Saturday, August 28, 2021

FTM2019 - Web Links Tab

A problem that I have had, with the Family Tree Maker program, is the ability to identify which Profiles use the Web Link Tab, in the People Workspace, Person View.

In this example, the profile has 10 Web Links. I wanted a way to see "who all has Web Links". Understanding the Filter Feature, I created a FACT called "Web Links Tab", and created a Citation for that fact. So, I can create a list of ALL Profiles that have Links in the Tab, but then I can Filter OUT some other Fact. In the Video, I can Filter OUT All profiles that do NOT use the WikiTree Fact that is in use. All profiles that have a WikiTree FACT will have a information in the Web Links Tab, to take me to their Profile on WikiTree.

Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ

Friday, August 27, 2021

FTM2019 Clean Up

After I Privatized my Media Files, I thought I would do some File Clean Up.

This is work on my own File, with 12,661 profiles. I have two questions in my mind as I have been doing this clean up.

What do I need / want to see
What do I want YOU to see

Those two questions have been on my mind when I give presentations on Family Tree Maker or when I blog, here, about the program. I have implemented these questions in a couple of smaller files, but not on my own file. I have been cleaning up a lot of information, like Citations in my file, but not really spent some time making this file public. Too messy, and needed to be cleaned up.

Thinking through the Media file issue, those two questions returned to this file and the related, linked Ancestry Member Tree (AMT). In an earlier blog post I figured out a way for someone finding the AMT, to communicate that I had images for the Profile. I can do that with my Master File.

But what about other information, like Facts, Notes, those stories. I know what I want to handle the Person (Profile) Notes. Each Note will have a Citation, keeping in mind that may be many notes in one persons Notes, but each one will have a Citation and that citation is in Bold. I have been doing that. The bolded Citation is a visual for me, that there is the "next" note, in the person note Tab. So, IF I have notes and I have not put the Citation, in bold, I just Privatize that Persons Notes. Looking at what I had left, not made private, I just privatized that note and moved on. I realized that the notes, with citations, were not consistent. So, I went through almost 200 pages of notes and made them Private. I want to see consistent notes, with Citations, but don't want anyone else to see them YET. Also, Ancestry AMTs do not present the Notes with the formatting (like bold Citations) that I have in my version of the Notes. Remember that those notes may appear in a Book that I may create from this file. That Formatting WILL remain in that Book. I can also unprivatize those notes for that book.

All Notes are not marked as Private.

I already have a number of FACTS that I have marked as Private, like Current Place Names for a Historical location (see earlier blog posts on that), but when I was looking at the 200 Facts that I have in my database, again my use of those Facts were not Consistent.

I did two things with the Facts. Marked ALL but Birth, Marriage, and Death Facts as Private, but Default, AND those existing, as Private. I can see that ALL. As I did this, I created an EXCEL spreadsheet with each Fact and the Number of times that Fact was used. As I went along, I made a quick notation that I needed to fix my usage of that Fact, in EXCEL.

What I also have, is an Evernote (another program) Notebook on how I use Family Tree Maker. I have used that for a long time, especially for Citations. So my next task, and I may blog about this, is to put all of those Facts in Evernote, and describe how I use that Fact and Where I get it from.

In EXCEL, I made a couple of Notes. Self, Records, System. Where did that fact come from. Very high level, but I did this to give me a clue as to the Order in which I want to work on those Facts. Some are easy, some, not so much. My Military FACTS are out of control.

Going forward, my workplan is to make those Private Facts public, as appropriate. Keeping in mind those two questions.

What do I need / want to see
What do I want YOU to see

I have not forgotten my prep work for the 1950 U.S. Federal Census project, as I will switch between the two projects from time to time, probably one day with one project the next on the other.

I probably will share some of this work in this blog, if there is any interest. But I want my file to be the way it should be. I have learned a lot of information since I started AND Family Tree Maker has many new features that make it easier to accomplish my goal.

Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

FTM2019 and WikiTree

I have been a WikiTree user for a number of years, as I recall, from it's beginning. BUT I have not been doing much with it. 

After my experience with doing a Match with the FamilySearch website profiles, I have hint's from that website that I can see and use, as appropriate. With WikiTree there are NO Hints. BUT, it a source of documents / sources, that I might use in my own research. 

That is in addition to what documentation I might contributred. I also, as a Profile Manage, have a responsiblity, I think, to update those Profiles I manage. Also, those Profiles I don't manage, there may be documents I have not seen and/or used. 

What I created is a process in which I can SEE, in my Family Tree Maker File, that there is a WikiTree profile, for the FTM2019 Profile. This video explains that process.

Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

FTM2019 - Ancestry Member Tree Test

As you may have seen, I have been working on, and thinking about the best use of an Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), for myself and others that might visit my AMT.

With the help of DearMYRTLE I ran a test of what a "Contributor" of an AMT can and can not see and do. It was a learning experience and I thank Myrt for her time.

We discovered a couple of thing that didn't work, but several important things that did work. 

Each of the steps described in the previous blog post worked as expected.
  • Living profiles are all marked Private, using the "guessed" 120 year rule, meaning a given birth date and no death date, where the birth date was more than 120 years (used 1920, was viewable, 1922 was private)
  • A visible indication of the "end of line" profile, where there are no parents
  • A visible indication that I have a Photograph of the person in the Profile.
Was the "test" a Pass or Fail ? [ I would usually give The Legal Genealogist answer, but I will refrain ]

My answer,  Yes / No / Maybe. The work done so far turned out the way I had hoped. The limitations observed are out if my control. 

Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ

Monday, August 9, 2021

FTM2019 - I've got Photographs & Bookmarks

Another in the series on Changes I am making in Family Tree Maker based on the Changes at Ancestry.


 Thinking through this process, I will, most likely, end up by making my Ancestry Member Trees (AMT) public and making the AMT more Cousin Bait. I wanted some why to let a visitor know that I have photographs of the Profile being viewed. ____________________________________________________________
Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ

Sunday, August 8, 2021

User Question - Fact not listed

Here is a question from a Reader:
Trying to clean up unknown in "facts labels" and found an Indiv unknown fact & source s/be marraige shared fact but marriage fact not an option in fact change list for individuals.
That is because the Marriage Fact is a Shared Fact. ____________________________________________________________
Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ

FTM2019 - Update Privatized Facts

In the previous blog post, I marked certain Facts as Private by default. Meaning the next time that Fact is used, it will be private. The one I selected in the previous video, the fact had not been used.

There is a couple of screens that appear, when that Fact is being used. This video will demonstrate that.

In addition, I will show what a "messy" Ancestry Member Tree (AMT) looks like when Alternate Facts are selected in the Facts Tab in the AMT.

Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ

Saturday, August 7, 2021

FTM2019 - Just the Facts

As I am considering making my Ancestry Member Tree (AMT) Public, I want to evaluate what Facts in my database, do I want a visitor to the AMT to see. 

I will demonstrate the process that I am going through, making the changes, as to which Facts are Marked Private by default, and by checking the Properties of each Fact, which existing Fact will appear in the Updated AMT.

Keep in mind, that they always can be changed back globally, or individually.


Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ

FTM2019 - Renaming a File and linked Ancestry Member Tree

Want to show how to Rename a FTM2019 File and it's Linked Ancestry Member Tree.

Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ

Friday, August 6, 2021

FTM2019 - Remove Person Notes from AMT

This is a follow up to FTM2019 - Remove Media files from an Ancestry Member Tree 

Ancestry had made some changes to their Terms and Conditions on the Website that impacts me, and probably everyone else, we read what had been provided. 

The Legal Genealogist blog is on MUST READ blogs, as I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV or on a blog. The bottom line for me, is that I have less than 30 days to remove my Media Files from the website, on any of their properties, including an Ancestry Member Tree (AMT). 

Another MUST READ Blog is Genea-Musings. The author expresses his concern and plan of action.

This post is handling of Person Notes in FTM2019. They were created by me, each note has a citation below each item in the Person Notes. I consider that, my content.

Over time, I have been working on bringing all of my Notes up to My Standards. That is, has been, and will be a work in progress. But, I want to pull them all down, for now. Do some more clean up then I may, or may not include the Person Notes in the Ancestry Member Tree.

Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ

FTM2019 - Remove Media files from an Ancestry Member Tree

Ancestry had made some changes to their Terms and Conditions on the Website that impacts me,  and probably everyone else, we read what had been provided.

The Legal Genealogist blog is on MUST READ blogs, as I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV or on a blog. The bottom line for me, is that I have less than 30 days to remove my Media Files from the website, on any of their properties, including an Ancestry Member Tree (AMT). I probably have 3,000+ images, in my master file that needs to come down.

Another MUST READ Blog is Genea-Musings. The author expresses his concern and plan of action.

This Video explains how I intend to remove my Media Files from the AMT.

Ancestry has updated their initial change.

Making Our Terms and Conditions Clearer: Modifications to our August 2021 Update (05 August 2021)____________________________________________________________
Copyright © 2021 by Cousin Russ