Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What? No Citations? Update 1

The first step, for me, is to Identify, with a FACT, everyone in the database that does NOT have a Citation. In this case, everyone.

But, in reviewing each profile, other things are looked at. For example, Place Names. I can fix many of them, as I go.

I have all Birth, Marriage, and Death dates, where I only have a Year in the database, I change that to ABT. To make sure I have done that, I use a Saved Report to review the work that I have done.

This is an example of this process.

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Monday, October 28, 2019

What? No Citations ?

I have a Family Tree Maker file that I had researched 10 to 15 years ago. Many versions of the program ago, but a friend asked me for some information from that file.

I had opened it several times over the years, but was very disheartened to notice that ALL of my Citations were gone. ALL of them. I went to my oldest back up, same deal.

I did have an external drive crash, had recovered it, but still no back up's with Citations.

This is one reason why I recommend "testing" your back ups.

So, what do I do ? I have this very important person asking me questions about folks in this database. I, of course, wanted to be able to say yes or no to questions, but be able to provide Source Information.

After some dialog, mostly that I didn't have answers to the questions, I thought about what I should do, This database has about 1250 profiles, with some good information. Some Dates, some places, many relationships, but no Citations.

I should mention, that this line has some stories that I know about, and have a cousin connection, in my Master File, but that cousin connection also happens to be in THIS FILE. That is one of the reasons that I had looked at this file some time ago. I need to get this file, up to my standards.

Here is my PLAN:

Get this file Online to see IF what I have, will generate HINTS from Ancestry?
7,039 Hints
5,595 RECORD Hints

The data that I have, Names, Dates, Places AND Relationships are doing what they should be doing, Generating Hints.

I totally use these hints for all of my research, that I can Online, to gather enough information to know what I need to look for, and where, when a visit to a repository / archive it required.

I did a couple of Web Merges, to make sure that I would get the expected results, that is GOOD Hints. The one's I have tried, all were accurate, presented no conflicting information (so far). So the theory that the file and linked Ancestry Member Tree would give me good hints.

As I said earlier, I have created my standards for my file (now files). How I do things, manage Filenames, Citations, Place Names (historic and current), Research Log and ToDo Lists.

My first step is to Marks ALL Profiles with a Fact that I will use to show me that this Profile is NOT Documented. I use the Undocumented Fact Report on a routine bases (usually daily). That would be of no use on this file. So, ALL profiles will have this Fact, so when I run the Undocumented Fact Report, I can Filter OUT, all profiles that have this Fact. When all of the Facts for each profile is documented, I can Remove that Fact and run that report again.

While I am Adding that Fact to each profile, I am looking at the profile, mostly for Place Names. This file is so old, that we did NOT have a Resolve Place Name utility, so place names were not in the proper format. So while I am looking at the Profile, I will resolve those Place Names that I am able to (quickly). For example, I had 341 Unresolved Place Names and now am down to 224. Still a lot, but most of those unresolved place names will require a RECORD to correct the place name. There are many that are involved with Virginia / West Virginia historic place names. As I have posted before, I will double enter those place names to include the historic place name and the current place name for the Map feature.

Also, there are many place names from England and Ireland. I am not even trying to address those place names until I look at the records. Many of the 224 Place names all into that category.

ALL of my Birth, Marriage, and Death Dates, that only have the Year, I change to "Abt. YYYY". So, that clean up is being done. I have also deleted a number of Birth, Marriage, and Death Dates where I might have the Year, AND another entry for complete data and place name. I'll delete that Year only entry.

I have already run the Data Error Report with ALL Profiles what appear in that report are Marked with a Fact with that name AND a ToDo item for that profile. I know that the only way I will resolve most of those errors, is with a Record. They are ALL Marked and will resolve them when I am looking at records.

When I finish marking all of the Profiles as being not documented, I will invite this researcher to this Ancestry Member Tree to allow them to look at my data themselves. I have a "File Note" profile, in my database and in the AMT, where I add all of the information on how I handle this file. Why I do "stuff" in the file. Why did I do THAT ??? see the File Notes.

I already have a number of "stories" about the people in this File. I have visited a number of place where this "line" traveled through or to. One of the stories, that I have documented, is this line had an encounter with George Washington and his brother, as the family were neighbors of the Washington's.

I can't forget my Cousin Connection from my Master file, NOR can I forget the connection to my Mother's family, that may have a connection. I had forgotten that connection until I started to look at the file.

