Thursday, October 31, 2013

CrowdSourcing - Build a F.A.N. Club

On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 GeneaBlogger and friend Randy Seaver, creator of the Genea-Mustings blog had this blog post.

CrowdSourcing Opportunity: When and Where did John Louis Powell Die?

 I encourage you to read and follow his blog. I learn much from his blog.

As I see it, he put that blog post, out to his readers and the Genealogy Community, to help identify the answer to the question. I find it MOST helpful to have a clearly stated question to answer.

My approach to this type of challenge is to see if I can create a F.A.N. (Friends / Family, Acquaintances, and Neighbors) Club. That term has been linked to Elizabeth Shown Mills author of the Evidence Explained! book and website. I want to start with the basic information that Randy provided, then try to Prove or Disprove (very doubtful) the details of his research to date. As I read it, hedid a number of hours of research and was not able to answer that question.

Here is the start of this project:
 John told me the following:

1)  His grandfather's name was John Lewis Burr Powell.
2)  He lived in his later years in Creek County, Oklahoma.
3)  His grandfather's wife's name was Ethel.
4)  His mother's maiden name was Jean Agnes Powell, daughter of John Lewis and Ethel Powell.
5)  John Lewis Powell died sometime after 1941 and probably before 1950 (friend John has a picture of him with his grandfather, John Lewis Powell), and may have been murdered.(1)

I took that information, entered it into FTM2014 and was off to create my FAN Club. I do this to see if I can put that information into a Family, then start to confirm and add additional information by looking at a Census Record to see if I can find some piece of that family.

Once I entered that data, I let FTM2014 and provide me with some "low hanging fruit" or the easy records to find, shaky leaves as we see them in FTM2014.

It worked, within a couple of minutes I found the hint I wanted in the 1930 Federal Census. I found Ethel, John's grandmother, and his mother. In fact that census record identified 2 brothers. BUT, the father's name wasn't right. It read, both in the transcribed version and the image, Louis B Powell. As I ALWAYS do, I look at the image. I have a collection of Facts that I will take from that census record AND I want the right information to create an appropriate Citation.

One hint that I picked up that Randy didn't mention, was that Louis B Powell had a Yes in the Military questions. A quick search on, I hoped, was going to provide a clue. That didn't really surprise me, because I would guess that Randy had already done that. 

The 1930 Census provided some names, dates, and locations to help build that FAN club.

Since #4 above said that the Grandfather died sometime after 1941, I looked for a 1940 record. I found the 2 brothers, listed as Step-Sons in the state of Illinois rather than Oklahoma where they were in 1930. The sister (mother of John, who we are searching for) was not listed. That is interesting because she would have been about 17 in the 1940 Census. (added to my ToDo list)

The brother's mother was "Ethel" as before, but appears to have re-married to a Loy Latham. Ethel was the informant for the 1940 Census and it listed that their 1935 residence was back in Oklahoma. This tells me that between 1935 and 1940 this "new" family moved from Oklahoma to Illinois. It also suggests that Ethel re-married sometime between 1930 and 1935. There is a little stretch there, in that the 1940 household had the same people in it in 1935.

That re-marriage also falls within reason of the death of John's grandfather. Dates, names and places are in line, based on Census Records.

You may remember that the 1940 Census had a bonus question for 2 people on that page, and we hit the Jack Pot !! Well almost. The youngest son, 10 years old, was the winner. But there were no hints there.

Still building my FAN Club, I wanted to go back to 1930 for the new "Step-Father". Found him, as a son, in Oklahoma with his family. Age was consistent with the 1940 Census, birth location of his parents were indicated and confirmed in the 1930 Census. So, I know what his family looks like in 1930.

Then a Shaky Leaf showed up. It was on the Step-Father. The hint was from a Find-A-Grave Index record. I cite that and an Index citation, just so that I remember what I found and where, but won't use that citation in any proof statement. Following that hint to the Find-A-Grave website, I found the Step-Father along with both of his parents. The note on Find-A-Grave said:
Plot: Section 6 next to Minnie Lathem & Millege (2)
That was confirming information, for me, that I had the right family. Following another Shaky Leaf for the Step-Father, I found a Death Index for him, in Illinois, as expected, and that provided me with his mother's maiden name, IF I need that later on. Another index, another ToDo list. This time, there is a FHL Film Number to look up on

I still want to build out this FAN club and don't want to get sidetracked on Fold3, FamilySearch, or any of the Newspaper websites, YET. But I do have those issues on my ToDo List.

