Friday, September 30, 2011

FTM2012 - Index of People Report (edit)

This is not a new report in FTM2012, but a feature within this report may be new. At least it is for me. It is a report that lists the Names, Birth, Marriage, and Death Dates I review it from time to time to take a quick look at the data, for example, maybe point out a duplicate person. In the example I will use, I was looking to make sure that my 'date' format was correct. If I find a Census record that shows the Year of Birth or Marriage, I want to date to reflect Abt. date. Its a reminder to me that I have more work to do.

In the Publish Workspace, select Individual Reports and generate that report, either by double clicking on it or by clicking on Generate Report in the lower right of the screen.

The report will be generated with the name, birth, marriage, and death dates.

The usual Font selection, page set ups are in the Right Hand (RH) Panel, the editable report title, and the ability to select who to include. For this case, the default settings are used.

Going down the list, I found two names with the same exact Birth information.

In order to view the Fact screen for one of the individuals NAME, select that individual.

and the individuals Fact screen will appear where you can edit the information provided.

Clicking OK will return you to the Index Report

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

FTM2012 - Invite to Onliine Tree

Now it's time to Invite others to your Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), from within FTM2012. This is most helpful if the AMT is not a public tree or the user wants to bring to the attention of others that the tree is online.  From the Plan Workspace click on the Invite to Online Tree Button.

This will take you to the beginning of this invitation process.

The next step will provide options on HOW to invite them to your tree. Email, an Ancestry Username, a Yahoo Mail account, Hotmail, Gmail or AOL email.

For example, selecting Gmail will bring up a Gmail screen:

If you only know, or want to communicate through the Ancestry connect feature, another screen will appear by selecting Username.

There are a number of options available here. In the example below, I have had a private tree, where I have have invited them to the other trees, or they have invited me to their tree. See the Invite Members option at the top of that screen. 

As with the normal AMT, there are three levels that you can choose. Edit, Contributor, and Guest.

In the box to the right, you can add a specific message to the email that will be received on the Ancestry mail for that user.

At the conclusion another screen will appear and it gives you the option to review the Tree Settings.

 Returning to the Plan Workspace, the invitation status will be displayed.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

FTM2012 - Plan Workspace- Upload and Link

More information on the Plan Workspace can be found here:

Family Tree Maker Version 2012 - Plan Workspace

If your family file is on your computer, these steps can be followed to Upload and Link your Family Tree Maker file to a new Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), on Ancestry. Remember that these trees are free. However, as you will see below, the FTM2012 user has control over what is or is not seen and whether or not the Ancestry Indexing capability will "find" your AMT.

If the selected file has not been uploaded and linked to this point, the Online Access vis Ancestry will indicate that the file is Not uploaded and linked.

To provide a little more information as to the benefits of taking this step is a link to som helpful information.

To begin the process, close the benefits window, if you opened it, and click on Upload and Link to Ancestry.

As in FTM2011, there are some controls to make the tree Public, or Private, but FTM2012 adds the Upload without Linking. This means that the ATM will be created, as in the past AND NOT linked to the FTM2012 File. (no TreeSync feature).

This next screen also allows you to control IF you want the FTM2012 file and the AMT file Automatically sync'ed.

If you do NOT want the tree to be Public, you can Also control if you do NOT want the Ancestry search engine to find this (now) private tree. Notice the Check Marks.

Note: you can always change this settings within FTM2012 or in the AMT.

Clicking the OK button, after the choices have been made, the Data from this file will be uploaded. This upload is a two step process. Data first, followed by Media files. The screen below will indicate the process of the data upload status.

When the data has been uploaded, a new window will appear. It gives the user the ability to view the tree online. There is a statement in that window reminding the user that the Media Items will continue to be uploaded.

Clicking OK, without putting a check mark in the View online tree now, will return the user to the Plan Workspace. There is an indication of the status of the uploading of the Media Files. This may take time, depending on the number of Media files and the Size of the Media files. But the Plan Workspace will show the status.

When the Media files are uploaded this box will change status.

The Plan Workspace will have several indications that the FTM2012 file and the AMT tree are in sync.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

FTM2012 - Plan Workspace - Current Tree

The Plan Workspace has been changed a little.

Family Tree Maker Version 2012 - Plan Workspace

The upper right of this workspace had more information about the status of the file that has been selected.
  • Home Person
  • Current Person
  • Creation Date
  • Last Saved
  • Last Backup (file menu, backup) that the user created
  • The number of people
  • The number of marriages
  • The (data) File Size

By clicking on the More Button, details are provided.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

FTM2012 vs AMT - Stories


What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?



