Monday, April 16, 2012

Trick - Copy and Existing Citation

A reader of this blog, made a comment to:

Trick - Choosing Existing Source Citation

And Elizabeth taught me a different way of Coping an Existing Citation. This was different for me, but it is very helpful.

I have finished, for now, my 1940 Census data entry and I have a notion to take a day trip to take pictures of the house where my family lived. I will enter those photographs into my database and will use the Address Fact for this purpose. But rather than using the "*" to make it easier to locate an existing Citation, this "trick" is a much better way of doing these small project. The "*" trick for me as for bulk entry, but this will work as well.

I have the 1940 Census (Residence Fact) entered in such a way that the Street Address, when present on the Census Record, is clear to make an Address Entry. In the first column notes that there is One Citation for the 1940 Residence Fact.

 Selecting that fact, will bring up the Citation for that Fact. Clicking on the ICON to the Right of "New" will Copy that Citation. Right Clicking on the Citation will also give you a Copy Menu.

Then went to the Address Fact, and entered the Street Address, then used the "New" pull down menu and selected and Select Paste Link to Source Citation.

Makes the job so much easier. Thank you Elizabeth !!!

Copyright © 2012 by H R Worthington

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