I did stop and look at a couple of TimeLines for the "missing" grandfather and his wife to see what I may have missed. This is how I reached the fact of when the 2nd marriage occurred. This should become important when I go looking for Newspaper articles about the death and possible "murder" that Randy mentioned.

Closing down for the night, I did a TreeSync™ to make sure it was a Private Tree on a new Ancestry Member Tree.

Not bad, for me, for a couple of hours the first night. But, I needed to take my car to "the shop" and luckily or unluckily I had more work that needed to be done then an Oil Change. So, I broke out (good planning) my iPad with the Ancestry App and continued my research.

When I opened the App up, there were several shaky leaves that were for this "step-family" back to the 1920 Census, were I picked up a brother for the "step-father" and his father's full first name, where the 1930 census only had his Initials. This family was in Oklahoma as well. Farmers turned people involved with the pipelines. No red flags here, for me at least. The next hint took me back to the 1910 Census, where I picked up more family members. Dates and places continue to be consistent.

Because I was looking at this family, I noticed a Hint for a City Directory, from Oklahoma City in 1941. Helpful information was the exact location, address included AND that the M J Lathem has died, as the City Directory said (wid of MJ). Another good, confirming bit of information.

When I got back home, I did the TreeSync, reviewed what I had done On-Line with my iPad, and cleaned up the Citations. I ALWAYS take the Citations and move them into the Template Format. Have re-sync-ed the AMT and then thought it was time to Invite Randy to view what I have collected.

For now, I will stop building this FAN club and go back to the several ToDo items that I have created, but feel more comfortable about looking for Newspaper Clippings and see IF I can find that Military connection mentioned in the 1930 Census.

Also, I am going to take the Source Material for our Subject and put that data into the Evidentia program to create a Proof Statement at the appropriate time.

More to come.

(1) Randy Seaver, "CrowdSourcing Opportunity: When and Where did John Louis Powell Die", Randy Seaver, Genea-Musings, 29 October 2013 (, accessed: 30 Oct 2013.

(2) Phil & Donna (Stricklan/Brush) Whitaker, "Find-A-Grave", database, Find-A-Grave ( Find-A-Grave Memorial# 81053058; accessed: 30 Oct 2013. Record for Loy U Lathem; Record added: Nov 26, 2011.
Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

FTM2014 - List of ALL Existing Facts

Someone asked: How can I print a list of ALL Facts in my Family Tree Maker file?

I hadn't thought about that before. A question I would not have thought to look for nor ask about. What a pleasant surprise.

The first thing I did was to create a New Person who was unrelated to anyone. People Workspace and in the Tool Bar, selected Person, Add Person, Add Unrelated Person.

 This will bring up a New Person window where you select the Sex and Name the person.

For the lack of a better name AND it would appear in the Header of the Report, I called this person "All Facts"

Now over to the Publish Workspace, Person Reports, Select Custom Report

 This will generate a Custom Report. I only want to include "All Facts". Selected Individual is selected, and locate All Facts.

Selecting Items to Include (first ICON in the Right Hand Panel, will bring up the Items to Include Menu).

I only want the "Include only preferred facts, AND Include blank facts. No facts were entered for "All Facts":

The clicking on the Green Plus to the right of the list of FACTs will bring up the "Select Facts" window where Select All button is clicked.

 The result is, for me, a 3 page report.

What was really helpful for me in this All Facts report were Facts that I know I created, but it included some Facts that I hadn't thought about. Here is a short list of those the really jumped out at me.
  • Cremation
  • Disowned By Friends  *
  • DNA Markers
  • Excommunication
  • Hobby
  • Public Office
  • Reinstated By Friends *
* were Quaker Facts

I know that I have run across these facts in some of the records I have looked at. I printed this out and it is in my Family Tree Maker "How To" notebook.
Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington

Monday, October 28, 2013

FTM2014 and Multiple Computers (TreeSync™ feature)

In the Dear MYRTLE Genealogy Community on Google+, there was a question about the use of multiple computers by a husband and wife. They were wondering how to maintain one file from these two computers.

In the Monday's With Myrt, Hangout On Air today, I tried to answer the question. In this case, it's a little difficult to "talk" about it, and easier to see visually.

Lets get some basics: ( this is as of today, in Version FTM2014 )

One Computer to One Ancestry Member Tree (AMT)

 (image from

The AMT in the center (in the cloud) with access to that Online Tree from anywhere.