  • A story created on will become a .htm file in Family Tree Maker, which can be viewed in a Web browser. You can edit the text in a word-processing program.
  • Smart Stories created in Family Tree Maker will become .rtf text files in Ancestry. The story can’t be viewed within your Ancestry tree but the document can be downloaded. (Smart Stories are uploaded only if they are attached to individuals.)


FTM2012 vs AMT - Sources


What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?


  • Sources created in Family Tree Maker using source templates will transfer to Ancestry, but you cannot edit these sources online.
  • Media items attached to source citations in Family Tree Maker will be uploaded; media items attached to sources in Family Tree Maker will not be uploaded.

FTM2012 vs AMT - Relationships


What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?



In Family Tree Maker only you can view information you’ve entered for a living individual. In your Ancestry tree, anyone who is invited to your tree can view information about living individuals.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

FTM2012 vs ATM - Publish


What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?



Saved reports, charts, and books cannot be transferred from Family Tree Maker to Ancestry.


FTM2012 vs AMT - Places


What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?



If you have entered shortened display names for locations or custom GPS coordinates in Family Tree Maker, they will not be included in your Ancestry tree.


FTM2012 vs ATM - Notes


What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?



In Family Tree Maker you can create a variety of notes: person, research, fact, relationship, media, and source citation. When you upload a tree to Ancestry only person notes will be included; they can only be viewed by people you have invited to your online tree.

Family Tree Maker Version 2012 - Ancestry Web Dashboard - Links

The Web Dashboard also provides the user with quick links to four related Web Sites, websites that you may already have visited:

Clicking on these links will take you to the appropriate website.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington Releases Family Tree Maker 2012 with TreeSync™

Press release from Releases Family Tree Maker 2012 with TreeSync™, Allowing Family Tree Updates from Anywhere via the Cloud
Update of the No. 1 Selling Family History Software Makes Researching & Sharing Family History More Rewarding Than Ever
PROVO, Utah (Sept. 29, 2011) –, the world’s largest online family history resource, today announced the release of Family Tree Maker® 2012, an improved and expanded version of the world’s No. 1 selling family history software. Now with its new TreeSync™ capabilities, Family Tree Maker 2012 enables family history enthusiasts to sync their desktop family trees and their trees online at unlike any other desktop software available on the market.
“We have a long-term vision to make family history simple and more accessible to the masses,” said Eric Shoup, Senior Vice President of Product for “Now with the combination of, the Ancestry mobile app and the new Family Tree Maker, users can work on their family tree anywhere, anytime.”
Family Tree Maker 2012 introduces TreeSync, which enables family historians to sync their online tree at and their desktop family trees, including photos and other historical records they have attached. This enables Family Tree Maker users to bring their desktop tree online to share with invited guests and continue their research from wherever they are.
The new software comes with a free membership or free trial to that gives users access to billions of historical records, and millions of memory-making historical photos, stories and family trees. Membership with connects Family Tree Maker 2012 users to the largest family history community in the world, and helps users find other members who might be researching the same ancestors so they can compare notes and discover more together.
Other improvements in Family Tree Maker 2012 include:
·         An easier-than-ever user interface to get users started right away
·         Upgraded help content and video tutorials
·         Improved content-generation and editing options to create engaging “Smart Stories” about family history and family members
·         The ability to combine families into one harmonized tree, bringing step-families and adoptees into the main family tree
·         Simple generation labels and text boxes to make family trees more interesting and informative
Expert users of earlier Family Tree Maker releases will find new power-user tools in Family Tree Maker 2012, including:
·         Upgraded personalization capabilities enabling users to add their own images, adding narrative text and displaying explanatory generation labels to charts
·         Index report of every individual in a family tree with birth, marriage and death dates
·         Chart the line of descendancy between an ancestor and any descendant in your family tree
Pricing and availability
Family Tree Maker 2012 for PC is starting at $39.99 and is now available to purchase online at and at Best Buy, Office Depot, and other select retailers. Family Tree Maker for Mac is also available, and will include the TreeSync capability in the upcoming version slated to be released by the end of 2011.
(PLEASE NOTE: Internet access is required for all Web integration)
About Inc. (Nasdaq: ACOM) is the world's largest online family history resource, with nearly 1.7 million paying subscribers. More than 7 billion records have been added to the site in the past 14 years.  Ancestry users have created more than 26 million family trees containing over 2.6 billion profiles. In addition to its flagship site, offers localized Web sites designed for nine countries that empower people to discover, preserve and share their family history.
Forward-looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by these forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include our ability to retain existing and attract new subscribers by regularly introducing new or improved services as well as our ability to acquire historical content and make it available to subscribers. Information concerning additional factors that could cause events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements is contained under the caption "Risk Factors" in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended June 30, 2011, and in discussions in other of our SEC filings. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any subsequent date and we assume no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements.
# # #

