Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Reader Question: 1950 US Federal Census template

Reader Question:

Have you a solution for using a FTM source template for the 1950 Federal Census? All census templates have an ending of 1940 and they can't be edited. Would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks Rick
That's an easy one: Use the 1940 Source Template.

I am working on a blog post, as I have used TWO Websites for the 1950 US Federal Census. The information in the Template need to be different.

Using that Source Template, and I am using the Year and Location option, and compared my results with Elizabeth Shown Miles, and I am as close as I can get.

Thanks for the question, Rick

Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Reader Question: Relationship Settings

User Question:

How to enter a known father for an illegitimate birth so that a report shows both parents and the child appears as a descendant of its mother
You enter the parents normally. The key is the Relationship Setting between the Parents. Select that father or mother, of the child, go to the People Workspace, Person View, Relationship Tab and make your choice of the Relationship.

Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Ways to Support Ukraine

Please use this link to visit the Software MacKiev website. I have friends that have been impacted by the events in Ukraine. I understand that they are safe and hope they remain safe.

As you may know, RootsTech-2022 is Virtual, but in past years, it was live. The team in the Ukraine would be in Salt Lake City with use, talking about Family Tree Maker.

Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

Monday, February 28, 2022

Troubleshooting TreeVault Issues

Found this article on the Family Tree Maker website. Thought I would share the link to it.

Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Learning from a Book Review

What do I want YOU to see VS What do I need to see

I recently create a "Book", using the Family Book Creator plugin for the Family Tree Maker program (FTM2019).

It was a draft to show a class what an "end result" might be for our research. The book was about 120 pages, with charts, stories, Pictures, records, and a Place and Person index.

This book was created from a file that I have been using, in an "in person" class, based on some research for one of the students. The research has been shared with the class, over the past several months, some of the material has been used on this blog.

I gave one copy of the book to the student two weeks ago. This past class, the student gave me a stack of pages, all marked up. The details of the comments were awesome. Lots of "red marks" in the Footnotes. Someone actually read the footnotes, I said to myself.

As it turned, most of the comments are GREAT teaching moments for the next class. Presentation already done.

Here is an example of one of pages:

Lots of red marks and "corrections".

This file (and book) is being used to prepare for the 1950 Federal Census, for the USA, later this year (04/01/2022 to be exact). So the Residence Fact and Addresses are important. All well and good.


I knew where this information came from, after all everything has a Citation. All of this information was helpful for me, but what I had not thought about, is what about a reader of the information provided in this book. The comments made it very clear to me, that everything had been read and thought about.

Most of the information with the red marks came from 3 Sources or Record Groups on Ancestry. All very helpful for the 1950 Preparation work, but not so much for the reader of the book. Understanding those 3 sources, and what they contain, I have marked any information, that were turned into Facts, in FTM2019, I marked as Private, so they will not appear in the Ancestry Member Tree (AMT) nor will they appear in the next printing of the Book.

I want to see those Facts in FTM2019, and I want the Online Tree (AMT) to have a link to the Record, but ONLY for the Name and Birth Date FACTS, that were on the Record. I want the reader to see the record, just not the other FACTS that the record provided.

A review of ALL of the Citations from those three (3) record groups. There were 27 Citations, so far, for those three record groups, and all of the "Residence" Facts have been marked private.
Original data: Voter Registration Lists, Public Record Filings, Historical Residential Records, and Other Household Database Listings.
That is from the Source Information from Ancestry. An Index, with no image, nor real information about the source of information.
No wonder the student marked it up. 

There was also an upside to this review, New Information that I did not have before.
Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

Friday, January 14, 2022

User Question: Media Files

Response to User Question:

There are a number of questions but I will attempt to answer each of them here.

Where to Add New Media:

Where should I Add New Media (ex Photo) first? To..... 1) Person or 2) Media workspace w source & citation?

That depends:

I work on Media files in the Media Workspace. BUT, I also ALWAYS have a Citation on my Media Files. And I create Citations FIRST. So to answer your question, based on What I do, I start in the Sources Workspace, Create / Craft the Citation and ADD that Media File to the Citation. 

I started updating my media with sources & citations but notice that linking the photo to a person, person's name or other fact does not add to the Person media on the bottom left panel.

When I have the Citation, now with the media file, I then LINK to the Profile, Normally, just to the Person, not any Fact. (using a photo as the example). I would only link a media file to a Fact, if that media item was a document, saved as a Media File.

I don't and any media files in the People Workspace, Person Tab. (your bottom left panel). I want that media file with a Citation. In the Media File, Description, I also Paste the Citation. If it is a group photo, for example, above the Citation would me Left to Right: .... type of information describing who is in the photo.

Should I always add media to the Person lower left panel? I feel all media associated with a person should appear here then when you click on a fact in the upper panel the media will also appear in the right panel associated with a source/citation.

You certainly can do what you want, I can only share what I do.

What is this lower left panel's function?

Lower Left Panel, on what screen? 

Is that panel just for my viewing?

If you want to look at a Media File, Media Workspace and select the Media file and if you double click it will become larger. Not exactly sure what you are asking. 

I read that if you wish to have your family file backups smaller then do not add the Media by copying but rather choose the LINK option. Keeping my family file smaller and utiilizing a separate media folder on my computer is preferred.

It depends on what you want that back up to do, later on. Yes, if you do not include Media the FBC file will be Smaller, like an Automatic Back Up. No Media files.