Finally, I am writing this blog post, as one of the things I am tracking, is how good or bad are the Hints we get from our online trees, from Ancestry. I have done this study several times in the past, and in the past I have experienced a high rate of success (90% - 95%). With all of the changes in Family Tree Maker and how we receive our Hints, I want to see how the hinting system is working today.

Lesson Learned:

1) Test your Back Up's

2) Don't Delete your "old" Back Up's.

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reader Question: How to Compare "Trees"

A Question from a reader:
Updating an FTM Tree with updates made to a separate FTM Tree. I started my FTM tree from a GEDCOM file of family member but have not kept the tree up to date. I now want to update my tree with additions my family member made to their tree but do not want to replace my tree since I have added a lot of data. Other than comparing trees person by person and adding the additions manually is there a way to compare the tree and select the items to be added (e.g., merge only the additions).
First, let me clarify something. A TREE is Online a FILE is on our computer.

So, I am guessing that you are asking about Comparing TWO or more Family Tree Maker FILES. So, rephrasing your question:

Is there a way to Compare two FTM FILES in Family Tree Maker (version doesn't matter in this case).

Short answer is NO. BUT

You can have two FILES open at the Same Time, as we have a File, Open in New Window option. Yes, it's all manual.

I just did a project like this myself, and I created both FILES. It took a month to clean up the Merge. I didn't even have to compare the two files, I knew I wanted the two files combined

"Merge only the Additions" would really mean Merge, ONE Profile at a time OR you can create a List in FTM2019 and merge the List from the "other file" into your Master file.

I will be postings how to do that in the future.

From what you have described, I would manually enter the data from the "other file" into my Master File, Citations and all. I am very picky in how I enter my data.

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Sunday, October 20, 2019

FTM2019 - People - Ignored Hints

What ?? Ignoring Hints ?? Yes, I Ignore some, very specific Hints offered by Ancestry.com

I have chosen to Ignore Certain Record Group Hints from Ancestry.com. I hope to explain why, and what I can do IF I run out of hints for a person whose hints I have ignored.

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Monday, October 14, 2019

Reader Question: FTM2019 and FamillySearch Images

Here is a Question from one a blog Reader
How do you attach documents in family search to a person in FTM 2019?
The easy answer, the same way you do from Any website, like Ancestry, The Web Merge feature. I have many blog posts on that.

I may do another blog post, specifically now that we had the FamilySearch 2.0 features. (upcoming blog posts on that as well.)

In the meantime, in the Help Menu, select Companion Guide, and go to page 145 for the details.

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Reader Question: How to open Old Files

Here a question I received from a reader:
I have several old versions of my ancestry trees of over 3000 individual's going back to the late 1400s, that I can't open in current operating systems. I never learned and have no help to convert them to Geodom(sp?).

So this is my question: can Family Treemaker open and preserve all this work completed by an older relative who left it to me, and myself???

If it can't be saved, it will be lost for good, which seems a shame.
And the Good News is,FTM2019  will open all previous versions of the Family Tree Maker program.

And, if you don't remember where those files are, on your computer, the New, Tree Browser, will find them for you.

I did a blog post on that one.


and, the Tree Browser will find files on any external hard drive connected to your computer.

The one that is high lighted in on an external drive and I haven't touched it for 15 years.
Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Thursday, October 10, 2019

FTM2019 - People Workspace - FamilySearch 2.0 - My Implementation

After looking into how I might use this new feature, I determined that I would review the FamilySearch Family Tree profiles, and do a Match, where appropriate.

In my database, I have identified each of my Direct Line Ancestors, End of Line. I have an End of Line Fact (marked Private) that I can Filter on and I have an Image that is an End of Line Ancestor's profile picture.

In reviewing the FamilySearch Hints, I chose only to Match those profiles where only ONE Hint was presented. As I recorded this video, I talk though this process.

It works for me. I already of about 15 Historical Record Hints from FamilySearch and can do a Web Merge for those historical records, as I have time.

Clearly  these Historical Records hints will be helpful.

A new "Cousin Bait" feature for me.
Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

FTM2019 - People Workspace - FamilySearch 2.0 - Match Profile

In FTM2017 we have been receiving hints from FamilySearch. With FTM2019 that has been enriched. In a previous video I demonstrated how to Download from FamilySearch Family Tree and a second post, what you might consider to clean up after that Download.

In this video, I will show you FamilySearch 2.0 but in the People Workspace and what the Change is, in the People Workspace, specifically on how I am using this new "Match" feature.