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

FTM2012 Registration Process

Once Family Tree Maker as been installed, the next step is to Register your copy of Family Tree Maker. This includes any time you need to Reinstall or Install the program on a different computer.

Click on the Help Menu, in the Menu tool bar, then Select Register Family Tree Maker.

Once registered and if you have a subscription, you can do that from this menu as well.

When you click on Register, you will see a reminder that you haven't registered your copy yet. This let's you know that it isn't registered.

Clicking on Register Now will take you to a Thank you for Purchasing the Family Tree Maker Program page. On the thank you page, please read the information that is there. In order to register, please put a check mark in the box provided where you acknowledge that you have read the informaiton.

The next screen is where you Log In, if you already have an account at Ancestry.Com or you create an account. If you have forgotten your Log In / Password, there is a link where you can receive help with this.

The registration is almost complete with the next screen, Thanking your for Registering the program. Please read this information and put a check mark, agreeing that you have read the screen.

On the above screen, you can let Family Tree Maker save your login information, then click on Continue.

Its been on the previous screens, but you can always provide Feedback to and Family Tree Maker from the link at the bottom of these screens, and elsewhere on the website.

Please read the final screen of the Registration Process.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

Family Tree Maker Version 2012 - Ancestry Web Dashboard

In the Plan Workspace, the opening screen of Family Tree Maker, has some information on what may be going on, at Ancestry. This is in the Web Dashboard. With FTM2012 there are some changes, but with the TreeSync™ the Web Dashboard may become more important.

At the top of the Web Dashboard is the Options and a link where you can Login, if you aren't already. But just below that is your subscription status.

Notice the Double Pointing arrows on the Right end of the Green Menu Bars. These Open and Close the indicated menu. Normally, the Ancestry menu is closed. But clicking on the double down arrow you can see your subscription.

For the TreeSync feature and the Use of the Ancestry Member Tree, you do not need a subscription on Ancestry, but you do need to have a login and password.

The next Menu is the Ancestry Trees Menu. This IS important for the TreeSync feature as it will show you the status of any AMT's you might have on Ancestry.

You will see that slash across these three trees. By hovering the mouse across them, you will see that these tree's are NOT Linked with Family Tree Maker. This will change after you download or upload and link the FTM2012 file with the AMT.

The number of items displayed when you open the menu are controlled in the Options menu that was shown in another blog post.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

Family Tree Maker Version 2012 - Web Dashboard - Options

There are options for what is displayed in the Web Dashboard. There is a check mark if the user wants that Menu displayed or IF it opens expanded. IF it is expanded, the control over the number of items that are displayed.

The options are found just below the term Ancestry Web Dashboard. Clicking on Options will bring up the menu.

There is control on how frequently the dashboard is updated. Below are the default settings.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

Family Tree Maker Version 2012 - Web Dashboard

As with previous versions of Family Tree Maker is the Web Dashboard. Its gives the user access to information provided by

The labels are:
Ancestry: Subscription Information
Ancestry Trees: The Ancestry Member Trees (ATM) that the user owns
Ancestry Community:  List of Message Boards and will indicate if there are new messages
Member Connect Activity: Any Ancestry Messages in your Ancestry Mail
Links: To Family Tree Maker, Genealogy; MyFamily; and Rootsweb

Each of this menu's can be opened in the double down pointing arrow on the right side of each of these menu's.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

FTM2012 - Plan Workspace

There are changes in the Plan Workspace in Family Tree Maker Version 2012. Various sections of this workspace will be described in this Blog.

Below is the Plan Workspace IF there is already a previous version of Family Tree Maker on the computer a previous file has been opened. In this case, there are the last four (4) files that had been opened in FTM2011. The most recent file opened in FTM2011 is the one that FTM2012 opened after installation. There is a Back Up window that will open before this file was opened, AND it is recommended, as always, to use the Back Up feature before continuing.

The Current Tree tab shows the status of this file. Details on the top left side of this screen will follow.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

FTM2012 vs AMT - Category / Picture Type

Another difference between FTM2012 and AMT is how we can group the media files.

