Thursday, April 5, 2012

1940 Census - Residence Fact Payoff

During this 1940 Preparation project, at this point, it was certainly worth the time and effort to use the fields to MY advantage.

I have mentioned before, that I use the Residence Fact to reflect where a person lived, based on a Census Record.

I have the Residence Fact to include, Date, Place, and Description. The Date and place is straight forward. But I used the Description field, for each census record to reflect Enumeration District and the Family Number or House Number and Street address, where available.

Are you ready for the 1940 Census - A Test

The only difference from that post was that I had the Residence Pace Fact first and then sorted by the description field. This gave me a list of people, by Place, then ED and Address grouped together. That gave me my list of who I can expect to find in an ED, while scrolling through the images.

I can tell you, that it has been successful, and still have some work to do.

Below in an example of how the People Workspace, Person View looks like in the Residence Fact area;

I mark the most recent Residence (based on a Census Record) as the Preferred fact. I was able to find this person, based on the data in the 1930 Census, just be looking at the line in my report, going to the Steve Morse's website, using the information in the Description field and was taken to the 1940 ED images.

Also note, how I chose to enter the data from the 1940 census about the residence in 1935. This example said, Same House. I then entered the 1940 address.

If that field shows "R", followed by County and State, that will be reflected in the Place field, with Same Place in the Description.

This process had actually allowed me to pick up some family that I haven't found before. Scrolling through the images, rather then doing a search, has been very, very helpful.

I am looking at this period of time, without an index, to find some of those 'missing folk' in my file.

________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington

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