I do most of my research from my PC at Home, with FTM2014  Using the TreeSync™ feature I can keep my AMT in Sync with the information on my Desktop computer at home.

But, what if I go to work OR my wife wants to work on the SAME Tree. Answer, from her laptop or PC to the AMT, no software required, only access to the internet and logged in, with her account to my AMT, with Editor Permissions. She can work on the Tree, or I could work on it from work (oh yeah, I'm retired)

Or, I take my Laptop to the Family History Center in Salt Lake City or any other repository. Same thing, no software, access to the Internet, I log in and can update my AMT from there.

But, what if I go to a family reunion or another Family Gathering and I only have my iPhone or iPad with the Ancestry APP installed. Same deal. Access the AMT and update as I am able.

When I finally get home, from any of these places, I have an indication in the Plan Workspace, or the ICON on the upper right of the screen, that the file needs to be updated. The downward pointing arrow tells me that something has changed in the AMT.

The TreeSyncLog shows who changed what by Ancestry Username and WHAT was updated.

Let's make this a little more complicated. I have a Mac to test and use FTMM-2 (Family Tree Maker for the Mac, Version 2) for testing and help with other Mac users. I have a Laptop, with FTM2014 installed for Presentations AND I help with an Adult Care Center Genealogy Club. I have files on that Laptop, just for that group of folks, I help them with their research. If I am at home researching for them, I do it from my Laptop. It's my On The Road computer. I do NOT have my PC file loaded on this laptop.

But, what about Dropbox?

I use it to Back Up the files on my Mac and from my Laptop. Those Back Ups are in the Dropbox folder on each computer (all three of them) and "in the Cloud" in Dropbox. I then move those Back Up files from the PC Dropbox folder and put them onto my external drive.

I have identified which Computer will handle each of these files. When I open FTM2014, on the Plan Workspace, New Tab, I selected Download from Ancestry.

The file in Blue, has an indication that it is Linked to a file, in the Status column and that I have No Action Available.. So, my PC, which is where this screen capture came from, controls that AMT, with the name in the first column. All of my another AMTs are also listed. Many of them say "Not linked to this machine". It's linked as there is No Action Available.

Looking across the three computers, it looks like this in a Spreadsheet..

The AMT Name is listed 3 times, one line for each computer. The filename is in the third row with that status of Link to the Filename. The other two computers say Not linked to this machine.

The next entry, the Filename with that file on my Laptop. I can access that AMT from any of the computers, but in this case the Laptop is the Sync computer.

Because FTMM-2 (the Mac version) has a different format, and there is a Migration program to go from PC to Mac or Mac to PC, I include -MAC in the File and Tree Name. This also helps with the Back Up file, which will include the Date of the Back Up. I keep the Mac and PC files in different folders on the External Drive.

So, I have identified which Computer Files manage with Ancestry Member Tree. The Download from Ancestry List shows me which AMTs are linked to Files on that Computer.

But, what about Dropbox?

I am sure that this could be done differently, but I have not done enough testing of my own, to put all of my eggs in the Dropbox basket.. BUT I DO have a specific purpose for Dropbox besides the Back Up command referred to earlier.

I have a Test File that I use just in case I run into a Sync Error Message. I just open that file, Upload and Sync, close it, and open the file that I may have had a Sync problem with. Yes, it's happened a couple of times. That little 3 person file, no images, no sources (please don't tell Elizabeth Shown Mills or DearMYRTLE) has kept me out of trouble a couple of times. Once the Sync Issue is resolved, I just Delete the related AMT. Keep the test file in Dropbox, just in case.

Bottom Line or Short Answer to the question:

One person work on the computer that controls / manages / Sync's to the Ancestry Member Tree and the other, work on the Ancestry Member Tree. Both at the same time will work. Then use the Sync Feature to put them back in Sync.

I would suggest that the two users work on different people or different lines so that you both aren't updating the SAME person between Sync's.

Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington

FTM2014 - Back Up's from an End User's Point of View

In the weekly Monday's with Myrt, Hangout On Air this morning (afternoon, evening for some), we got into a discussion on new FTM2014 features. The talk was in response to a question from the Dear Myrtle Genealogy Community

During the discussion we got into a discussion about the Back Up Feature. From an end user's point of view, I am going to try to explain how I use it and why.

Normally, when we think of a Back Up file, some software programs designed to back up a file, will compress the file. That is making it smaller. That is true.

Family Tree Maker actually has 2 different Back Up's but they do NOT compress the file at all.