In FTM2012:

Some of the above list are items that I have added. Building, Civil War, City Directory to mention a view. In FTM2012, (or earlier, as this is not a new feature) you can click on Add to create your own Category.

In AMT, this is the list of choices:

When a photo or media file is uploaded the Category may end up in a different Type.

As the Knowledge Base article suggests, they may be different.

For further details of the Differences between Family Tree Maker 2012 and an Ancestry Member Tree, please visit the Knowledge Base article #5359 What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?
Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

FTM2012 vs AMT - Media Items

A couple of times from the Knowledge Base Website:

  • Audio and video items are not transferred between Family Tree Maker and Ancestry.
  • Media items attached to relationships in Family Tree Maker are not uploaded to
  • Records you’ve found on and merged into Family Tree Maker won’t be re-uploaded to Ancestry.
  • Photos uploaded to Ancestry Member Trees cannot exceed 15MB, so a photo in your desktop tree that exceed this size limit will be resized when it is copied to Ancestry—your original file will not be affected. 
  • Images need to be in one of these formats: .jpeg, .bmp, .png, .gif, and .tiff 

For further details of the Differences between Family Tree Maker 2012 and an Ancestry Member Tree, please visit the Knowledge Base article #5359 What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington 

FTM2012 vs AMT - Media / Photo Differences

This is not a new difference, but we, the users, need to remember a couple of things.

Within Family Tree Maker, we have File Names, Descriptions, and Caption fields to uses, as well as categories. File Names are not important in the Ancestry Member Tree (AMT). Within FTM2012, we can sort by Filename or Caption.

Here is FTM2012 view:

 The Filename is at the very top of the screen, Caption, Date, and Description are fields to be edited. (FTM2011 screen capture, but should be the same in FTM2012)

Here is the same image in the AMT.

Picture Name in AMT is the Description in FTM2012

Description is the same in both

Date is the same in both

ATM has a Location Field, FTM2012 does not

The Type in AMT is similar in the Category of FTM2012.

For further details of the Differences between Family Tree Maker 2012 and an Ancestry Member Tree, please visit the Knowledge Base article #5359 What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

Monday, September 26, 2011

FTM2012 - File Types that CAN be uploaded to the AMT

In FTM2012, we may have a number of file types what can not be uploaded or included in the TreeSync to that Ancestry Member Tree. The Knowledge Base article points these out.  Documents in Family Tree Maker will be uploaded to an Ancestry tree only if they are in one of these formats: 

  • .pdf
  • .doc
  • .txt
  • .rtf
  • .htm

For further details of the Differences between Family Tree Maker 2012 and an Ancestry Member Tree, please visit the Knowledge Base article #5359 What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

FTM2012 vs AMT - Facts

In the Knowledge Base article on the differences between FTM2012 and AMT, I had to look carefully at this statement:

In general fact dates, names, places, and descriptions (including custom and alternate facts) are the same in Family Tree Maker and Ancestry trees. However, you may find that some fact types are labeled differently. For example, the Physical Description fact in Family Tree Maker is the Description fact in Ancestry trees.

It was the Example that through be off a little. But, a picture or two says it all.

In FTM2012, you can add a Physical Description as a Fact for a person. As with each Fact, you can have a Date, a Place, and a Description for that Fact.

The same Fact when created in AMT would be:

From what I can tell, that is what this Knowledge Base article is talking about. I am sure that there are other examples.

For further details of the Differences between Family Tree Maker 2012 and an Ancestry Member Tree, please visit the Knowledge Base article #5359 What are the differences between the Family Tree Maker and trees when using TreeSync™?

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

Family Tree Maker 2012 TreeSync - Reply to Randy Seaver

My friend and colleague, Randy Seaver posted this on his blog:

Family Tree Maker 2012 TreeSync - Differences Between Online and Desktop Trees

"Records you’ve found on and merged into Family Tree Maker won’t be re-uploaded to Ancestry."  I'm confused here - does this mean if I've found a record on and attached as a media item using FTM WebSearch won't be re-uploaded?  Or does it mean that a record I found on, downloaded to my hard drive, and attached as a media item in FTM won't be re-uploaded?   I'm guessing that the second image would be uploaded to Ancestry, since I probably renamed the file in my computer files before attaching it to a person in my FTM file.

Let me see if I can answer this question.

