Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Preparation for 1950 Census - What Facts to Review

Review of Certain Facts:

In my  review of those I hope to find in the 1950 Census, before they are indexed, I have a series of Facts that I look at and make note of.

  • Do I have an Address
  • Do I have the 1940 Federal Census
  • Do I have a Marriage Date for Females
  • Do I have a Death Date
Some of these Facts are taken care of my the Filter Feature.

I look to see of the Residence Fact indicates that the family moved around. As mentioned in an earlier post, if attempt to get each profile, with each Census Record that I should be able to find for them. If  I don't have a specific year, I put that in the ToDo list, so it is obvious to me that I need to look for it, or a Hint that will take me to that "missing" record. The record isn't really missing, it's just that I haven't gotten to it.

In my Work Flow blog post, I showed that I may go to the Places Workspace, find that Address, then copy the ED information, with Citation, onto that profile.

One of the ToDo Items, was I reviewed the profiles, was "Missing Death Date". Again, it's in the ToDo list for the profile, but it is also in the Plan Workspace. Today, I was working on my "Missing Death Date" in the 1950 Census TaskList Category and was looking at my Hint list, to see who might have Hints for a Death Index. Most of this file is in or around New Jersey, so I really only had ONE Record Collection on Ancestry to look at. I have 30 Hints, for this file, in that record group. So I started to work on those profiles.

Here is an example of why I look specifically at these items.

You may not be able to read this screen capture in detail, but you will see that I have NO Death Date, I have the 1900, 1920, and 1940 Census Records AND I have the ED listing for the 1950 Census. I had added that Fact while working on the street address.

I looked at the Hints for this profile and saw:

She died in January 1950. After I merge that Index record, I will then Delete that 1950 Residence Fact (with ED information), and the profile should be removed from the Filter Feature list.

Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

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