My main FTM2014 file:
  • People - 8,933
  • Marriages - 3,164
  • Filesize - 26,476

This is from the Plan Workspace. One nice thing is that it reminds me the date this file was last saved AND last backed up. I opened the file, did a Tools, Compact File, and selected the Back Up option. I do this All of the time.

There is another setting in the Tools, Options menu. That is the Automatic Back up feature. It creates an .FTMB Automatic Back Up file. The file will labeled that way.

For comparison, I used Windows Explorer to see the File Sizes here.
  • <filename>.ftm = 25,8 Mb
  • <filename>_AutoBackup.ftmb = 25,8 Mb
These numbers, from what I can tell, are the DATA File Size. So the File Size and the Automatic Back Up file size are the same. I am sure that what is on the screen capture above is different, but there may be some program data being counted. They are close enough for me, that I am talking Apples to Apples.

The difference between the File, Back Up command, and the Back Up that is performed with the Compact File command is the Option to include in that Back up, the Media Files. That Data file (FTM) and the  Automatic Back Up (FTMB) do NOT include the media files. I have 867 media files so they are NOT included.

The Manual Back Up, the ONE I Make, has options.
  • Where to save this Back Up
  • What to include
  • Media files
  • Historical events
  • Web Favorites
  • Allow restored file to resume syncing -- NEW in FTM2014

 My 25,8 Mb file, including my Images has become 834 Mb in size.

I have included, and this is my default settings that I check EVERY TIME, the ability to take this manually created back up, move it to another Computer, and resume Syncing.

I have done this on Test Files, so I know it works.

Would I do this to move the file, on a regular bases, NO. I do, at least once a month, Test My Back Ups. On the Same computer AND now with this new feature, another computer. That's how I know it works.

Would I do this by using Dropbox or some other cloud based service? Not on a regular basis. Why? (to answer the question that was raised this morning) is that I have seen and tried to help other users with Sync Issues. This whole feature, from my experience, is a very complex process. I don't want to mess with it.

I will have a blog post, shortly, to talk about this in a little more detail.

Back to my "end of day" or at the point that "I won't want to have to reenter all of that" I do a Tools, Compact File command. BUT I select my External Drive that is offered in the above screen Capture.

The Automatic Back Up feature is under Tools, Options:

What this does, is to Create that Automatic Back Up file, every time you close the program. When I do the Compact File, Back Up command, I normally don't get that extra FTMB file. But if I close the program before I do my normal end of day process, I will get the FTMB.

Do I have a lot of Back Up? You Bet. Do I test them out? You Bet. This file that I am working with started in Version 3.4.

NOTE: New to FTM2014.

There is some information in FTM2014 and previous versions that can NOT be seen in an Ancestry Member Tree. Fact Notes, Source (should be Citation) Notes, Research Log to name the ones I know about. FTM2014 now stores them in the AMT. You can't see them, but they are in the AMT. I have done some preliminary testing and I have been able to download an AMT and was able to see those notes. I have some further testing on my main file, but the early test allowed me to see that information that I could not see in the AMT.

Bottom line here, for me:
  • Working file, including media files on my Hard Drive
  • Working Back Up on my External Drive
  • AMT has become a Back Up (on the Ancestry Cloud)
  • My Hard Drive is also backed up on a different External Drive (working file)
  • My Hard Drive "My Documents" Library is also backed up in the cloud twice a day automatically
Food for thought:

Do you want to loose your information ??? Do you want to have to re-do the work ???

Is there any experience behind this extra work? YOU BET. But I have seen some typo's in THIS file that I entered in 1997 in Version 3.4. (it was even dated)

Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington

Sunday, October 20, 2013

FTM2014 - What to put in a Citation Media File Description

There are a number of types of Media Files in your database. This blog post is on a specific group of those media files. Those Media Files are LINKED to a Citation. I use this procedure for all of my Citation Media Files.

This example is for a group of about 100 Family Group Sheets that a cousin provided to me when I started my research. His family had been doing research for years and were willing to share them with me. They are dated in the late 1980's, and I had entered and cited them in the early days of my use of Family Tree Maker. They were all "free form" citations so they weren't very consistent. In an effort to clean this problem up, I am working on a project to review all of these Family Group Sheets make sure I captured all of the data that was contained AND to Scan them and put them into FTM2014.

I didn't use the internal Scanning which is available in FTM2014, but had these FGS's scanned and linked to the Family Group Sheet Template in FTM2014.

In the Media Workspace, using the Media Category that I created, Family Group Sheets, that screen looks like this.