In previous versions of Family Tree Maker (version 2008 - 2010), this was not an issue, as there were no images uploaded or downloaded from In FTM2011, we were given a Family Tree Maker "friendly" upload / download with Ancestry, meaning that Images / Media files could to either way. EXCEPT for any Citation Media Files, like Census Records that we could see Online. They were NOT downloaded in FTM2011. However, in FTM2011, going to the Media Workspace, and hitting the CTRL+F2 Key, any of those media files would be downloaded into FTM2011.

Having looked at this issue a little closer, in the AMT, there were links from the AMT to where you could View the Image.

You get to this screen by selected a "Hint" from the Web Search Workspace, or from a Hint in the ATM. (shaky leaf). Clicking on View Original Image would let you see the image. That Link was included if the Web Merge Feature was used within Family Tree Maker.

The difference, from what I can tell, is the with FTM2012, that IMAGE WILL be downloaded to FTM2012.

When the TreeSync is preformed, that Image does not need to be uploaded to the AMT, because by selecting the associated Citation you will be taken to the same image.

Randy - like you, I would rename the media file to meet my needs, but both the AMT and FTM2012 would be linked to the same Image. One Online the other on the PC.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

Differences between Family Tree Maker Version 2012 and an Ancestry Member Tree

As FTM2012 is released, there are some differences that the User needs to be aware of between the PC based Family Tree Maker Version 2012 (FTM2012) and an Member Tree (AMT).

For the complete set of differences Please go to the Knowledge Base website:

and enter 5356 in the Search Support field and click on the Search Button. Or by clicking HERE

The differences appear in:

Media Items

Over the next couple of blog posts, each will be described here.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A way to track Relationships from Census Records

I have been working on a project, where I started with a Name and place of a person and he was a Civil War veteran. My goal was to determine who his parents were, then to extend that back to a Revolutionary War soldier. The problem is that his surname was very common in the area where he "was from". Finding him in the 1850 Census Records might have been simple, if the information I has was is FIRST NAME, but it turns out that the name I started with was a middle name. but that's another story. What I was looking for was a way to track relationships, starting with Census Records but can be expanded to other records that we might find along the way.

For this task, I thought about making use of Fact Notes.

When I do these things, I consider two items, Input and Output. How do I want to Share, or Do I want to Share this information.

In this case, these are My Notes, but I do want to be able to see and print them. What I decided to do, it is use the NAME Fact Notes.

The example here is the Name information for David Ridgely Howard. You will see that I have found his name reported a number of different ways, which is why I wanted to figure out how to make sure I had the "right guy".

Below, is from the People Workspace, Person View. On the right side of the Fact list are three columns of numbers. I have talked about them before. It's the 3rd column that is of interest here. It has the number 1, meaning that there is One Note for the Name (Preferred Fact).

If the Note tab isn't displayed, there is a setting in the Tools, Options menu so the Notes tab will be displayed.

Thinking about the Output of the Notes, I chose to use a bullet list for the various entries.

For every name listed in the 1850 Census, that same information appears in the Name Fact. It has the Head of Household, his name and age, followed by everyone else in the household and their age at the time. Remember, I don't know the relationships, yet.

I created a "standard" format for each Census Record year, as the information would be different, where it wasn't until the 1880 Census where those relationships would show up, but the 1850, 1860, 1870 Census records had Ages listed.

I used, for example, the following for recording this information.

1850 Census shows Head of Household - < name > ( age );  and < name > ( age );

1880 Census Shows Relationships with Head of Household - < name > ( age) ; < name > ( age ), < relationship >;

For output, I created a Custom Report to show this information for review later.

The DRH1 is the Person ID number that established for this file, another feature of Family Tree Maker.

Note: That over time, as the name is clarified, I will Cut and Pasted this Note to the Preferred Name Fact. In this case, the notes started with the Ridgely Howard Name fact, but after I found additional information it moved to where I have his complete name, David Ridgely Howard.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How to Copy and Paste a Citation

I don't know about you, but I try to put Citations on all of the data that I put into my file. I routinely review my Facts to make sure that they all have Citations. To review them, go to the People Workspace, Person Tab. On the Right side of the list of Facts are three columns of numbers.

Column 1 is the number of Citations that you have for that fact

Column 2 is the number of Media Files associated with the Fact or Citation

Column 3 is the number of Notes that you have for that Fact

If there is a "0" in that first column, there isn't a Citation for that fact.

Lets say that you know where that information came from (Source) and you already have it entered, but on a different Fact, then the process is simple.

