Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1940 Census Citation - Update

After reviewing previous blog posts about How to Cite 1940 Census Records, I returned to the bible of Genealogical Citations, Evidence Explained. I am revising how I am citing these records.

Please visit Elizabeth Shown Mills’ new website for more details.

This is the template that I am now using.

YYYY U.S. census [Census ID], _______county [County], _______ [State], population schedule, enumeration district (ED) _____,  page __ [(stamped)] or sheet __ [(handwritten)] [Page ID], _______ [Civil Division], _______ [Household ID], _______ [Person of Interest], _______ [Item Type or Format], _______ [Website Title], (_______ [URL], _______ [Date Accessed]), NARA microfilm publication T___, roll ___ [Credit Line][i]

QuickCheck Model
Digital Images
Online Commercial Site
Place & Year as lead elements in Source List


1940 U.S. census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 15-3, page 3-A (stamped), Birmingham, Family 49, J Marshall Highley, digital image,,, 11 April 2012, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 3467

County and State [Jurisdiction]
population Schedule [Schedule]
County includes the word County If Household ID is present, Line Numbers are superfluous
Page - ## - A / B

1880 ED's Created

I am NOT an expert on this. Would appreciate any comments you might have on this topic

[i]Elizabeth Shown Mills, Evidence Explained, Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, (Baltimore, Maryland, Genealogical Publishing Company, 2007), p. 240

Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington


  1. It looks like the census model has changed a bit from the first edition of EE and the publication of the laminated QuickSheets. Previously, the Civil Division was after the "population schedule" element.

    Another difference: the earlier method was to put the URL and access date in parentheses.

    I'm going to continue to use the "old way" rather than waste time fixing hundreds (thousands) of source citation details. The elements are all there, perhaps not in exactly the right order. The editor can fix them! Uh-oh, that's me...

  2. Randy,

    Thank you. There are parentheses before the URL and after the date. I thought I have fixed that. I will edit the post.

    I am cleaning mine up, but don't have thousands, and I am only going back to about 1880, when the EDs came about. I found that the 1940 effort really paid off when I can see the ED information in the FACTs, and not having to go to the Citation. I used the ED + Household ID and put them into the Residence Description (in FTM2012). Prep reports and follow up reports really shows the Households very well and I can see 'who moved' or who is missing within a household.

    Thank you,


  3. Russ - I'm a new reader. I'm starting to 'merge' 1940 Census records from into FTM2012. With one family, I got 20 Source links with the 1940 Census Source Citation from Any suggestions to convert to EE format and still retain the 20 Source links?

  4. Brian,

    Not sure what you mean by 20 Source Links.

    If you are in the Sources workspace, and have the Citation selected, there WILL be links to the Facts that came from the Web Merge. So, that is correct.

    As to getting the (1) Citation into the Evidence Explained!! format, you first create the Census Template that is appropriate then you Replace the Merged Citation to the New Census Template.



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