The scanned filename is currently in the Caption field, but is also listed below, in the Lower Right. Remember that this workspace can be sorted by Caption or by Filename, from the Tools menu, Options screen.

 The filenames, in this case, are FGS####. I used a 4 digit number for sorting purposes. So, Family Group Sheet 38, becomes FGS00038. Not very helpful for a Caption. So, I changed the Caption to Family Group No. 00038 - Firstname Middlename, Surname format.

In this workspace, with the Caption sort, the FGS's will be in numeric order, with a reminder of who the Family Group Sheet is for.

Switching over to the Detail tab in the Lower Left, that is ONE Link, which is to the Citation. Remember that a media file can also be linked to a person, but this is a Citation Media File. The Right Panel has been updated.

What I put in the Media Description is the Citation or Reference Note for that citation.

Double clicking on the Link to the Citaiton will bring up the Citation screen. Selecting Reference Note Tab, will be the Citation. Select All (CTRL+A) and Copy (CTRL+C) will copy that text.

 Then closing that window, Paste (CTRL+V) that text into the Description field.

 Fayette Loomis Worthington, Worthington Family Group Sheet Collection; Fayette L Worthington, Tacoma, WA  98498, 1999.  Family Group No. 00038; dated Jun 1987. Record for Samuel Smith.
 I find this very helpful when working in the Media Workspace.

Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington

FTM2014 - How to Cite a source in Person Notes

Have you wondered how to make a Citation in the People Workspace, Person Notes? For years, I have seen other users ask for this feature. When I think about this problem, I wondered how you can do that, when you may have many notes from many sources. Like other fields, each Fact can have one or more Citations, but it is a separate task that is done outside of the Fact fields.

But, What IF we use the features that we currently have within the FTM2014 (and earlier, especially since FTM2010), where we can use the Template Feature, to generate a properly formatted citation, then Copy and Paste the Reference Notes at the end of the text in the notes.

Here is a portion of the Person Notes: The Reeve Family, as seen below, is a small piece of information from a book. I want to Cite that, like I have cited a number of Facts from this same book.

I have created a Source for this book using the Reprinted Book Template and have been using that Citation. Now I want to cite this short passage to remind me where I found it.

In the Right Panel is the Citation I have used for other Facts  Double clicking on that Citation will open this window. At the Top of this window is the Reference Note tab. What is shown below is the Reference Note (Citation) for that fact. Hi-Lite that information, or select all (CTRL+A), the Copy (CTRL+C), and close that window by clicking OK

Then return to the Notes, add an extra blank line, and Paste (CTRL+V) that Reference Note and that information is now cited.

Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington

Saturday, October 19, 2013

FTM2014 - Sources - Use Existiing Citation

In an effort to Cite ALL of my Sources, I have some Facts in my file that I created for a specific purpose.

I have the Person ID feature turned ON, in the Tools Menu, Options, Reference Number screen. This is very helpful if you need to merge two specific individuals or if you have a paper filing system. In addition to those two items, I use it to help me KNOW who MY direct Ancestors are. Family Tree Maker can automatically assign those Person ID numbers but I can override that assignment. If the program assigns that number it does not require or allow a Citation. However, in this case, when I override / over write that number, the program will allow for a Citation. Just looking at the number isn't helpful, but if there is a Citation to that PersonID number, I KNOW that I assigned that number. That number would appear in an Ancestry Chart or Report, where I am the focus person.

I created a First Hand Knowledge Source to document the fact that I assigned that number.

In the Sources Workspace, I selected Add, then New, and did a keyword search for FIR, to select the First Hand Knowledge Template. That will bring up this screen.

I fill that in based on the fields asked for. I have done this a number of times already, but I thought it might be helpful to share this process. I selected the Source and clicked on the Edit (Pencil) ICON in the Right Panel to show that Template screen.

The important part for me, is to document what this Source is all about and how I am using it. So, there is a comment field for that information.

The Citation will read "Person ID #### assigned to [ name ]"

The comment continues with:

They are manually entered to over write the system generated Person ID number. These manually entered Person ID numbers are to Identify the author's direct Ancestors

On the Source Workspace, Citation screen is an example for Andrew Steelman, PersonID of 558. The Citation Detail has:
Person ID 0558 assigned to Andrew Steelman
That appears as the Citation and the Citation is Linked to the Person ID field in the People Workspace, Person Tab

You can see that here. Person ID on the Left, there is a "1" in the first column of numbers, meaning 1 citation, and the citation is in the Right Panel.

