been seeing earlier, people "stealing" my photos, was really

This is ONLY MY Observation and I am reporting what appears to be happening.


I had observed this issue from within FTM2014 and blogged about it here

FTM2014 - Plan Workspace - Something to Watch for

Now I know HOW that happened.

Copyright © 2016 by H R Worthington

Paying attention to the Details, pays off

One  of the things I try to pay attention to is the dates when a Historical Place Name changes.

In my ToDo list, I have a list of States that are in the current database listing when they became a state and what the area was called before it became a state. But, that was just for me, in my FTM2014 file.

I have this file sync'ed to an Ancestry Member Tree. I use that tree for managing my Shaky Leaf hints. Well it payed off, in a way that I hadn't expected.

I had Samuel in the 1860 Federal Census. I knew when Kansas become a State. In 1860, the locate was in the Kansas Territory. I then found is Civil War Registration as living at the same place, but the registration date was in 1862.

When I looked at the tree on, in his time line was this entry. Earlier in 1862, Kansas became a State.

This one entry is a pay off, for me at least, for paying attention to those details, and have that information in my database very handy to look it up.

Copyright © 2016 by H R Worthington

It's here! Family Tree Maker is BACK

It’s here! Family Tree Maker is BACK.

All of us here at Software MacKiev are happy to be taking up where Ancestry left off with Family Tree Maker, the most widely used family history software of all time. We have completed a small update to get the product back on the market and are pleased to let you know its available RIGHT NOW.

About our new FTM updates
We have started with Ancestry’s FTM 2014 and FTM Mac 3 and, as a company of engineers, we set our focus on stability and performance improvements. So we swatted down some bugs. And we made the application more responsive – you will find some actions that previously took minutes now take seconds.

New features
We managed to sneak in just a few surprises, like 100 beautiful new backgrounds you can use to make professional looking charts and reports. And we’ve integrated a service for printing high resolution genealogy charts through the good folks at Family ChartMasters. It’s a modest start, but we hope you will be happy with our new updates.

We made sure that our new updates are completely compatible with the latest operating systems (Windows 10 and El Capitan). We’ve also made sure that your old trees will open seamlessly. That there is nothing to move. That your Ancestry account if you have one will continue to work with the new versions. And that TreeSync and all the other things you have come to like about FTM are still there for you.

Where to Buy... and more

See below how to get the updated editions, and some other information you may find useful.
Thanks to all of you who have welcomed us so warmly. It means a lot to us. A new chapter in Family Tree Maker’s long and proud history begins today!


Jack Minsky
Software MacKiev

New FTM 2014.1 and Mac 3.1

How to get the updated editions

What you will get and when depends on what FTM version you currently have:

1. Users of FTM 2014 and Mac 3: Hang in there! FREE updates are coming. They will be available in about a week or so through the built-in update feature. We will send you an email to let you know as soon as they are available.

2. Users of older FTM editions: No matter how old your copy of FTM is, or whether its running on Windows or Mac, you can download an upgrade for $29.95 (vs. $69.95 regular price). Click here to take advantage of this limited-time upgrade offer today.

3. New users: If you have never owned a copy of Family Tree Maker before, for a limited time, you can download a full edition from our online store for $49.95 by clicking here (vs. $69.95 regular price).

 Additional Offers:
  • Family Tree Maker users who do not currently have an subscription, will be offered a 14-day free trial.
  • If you would like a backup disc, you can purchase a CD in a jewel case for an extra $10 including shipping and handling.
Family Tree Maker®

1. FTM Home Page
Most everything you will need to know can be found on our Family Tree Maker home page:
There you can:
  • Read our FAQ
  • Provide Feedback
  • Report a Bug
  • Suggest a Feature
  • Sign up to be a Beta Tester
  • Learn about FTM
  • Check the System Requirements

2. Technical Support
To get technical support for any version of FTM, please start here:
We are sharing responsibility for the rest of this year with but the Software MacKiev support site is the best place to start. We’ll direct you from there to the right place to get the help you need.

3. Any Questions?
If you have questions for us, please first read our FAQ as we’ve tried to answer the most common ones there. If you don’t find the answer you are looking for in the FAQ, please send your question through our Feedback Form which you’ll find on our FTM Home Page (see #1 above). Thanks!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Announcement of Ancestry about Who Do You Think You Are

New season premieres Sunday, April 3 at 9/8c

The two-time Emmy nominated series WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? returns this spring to follow more of today’s most beloved and iconic celebrities as they embark on personal journeys of self-discovery to trace their family trees. The series continues to deliver unbelievable stories from crucial moments in history, including a number of firsts for the series, such as a male witch hunt, and traveling to Portugal, Sweden and Ellis Island. Executive Produced by Lisa Kudrow and Dan Bucatinsky, the new season premieres Sunday, April 3 at 9/8c.

The contributors featured in the upcoming season include:

  • Scott Foley finds a relative who risked his life for one of America’s founding fathers, and an ancestor who suffered unspeakably during one of this nation’s darkest times.
  • Lea Michele nails down where her mysterious paternal ancestors came from, and learns of the dire economic circumstances they endured while trying to emigrate to the U.S.
  • Chris Noth learns his ancestors suffered during one of the greatest catastrophes in American history, and a relative who fought in one of the bloodiest battles of all time.
  • Molly Ringwald explores family lore of Swedish royalty which uncovers her ancestors’ harrowing lives and a brave woman who forever changed her family’s fate.
  • Katey Sagal is shocked to learn of her family’s Amish roots, and digs deeper as she realizes the level of dedication to their faith.
  • Aisha Tyler tracks down her 2x great-grandfather, whose story had been lost over generations, and uncovers an astonishing tale of a prominent ancestor whose struggle to keep his illegitimate son a secret made headlines.

Ancestry, the leading family history company, is teaming up again with TLC as a sponsor of the upcoming season. As part of the show sponsorship, Ancestry provides exhaustive family history research on each of the featured celebrities to help make discoveries possible and build out the story of each episode.

The series is produced for TLC by Shed Media and Is or Isn’t Entertainment, and is based on an original format created by Wall to Wall Media and Alex Graham. More information can be found at ‘Like’ Who Do You Think You Are? on and follow @WDYTYA on Twitter.

FTM2014 - How is this better than a research log ?

One of my blog readers, Stephanie, ask how is FTM2014 better than a research log. I was trying to explain how I use FTM2014 do to my research.

I thought a short subject video might make it easier to explain.

Thank you for the Question and the tine to do the recording.
Copyright © 2016 by H R Worthington