Again, my opinion. I want ONE File for ALL of the Media Files for that one Family Tree Maker File. < filename > Media. The Media files in the Folder, will ALWAYS BE Copies, for me. The original media files will be in separate folders on my computer. The only Media files that I don't have elsewhere on my computer are Record Media files from Ancestry.

Is sounds like you are trying deal with diskspace in your question. I MOVE all of my Back Up files, including Media Files, from my Hard drive to an External Hard Drive. Both my hard drive and external drives are backed up to the Cloud automatically.

I tested with 2 different media by ADD NEW MEDIA to a PERSON one by top option (copy) and 2nd by bottom option (link) and cannot see what is really happening. I have read everything on your blog and the Family Tree Maker Companion Guide but nothing seems to show me this specific situation.

Sorry, don't understand. Try my suggestion then see if that gets at your question. Use a one or two person test file.

The link vs copy option seems to come up in a few situations when dealing with Media and the choice may be different depending on where/how it the Media was first added. If I understand what happens with one piece of new media then cleanup of existing media will be simpler.

As I said earlier, I ALWAYS use the Copy option, NOT Link. The Link allows you to use a Media file somewhere on your computer. When you do a Back Up, that Media file will NOT be included. The link will be there and there is a "find missing media" utility, but I want EVERYTHING for that file, using the Compact and Back Up feature, in the Tools Menu, where the Back Up includes the Media Files.

FTM2019 (started researching in 1999 ... on an off again)

All of the above lets me sleep at night, knowing that if something happens to my computer or family tree maker database, I can recover quickly. Oh, and yes, it has happened to me. 

Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Preparation for 1950 Census - What Facts to Review

Review of Certain Facts:

In my  review of those I hope to find in the 1950 Census, before they are indexed, I have a series of Facts that I look at and make note of.

  • Do I have an Address
  • Do I have the 1940 Federal Census
  • Do I have a Marriage Date for Females
  • Do I have a Death Date
Some of these Facts are taken care of my the Filter Feature.

I look to see of the Residence Fact indicates that the family moved around. As mentioned in an earlier post, if attempt to get each profile, with each Census Record that I should be able to find for them. If  I don't have a specific year, I put that in the ToDo list, so it is obvious to me that I need to look for it, or a Hint that will take me to that "missing" record. The record isn't really missing, it's just that I haven't gotten to it.

In my Work Flow blog post, I showed that I may go to the Places Workspace, find that Address, then copy the ED information, with Citation, onto that profile.

One of the ToDo Items, was I reviewed the profiles, was "Missing Death Date". Again, it's in the ToDo list for the profile, but it is also in the Plan Workspace. Today, I was working on my "Missing Death Date" in the 1950 Census TaskList Category and was looking at my Hint list, to see who might have Hints for a Death Index. Most of this file is in or around New Jersey, so I really only had ONE Record Collection on Ancestry to look at. I have 30 Hints, for this file, in that record group. So I started to work on those profiles.

Here is an example of why I look specifically at these items.

You may not be able to read this screen capture in detail, but you will see that I have NO Death Date, I have the 1900, 1920, and 1940 Census Records AND I have the ED listing for the 1950 Census. I had added that Fact while working on the street address.

I looked at the Hints for this profile and saw:

She died in January 1950. After I merge that Index record, I will then Delete that 1950 Residence Fact (with ED information), and the profile should be removed from the Filter Feature list.

Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

Sunday, January 9, 2022

macOS Monterey Compatibility for Family Tree Maker

For those of you who use the Mac Operating System

macOS Monterey Compatibility for Family Tree Maker ____________________________________________________________
Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

Friday, January 7, 2022

Editor's choice

I have not published this before, but have had a couple of comments on the blog that I will not publish. That is a three letter abbreviation for this website.
I will be very happy to publish comments about this website, and I have many blog posts about my use of it, but the Website NAME MUST be spelled out. I hope you understand. ____________________________________________________________
Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Prep for 1950 - Workflow and Filters

Are you ready for the release of the 1950 US Federal Census ? Watch for this graphic, on this Blog, and DearMYRTLE's Blog and Facebook Groups as we will use this for the DearMYRTLE's CensusGenie branding.

Will demonstrate the three (3) steps that I am using, when working on the 1950 Census Preparation. 1) Who I should find in the Census, 2) Address needed for the One-Step Website, 3) Those who I have 1950 ED's.

Here is a link to my previous 1950 Census Preparation blog posts:

Preparation for the release of the 1950 US Federal Census - Bread Crumbs is my way of using the Steve Morse One Step website.

This video is a brief summary of the work that I am currently do, in preparation for 1 April 2022.



1 - Preparation for the 1940 US Federal Census on this blog already, can be found in the "Census1940" Label. The 1950 CensusGenie series will use the "Census1950" Label on the Left Column of this blog, or search for "1940census" or "1950census".

Myrt as a Tab on her Website for easy access to this project.

The usual schedule will be:

Weekly - 7 Apr 2021 14 Apr 2021 21 Apr 2021 
Monthly - May 2021 -Feb 2022 Weekly - Mar 2022 
Daily - Apr 2022 until we get the hang of the indexing. 

3 - Register once for this recurring Zoom Meeting. 

Dates for upcoming will appear below. For the most recent dates, be sure to see DearMYRTLE's Calendar located here:

5 Jan 2022
2 Feb 2022
2 Mar 2022
9 Mar 2022
16 Mar 2022
23 Mar 2022
30 Mar 2022
Copyright © 2022 by Cousin Russ