Now, I want to go to his wife. I assigned the number 559 (Andrew's PersonID plus 1) and there is NO Citation for that number.

I click on New in that right hand panel and select Use Existing Source Citation.

What this allows me to do, is to select (AND EDIT) an existing Citation so that it can be edited with new information.

The Find Source Citation window is opened where there is a scroll down to select that Source, and select Andrew's existing Citation and select CREATE NEW COPY.

Going back to the People Workspace, Person Tab (where I was) I then can double click on this new (copy) Citation and the Edit Citation screen will appear, with Andrews information, but I will then Edit it to read:

Person ID 0559 assigned to Judith _____
 Her person ID is 559, but I don't have her birth Surname. I enter 5 underscores when I don't know that name.

This is the updated Citation:

There is a #1 in the Citation column and there is the edited Citation with her PersonID

This is probably not required but in my attempt to share with others, where did that information come from and for the Undocumented Fact Report blank.

Not mentioned above, but the Person ID is private and won't be seen online. If I would share my file with another researcher, they would know what that number is and why I put it there.
Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington

FTM2014 - Surname Report

There are a number of Reports in Family Tree Maker that I really like. This is just one of them. The Surname Report.

 Right now, I am focusing my research on people who had an event (Fact) in the state of New Jersey and I wanted to have a report of all of the Surnames in New Jersey that I might find in various Sources that I have in my library or might come across in my research.

Going to the Publish Workspace, selecting Person Reports is the Surname Report.

This will generate that report by selecting All Individuals. The Surnames are listed on the Left. Total of individuals for that Surname (birth surnames of females), the number of Males and Females, the Earliest date and most Recent date in the database for that surname follow across the page.

In my case, this was a 38 page report. Probably not going to print this for the task at hand, but it can be printed.

Because it is a long report, I want to make sure that the Report Title, the Page Numbers, and the Date the report was generated (printed) is on each page of the report.

The 2nd ICON, which looks like a switch, will bring up Header/Footer. Hovering over that ICON will say Header/Footer.

In the Header will be the name of the report. In this case, Surname Report, and in the Footer will include the Page Number and the Print Date.

I don't want the entire 38 pages of 8,931 people I only want New Jersey. Clicking on Select Individuals to include will bring up the "filter" screen, where I selected Filter In which will bring up a window where I will select Other, and in the Pull Down menu select Any Fact Places and enter New Jersey in the Value field.

This will move anyone with New Jersey in a Fact, from the Left Panel to the Right Panel. In this case 307 individuals

Clicking on OK will generate that report.

The summary is at the end of the 3 page report.

Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

AMT - New - Tree Experience

While doing some testing this afternoon, syncing and trying to break my sync feature, I looked at my Ancestry Member Tree (AMT) for this test file and saw this:

Wondered what this is all about. Remembering that we just had a patch for FTM2014. I first thought there was a connection. WRONG.

Something new in the AMT, so I clicked on Try the Sidebar. The introduction window opened.

  • Easy open and close
  • Useful tools
  • Quick-Access toolbar

 Open the sidepanel by clicking on an ancestor. Dismiss the sidepanel by clicking the close bar.

See the relationship of this ancestor to you. Use the dropdown for useful tools. Clck the Hint Leaf to open the Hints tab from either the tree of on the sidepanel.

Hover over an ancestor in your tree for quick access to view a Full Profile, Refocus the Tree, Search our documents, Quick Edit, or Add Relative. So, I clicked Continue. OK, Something is new.

The usual tree appeared, or the Left, 

I hovered over that shaky leave and more options

 I'll explain those ICONs in a moment.

A new Panel is on the Right had more information on the hi-lighted person selected in the left part of the web page.

Looking at the new panel on the Right, I see an pull down menu

Quick Edit, Delete, or Merge with Duplicate. I think that is new. I don't normally blog about the AMT, I am not, for now, work on the AMT side. I'll continue blogging about the PC side (FTM2014). 

Something new on the Family Group view as well

Those same ICONs as above.

  • Hints
  • View Profile
  • Quick Edit
  • Search Historical Documents
  • Make Focus Person
Those first three option were in the Profile from before. So, same options, different view plus to new options.

But how to get out of here? If you are in or Hover over the Right Panel, a solid bar will appear, where in the center of it (vertically) will be a Right Pointing arrow which will close that right panel. you can see it at the top of the next image OR

Switch back to preview card.

Copyright © 2013 by H R Worthington