Just to the right of the "new", with Sources selected is the Copy Citation ICON. The citation that is selected will now be Copied.

Returning to the Fact without a Citation, selecting that Pull Down menu, on the right of "new", is the Paste Duplicate Source Citation.

That Citation will now be associated with that Fact.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington

Monday, September 19, 2011

How do I use the new TreeSync feature in Family Tree Maker 2012? (Download and Link)

How do I use the new TreeSync feature in Family Tree Maker 2012?

Family Tree Maker 2012 has a new feature that allows you to sync the information between your Family Tree Maker 2012 files and your account. Once you upload and link your tree to Ancestry, the two trees can be synchronized so that changes made in one tree can be applied to the other tree automatically or manually. To link your trees please follow the instructions listed below.

This article discusses the following:

Downloading and Linking a File from
  1. Open the Tree that you would like to upload and link with
  2. Select the Plan workspace in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Select the New Tree tab if it is not currently selected.
  4. Select the Download a tree from Ancestry option.

  5. Your online family trees will be displayed.
  6. Select the Request Download button next to the tree that you would like to download.

  7. The Download From Ancestry window will be displayed.
  8. Enter the name that you would like to save your file as and then click Continue.
  9. Your tree will begin to download.
  10. Note: This process may take up to a few hours depending on the size of your tree.
  11. When your tree is done downloading you will get a confirmation message. Press the Close button to return to your family tree.

How do I use the new TreeSync feature in Family Tree Maker 2012? (Upload and Link)

How do I use the new TreeSync feature in Family Tree Maker 2012?


Family Tree Maker 2012 has a new feature that allows you to sync the information between your Family Tree Maker 2012 files and your account. Once you upload and link your tree to Ancestry, the two trees can be synchronized so that changes made in one tree can be applied to the other tree automatically or manually.

Uploading and Linking a File to

If the tree that you would like to link was created in Family Tree Maker, please follow the instructions listed below.

Note: If you are trying to link a file that was created in please skip to the Downloading and Linking a File from section.
  1. Open the Tree that you would like to upload and link with
  2. Select the Plan workspace in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Select the Current Tree tab if it is not currently selected.

  4. Click the Upload and Link to Ancestry button.
  5. The Upload to Ancestry window will be displayed.

  6. Type in what you would like to name your tree when it is uploaded to Select whether you would like your tree displayed as a public tree. When you are ready to upload your tree, please click OK.
  7. The upload process will begin.
  8. When the upload process is completed your tree will be listed on as well as the file that you currently have in Family Tree Maker. These files will synchronize either manually or automatically depending on your settings. For more information on Sync Options, please click here.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Family Tree Maker 2012 - New and Updated Tutorials

New and Updated Tutorials

You can learn to do more—like creating trees and using features—with new and improved tutorials accessible in the software.

Family Tree Maker 2012 - Add Text to Chart

Charts - Adding Text to a Chart

In addition to adding your own images to a chart, you can now personalize your charts even more by adding your own text—creating a chart that is completely unique.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Family Tree Maker 2012 - Descendent Chart

Charts - Additional Options in Descendant Chart You can create a descendant chart that shows the relationship between two people whom you select.

Family Tree Maker 2012 - Charts - Generation Labels

Charts - Generation Labels

Now you can display generation labels (such as parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents) in charts to high-light the relationship between the primary person in the chart and other family members.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Family Tree Maker 2012 - New Index of Individuals Report

New Index of Individuals Report

The Index of Individuals Report lists every individual in your tree and their birth, marriage, and death dates.

Family Tree Maker 2012 - Improved Notes Report

Improved Notes Report

The Notes Report lets you display person, research, relationship, or fact notes you’ve entered for individuals in your tree.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Family Tree Maker 2012 - Simplified Interface for Upgraders (more)

The Simplified Interface feature is only invoked if the user is upgrading to FTM 2012 directly from Verson 16 or prior.  If so, the interface is automatically adjusted to collapse the index panel and display a more prominent family panel similar to the V16 family view.
The People Workspace does not change the interface based on importing a file.  When FTM 2012 is installed, if it detects that the user is upgrading from FTM 2008-11, this feature is not invoked.

With Version 16, there was an Index of Individuals (F2) that was available. In FTM2012 that feature is made available on this screen by clicking on the right pointing ( => ) arrow where the Red box is, in the above screen. The new screen will look like this.

That Index can be collapsed but clicking on the Left Pointing arrow ( <== ), just to the left of the Enhanced check box.

Copyright © 2011 by H R Worthington