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Reader Question about "emotives"

A Readers Question:

Hi Russ.
I have noted that in FTM 2019 there are 'emotives' next to some of the names in the people work space. These 'emotives' are hearts, squares, etc. Can you explain what they represent and how do you add or remove them. I cannot attach a screen shot , but you can clearly see these 'emotives' in some of the FTM instruction video's on the web.
Here is a link as a good example:-
Sorry, have no clue what you mean by "emotives". I have NONE. I did look at that YouTube Video and still don't know what you mean.

There are HINTs, both from Ancestry and from FamilySeach, but they were there in previous Versions of Family Tree Maker. The FamilySearch Hints came with FTM2017.

I haven't blogged about the hints, yet, but will in the next day or two.

Sorry. They are not part of FTM2019 that I have seen.


UPDATE: This question should be posted on that You Tube Channel. It is NOT part of the Family Tree Maker program nor a feature of it.
Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

macOS Catalina Compatibility for Family Tree Maker

If you are a Mac user, I suggest that you read this Knowledge Base article at familytreemaker.com

macOS Catalina Compatibility for Family Tree Maker
Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

FTM2019 - Plan Workspace - FamilySearch Download - Clean up

This is a follow up to the previous Blog post

FTM2019 - Plan Workspace - Download from FamilySearch Family Tree

I suggested that I would have some clean up to do for the FILE to meet my standards. I won't go into that, but will provide some areas of the File where there may be things that you would want to change.

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Monday, October 7, 2019

FTM2019 - Plan Workspace - Download from FamilySearch Family Tree

A short demonstration on the new feature, Download from FamilySearch Familiy Tree (FamilySearch 2.0)

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Sunday, October 6, 2019

FTM2019 - Plan Workspace - Change Log

Brief overview of the Change Log in the Plan Workspace:

I want to suggest that this may not by your first line of defense when you discover a problem in your database. I do recommend the Tools Menu, Compact File, using the Back Up feature.

Don't forget that Edit, Undo option or, CTRL+Z for Windows users.
Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Saturday, October 5, 2019

FTM2019 - Before you Install

Some suggested steps to do, BEFORE you Install FTM2019.

The Links mentioned in the recording:


Sign Up for Newletter

Family Tree Maker News, Offers and Other Emails

Launch Status


Sync Outages for FTM 2017 and FTM 2019
Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

FTM2019 - Plan Workspace, Tree Browser

A new feature in FTM2019 is in the Plan Workspace. It is the Tree Browser. This feature gives you access to and will allow you do find ALL Family Tree Maker FILES on your computer, as well as a view of all of your Ancestry Member Trees.

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Thursday, October 3, 2019

FTM2019 - People Workspace

More for the People Workspace

Saved Filters

Counters on Tabs

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

WACKY Wednesday, with DearMYRTLE - FTM2019 Overview

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

WACKY Wednesday with DearMYRTLE - Demonstration of FTM2019

Tonight, I will have the honor of presenting a high level overview of Family Tree Maker, version 2019 (FTM2019) that was released on the 30th Anniversary of when the program was first introduced to us. I have been using the program for 26 of those 30 years.

I will be joining DearMYRTLE in our usual WackyWednesday Webinar 
where we will spend an hour talking about the new features.

You will need to Register for the Webinar to watch live, and it will be recorded in case you are not able to watch live. When you Register, please use your Real Name (first and last) so that we can answer any specific questions that you might have.

To Register:

WACKY Wednesday with DearMYRTLE
Wednesday, October 29:00 – 10:00pm

Description:If you are new, the registration link is here:
9pm Eastern US (New York)
8pmam Central US (Chicago)
7pm Mountain US (Denver, Salt Lake City)
6pm Pacific US (Los Angeles)
UTC-7 hours

If you need a time zone converter, this is the one Ol' Myrt uses:
This DearMYRTLE Webinar is presented at no cost. If you find the information useful, consider the Pay What You Want business model Ol' Myrt employs:

If you miss the live events, catch the archived version at your convenience. It's usually available within 24 hours after the *live* recording has concluded. http://dearmyrtle.com/blog2/index.php/blog/
Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

FTM2019 - People Workspace

New Features in the People Workspace

FamilySearch 2.0

Improved Color Coding

Hints in Index

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

FTM2019 - Media Workspace

A Couple of new features in the Media Workspace

AlbumWALK Media Player

Photo Darkroom Tools

Profile Cropping

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